Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fixed GIS test failures when GDAL is not installedHEADmasterClaude Paroz2015-11-072-3/+4
| | | | Thanks Iacopo Spalletti for the report and testing.
* Fixed #25681 -- Added 'default' to DATABASES example.Attila Tovt2015-11-071-0/+1
* Fixed #25673 -- Made `GeometryField.from_db_value` set SRIDSergey Fedoseev2015-11-062-2/+10
* Fixed #25660 -- Documented GEOSGeometry.dimsSergey Fedoseev2015-11-051-0/+11
* Fixed #24244 -- Documented contrib.admin.models.LogEntryAlex Morozov2015-11-052-1/+60
* Added stub release notes for 1.8.7.Tim Graham2015-11-052-0/+13
* Added release date for 1.8.6.Tim Graham2015-11-041-1/+1
* Updated admindocs instructions for the deprecation of ↵Tim Graham2015-11-031-1/+1
| | | | patterns().
* Fixed #25132 -- Documented how to retrieve a single ↵Alex Morozov2015-11-031-0/+6
| | | | value using values_list() and get().
* Removed an extra heading in the 1.10 release notes.Tim Graham2015-11-031-2/+0
* Fixed #25668 -- Misc spelling errorsVille Skyttä2015-11-0312-18/+18
* Fixed typo in docs/topics/auth/default.txt.japrogramer2015-11-031-1/+1
* Fixed #25629 -- Added checks of the number of arguments ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-032-9/+18
| | | | for GeoDjango DB functions.
* Fixed #25661 -- Fixed checking number of points during ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-022-1/+33
| | | | list assignment for `LinearRing`.
* Refs #25629 -- Added `arity` class attribute to `Func` ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-026-10/+27
| | | | expressions
* Fixed #25664 -- Fixed `dims` for `Point`Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-022-1/+21
* Fixed #25659 -- Added missing support for MySQL 5.6.1 ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-023-21/+19
| | | | | | GIS functions Added support for ST_Difference/ST_Intersection/ST_SymDifference.
* Fixed #25655 -- Dropped support for GEOS < 3.3Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-0110-83/+18
* Fixed #25635 -- Made URLValidator allow '+' in scheme.Dheerendra Rathor2015-10-312-2/+3
* Refs #25632 -- Corrected database support docs for ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-312-30/+30
| | | | GeoDjango DB functions.
* Refs #25636 -- Updated instructions for libspatialite ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-311-34/+7
| | | | source installation
* Fixed #25636 -- Dropped support for SpatiaLite < 3.0Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-3110-68/+25
* Fixed typo in docs/topics/db/models.txt.Tomasz Anielak2015-10-311-1/+1
* Refs #25550 -- Removed reverse related set assignment in ↵Tim Graham2015-10-311-6/+4
| | | | selenium tests.
* Fixed #24212 -- Added example pylibmc CACHES configuration.Bryan Marty2015-10-301-0/+9
* Added class-based view example to RequestFactory example.bee_keeper2015-10-301-1/+3
* Refs #24499 -- Removed an obsolete test check for ↵Tim Graham2015-10-301-4/+3
| | | | PostGIS 1.5.
* Fixed #24019 -- Fixed inaccurate docs about ↵Tim Graham2015-10-301-10/+4
| | | | | | | GenericRelation not supporting aggregation. This works at least as far back as Django 1.6 according to the test added in refs #10870.
* Fixed #25100 -- Documented an upgrade caveat for ↵Tim Graham2015-10-301-0/+6
| | | | contenttypes migration.
* Fixed #21422 -- Documented that prefetch_related() ↵Tim Graham2015-10-301-1/+4
| | | | results must be homogeneous.
* Fixed #25641 -- Removed section about adding Google ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-302-28/+1
| | | | projection to spatial_ref_sys table
* Fixed #23985 -- Documented a backwards incompatible ↵Tim Graham2015-10-291-0/+5
| | | | change in URLValidator.
* Fixed #25489 -- Documented that ↵Tim Graham2015-10-294-4/+8
| | | | SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST doesn't create empty sessions.
* Fixed #16734 -- Set script prefix even outside of requestsClaude Paroz2015-10-298-5/+64
| | | | Thanks Tim Graham for the review.
* Fixed #25622 -- Accounted for generic relations in the ↵Simon Charette2015-10-295-13/+40
| | | | | | admin to field validation Thanks to Jonathan Liuti for the report and Tim Graham for the review.
* Fixed #25620 -- Made URLValidator prohibit URLs with ↵Dheerendra Rathor2015-10-293-1/+6
| | | | consecutive dots in the domain section.
* Fixed #20846 -- Increased User.username max_length to ↵Tim Graham2015-10-294-3/+69
| | | | | | 254 characters. Thanks Collin Anderson and Nick Sandford for work on the patch.
* Fixed #25632 -- Documented missing version requirements ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-291-4/+4
| | | | for GeoDjango DB functions.
* Fixed #25630 -- Replaced `AsGeoHash` with `GeoHash` in ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-292-5/+5
| | | | unsupported GIS functions
* Fixed required SpatiaLite version in docs.Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-291-1/+1
| | | | | Refs bc0aba7786978ec312809eae5ecb3d751608b5b7 which dropped support for SpatiaLite < 2.4.
* Fixed #21516 -- Updated imports paths for some formset ↵Bryan Marty2015-10-283-29/+29
| | | | | | | functions/classes. Since refs #21489, FormSet classes and factories are exposed on the django.forms package.
* Ignored docutils deprecation warnings in Graham2015-10-281-0/+3
* Made LiveServerTestCase example use ↵Tim Graham2015-10-281-14/+13
| | | | StaticLiveServerTestCase.
* Added versionadded directive for GDALRaster.sridClaude Paroz2015-10-281-0/+2
| | | | Complement to 48548d1a47.
* Refs #25588 -- Added the srid property to GDALRasterDaniel Wiesmann2015-10-283-0/+39
| | | | | Geometry objects have an srid property, so this addition makes the raster api more similar to the geometries api.
* Refs #25618 -- Forwardported 1.8.6 release note.Tim Graham2015-10-281-0/+3
| | | | Forwardport of 65bff161ffab1310719bdee495d1e9b35f838c31 from stable/1.8.x
* Added "Attributes set by application code" section to ↵Tim Graham2015-10-281-18/+22
| | | | HttpRequest.
* Refs #25618 -- Removed detection of south migrations in ↵Tim Graham2015-10-281-15/+1
| | | | | | | loader. It doesn't seem relevant for anyone upgrading to Django 1.10 and beyond.
* Moved around imports in PostGIS operationsClaude Paroz2015-10-271-5/+2
| | | | Thanks Daniel Wiesmann for inspiration.
* Fixed #25609 -- Fixed regression in related field nested ↵Ian Foote2015-10-272-1/+10
| | | | lookup error.