Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUpdate NPM packagesArthur de Jong5 months
1.8commit 80459227de...Arthur de Jong8 months
1.7commit bb4571815c...Arthur de Jong18 months
1.6commit dbf9c3c067...Arthur de Jong21 months
1.5commit 0dc52c40a5...Arthur de Jong3 years
1.4commit 9dd9a172ba...Arthur de Jong3 years
1.3commit 3bb3642233...Arthur de Jong3 years
1.2commit 8166028a54...Arthur de Jong3 years
1.1commit 9f8eb57f54...Arthur de Jong4 years
1.0commit 17b9a87cbf...Arthur de Jong5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2024-09-07Update NPM packagesHEADmasterArthur de Jong2-270/+647
2024-06-18Get files ready for 1.8 release1.8Arthur de Jong2-1/+11
2024-06-18Switch from node-sass to sass packageArthur de Jong3-1891/+173
2024-06-18Update NPM packagesArthur de Jong2-633/+1302
2024-02-24Update NPM packagesArthur de Jong2-608/+859
2023-10-08Update NPM packagesArthur de Jong2-517/+603
2023-09-09Make selection toggle buttons lighterArthur de Jong1-3/+3
2023-07-30Get files ready for 1.7 release1.7Arthur de Jong2-1/+13
2023-07-30Rename license_file option in setup.cfgArthur de Jong1-1/+1
2023-07-30Have double click on legend only show that traceArthur de Jong1-0/+19