Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

path: root/update/
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Pick up custom certificate from script pathArthur de Jong2022-11-131-2/+4
| | | | | | This ensures that the script can be run from any directory. Fixes c4ad714
* Ignore invalid downloaded country codesArthur de Jong2022-08-151-8/+9
| | | | | | The page currently lists a country without a country code (is listed as "-"). This also ensures that lists of country codes are handled consistently.
* Provide a timeout to all download scriptsArthur de Jong2022-08-151-2/+2
* Update database filesArthur de Jong2021-01-111-4/+4
* Switch update scripts to Python 3Arthur de Jong2019-10-271-3/+3
* Switch update scripts to lxmlArthur de Jong2019-10-271-18/+13
| | | | | | | This avoids an extra dependency on Beautiful Soup and makes the scripts more consistent. This also includes a fix in the ISIL because of website changes.
* Work around incorrect certificate chainArthur de Jong2019-10-271-4/+4
| | | | | | The intermediate certificate for is missing from the certificate chain that is returned by the server since the server switched to HTTPS.
* Switch update scripts to beautifulsoup4Arthur de Jong2019-03-101-3/+8
* Switch from import-order to isortArthur de Jong2019-03-031-1/+0
* Get files ready for 1.10 release1.10Arthur de Jong2018-10-141-7/+13
* Move update scripts to own directoryArthur de Jong2018-01-011-0/+91
This moves all the update scripts to their own directory so they don't clutter the toplevel directory. This also ensures that the scripts are passed through flake8 and makes some adjustments for that alongside a few other cleanups.