Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterDrop Python 2 supportArthur de Jong9 days
1.2commit f2f0fb57e6...Arthur de Jong22 months
1.1commit 619ad627ba...Arthur de Jong5 years
1.0commit fe63c4221a...Arthur de Jong7 years
0.5commit 5889df7dfc...Arthur de Jong8 years
0.4commit efbe94c51b...Arthur de Jong8 years
0.3commit c155d158df...Arthur de Jong9 years
0.2commit 09eb6b333c...Arthur de Jong10 years
0.1commit 8e1729e4fe...Arthur de Jong10 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
9 daysDrop Python 2 supportHEADmasterArthur de Jong7-39/+16
2024-05-19Drop support for Python 3.5Arthur de Jong3-4/+3
2023-11-12Configure testing with codespellArthur de Jong3-2/+10
2023-11-12Fix typos (thanks codespell)Arthur de Jong2-3/+3
2023-11-12Add support for Python 3.12Arthur de Jong3-2/+3
2023-06-27Ensure flake8 is run on all Python filesArthur de Jong3-106/+11
2023-06-27Run Python 2.7 tests in a container for GitHub ActionsArthur de Jong1-2/+17
2023-03-19Add support for Python 3.11Arthur de Jong3-21/+14
2022-12-12Run most GitHub tests on older UbuntuArthur de Jong1-2/+2
2022-12-03Support running tests with PyPy 2.7Arthur de Jong1-2/+2