Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

path: root/stdnum/is_
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* IS: Provide personalid as an alias from kennitalaAndreas Häber2019-10-131-1/+2
* Use an internal isdigits() function instead of str.isdigit()Arthur de Jong2019-04-291-2/+2
* Update the flake8 ignore listArthur de Jong2018-02-141-1/+1
* Make import ordering consistentArthur de Jong2017-09-111-1/+1
* Docstring improvementsArthur de Jong2017-09-112-11/+10
* Use zip() instead of enumerate()Arthur de Jong2015-10-051-1/+1
* Small typo and code style fixesArthur de Jong2015-08-161-1/+1
* Add more tests for KennitalaArthur de Jong2015-04-191-0/+2
* Support Icelandic personal, organisation and VAT identifiersTuomas Toivonen2015-04-183-0/+201