Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterDrop Python 2 supportArthur de Jong5 days
1.20commit 201d4d13cb...Arthur de Jong10 months
1.19commit fa455fc099...Arthur de Jong17 months
1.18commit 60a90ede3b...Arthur de Jong2 years
1.17commit 50650a94bb...Arthur de Jong3 years
1.16commit 075d85e8e4...Arthur de Jong4 years
1.15commit 6b7f20928d...Arthur de Jong4 years
1.14commit 337393855c...Arthur de Jong4 years
1.13commit d5666b8bfe...Arthur de Jong5 years
1.12commit 41b9c946c9...Arthur de Jong5 years
1.11commit 72cbfb8b14...Arthur de Jong6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
5 daysDrop Python 2 supportHEADmasterArthur de Jong31-221/+165
2024-11-17Allow Uruguay RUT number starting with 22Arthur de Jong2-2/+3
2024-10-13Add missing music industry ISRC country codesVictor Sordoillet2-2/+22
2024-10-11Use older Github runner for Python 3.7 testsArthur de Jong1-2/+2
2024-10-11Add more tests for Verhoeff implementationArthur de Jong1-1/+23
2024-09-21Ignore deprecation warnings in flake8 targetArthur de Jong1-0/+2
2024-09-15Ensure get_soap_client() caches with verifyArthur de Jong1-3/+3
2024-09-15Add Belgian eID card numberJeff Horemans1-0/+99
2024-09-14Add Dutch identiteitskaartnummerJeff Horemans1-0/+87
2024-09-14Customise certificate validation for web servicesArthur de Jong9-70/+176