Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
0.8grow DN buffer size (f987891 from 0.9)Arthur de Jong11 years
masterFix variable name (bool) which is a keyword in C23Arthur de Jong5 weeks
0.9.13commit 5f4aacc4a9...Arthur de Jong7 weeks
0.9.12commit 0507f25a62...Arthur de Jong3 years
0.9.11commit c4daf27eb3...Arthur de Jong5 years
0.9.10commit bfe06969ae...Arthur de Jong7 years
0.9.9commit fe26b947b9...Arthur de Jong7 years
0.9.8commit 47fd03bc80...Arthur de Jong8 years
0.9.7commit c286bb51ea...Arthur de Jong9 years
0.9.6commit d949bd49cb...Arthur de Jong10 years
0.9.5commit 16fd8c6151...Arthur de Jong10 years
0.9.4commit b3cf0aa256...Arthur de Jong11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2010-07-03get files ready for 0.7.7 release0.7.7Arthur de Jong8-11/+252
2010-07-03upgrade to standards-version 3.9.0Arthur de Jong1-1/+1
2010-07-03don't use dh_title to set the Debconf title, the default ...Arthur de Jong2-6/+0
2010-07-03use Replaces/Breaks instead of Conflicts for introduction...Arthur de Jong1-2/+3
2010-06-25make sure the pam_ldap manual page is in the libpam-ldapd...Arthur de Jong4-1/+5
2010-06-19add logging to SASL interaction functionArthur de Jong1-0/+12
2010-06-19improve debug logging of SASL bind callsArthur de Jong1-4/+14
2010-06-19updated based on comments by Daniel Dehennin <daniel.dehe...Arthur de Jong1-5/+0
2010-06-18start k5start from the init script to keep the Kerberos t...Arthur de Jong6-0/+101
2010-06-18remove warning messages from parsing the sasl_* options a...Arthur de Jong3-25/+18