Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

Release 0.8.13 of nss-pam-ldapd


This is a maintenance update that fixes a number of minor issues most of which were backported from the 0.9.0 release. Only a few minor new features were added. This should be a reasonably stable and well tested release.

A summary of the changes since 0.8.12:

  • include an extra sanity check to ensure not too many file descriptors are open
  • fix handling of the gid configuration option if it listed before the uid option
  • fix microsecond timeout calculation (thanks Julien Cristau)
  • return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN on zero-length (but not-NULL) buffer (thanks Jakub Hrozek)
  • provide an _nss_ldap_version symbol in the NSS module to help debug problems with a newer nslcd
  • retry updating the lastChange attribute with the normal nslcd LDAP connection if the update with the user's connection failed
  • avoid processing passwd_byuid requests for uids below nss_min_uid
  • fix a few minor or very unlikely to occur memory leaks
  • fix the text representation of shadow information for nscd on Solaris
  • make the way manual pages are built and installed more consistent with the chosen configure options
  • miscellaneous minor changes, fixes and compatibility improvements

Get this release from the downloads section.