Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

My computer science study


This is an overview of the subjects I passed for my computer science study at Delft University of Technology. The list is split into three parts: subjects for first year (propadeuse), second year (mijlpaal) and last two years (masters). The subjects also include the passing grade. Grades are from 1 to 10 where 1 is not very good.


The propadeuse phase of the study is the first year. This was the time that I had not yet joined de Koornbeurs (you can see that from the grades).
I passed the exam on 1994-09-30 (cum laude).

a2-inanalyse + pract.9
a340-inlineaire algebra7
a50discrete wiskunde7
a82ikansrekening en statistiek 110
a302systeem en organisatiekunde6
a405inleiding programmeren 1 + pract.9
a406inleiding programmeren 2 + pract.9
a411computerstructuren 1 + pract.8
a412computerstructuren 27
a420inleiding mathematische logica10
ii12maatsch. functie informatica6
io201ontwerp en productieleer + pract.7
et09-70digitale techniek 1 + pract.10


The mijlpaal is the piece of paper that you get after you finish all the subjects in the second year. The only value of this is to prove to the administration (who issue the paper) that you actually finished the subjects (they tend to be a bit forgetful sometimes).
I got the piece of paper on 1998-05-20.

a243software engineering + pract.9
a265differentie- en differentiaalvergel.9
a314databases en databeheer + pract.7
a82bkansrekening en statistiek ii + pract.9
a415inleiding technische toepassingen + pract.7
a279numerieke wiskunde + pract.7
a330inleiding informatiesystemen5
a194maatsch. functie van de informatica6
a454fundamentele informatica7
a464datacommunicatie en netwerken7


In the last two years (that usually takes more than two years) you get to decide witch subjects to take (the subjects do have to be chosen from different areas though).
I got my final diploma on 2001-02-23.

software engineering subjects
a256software kwaliteit8
a425software metrieken en kosten8
a428objectgeorienteerde talen en technieken8
in434inleiding realtime systemen + pract.8
a239ontwerp en impl. van operating systems8
a221parallelle alg. en parallelle comp. + pract.8
other computer science subjects
a222inleiding ai technieken + pract.6
a472industriƫle automatisering + pract.6
a4763d computer graphics + pract.7
in359inleiding virtual reality + pract.7
in426par. in ai en multim.sensor inf.8
subjects from other faculties
wb5480computer integrated manufacturing + pract.7
compulsory socio subjects
wm0304toinleiding wetenschapsfilosofie8
wi397ininformatica en samenleving6
z10elementaire bedrijfseconomie6
a73aprakticum informatica9
afstudeerwerk more information8