
A Python module to parse, validate and reformat standard numbers and codes in different formats. It contains a large collection of number formats.

Basically any number or code that has some validation mechanism available or some common formatting is eligible for inclusion in this library.

Common Interface

Most of the number format modules implement the following functions:


Validate the number and return a compact, consistent representation of the number or code. If the validation fails, an exception is raised that indicates the type of error.


Return either True or False depending on whether the passed number is in any supported and valid form and passes all embedded checks of the number. This function should never raise an exception.


Return a compact representation of the number or code. This function generally does not do validation but may raise exceptions for wildly invalid numbers.


Return a formatted version of the number in the preferred format. This function generally expects to be passed a valid number or code and may raise exceptions for invalid numbers.

The check digit modules generally also provide the following functions:


Calculate the checksum over the provided number. This is generally a number that can be used to determine whether the provided number is valid. It depends on the algorithm which checksum is considered valid.


Calculate the check digit that should be added to the number to make it valid.

Apart from the above, the modules may add extra parsing, validation or conversion functions.

Helper functions and modules

exceptions Collection of exceptions.
stdnum.get_cc_module(cc, name)

Find the country-specific named module.

Searches the stdnum collection of modules for a number format for a particular country. name may be an aliased name. For example:

>>> from stdnum import get_cc_module
>>> mod = get_cc_module('nl', 'vat')
>>> mod
<module '' from '...'>
>>> mod.validate('004495445B01')

Will return None if no module could be found. The generic names that are currently in use:

  • 'vat' for value added tax numbers
  • 'businessid' for generic business identifiers (although some countries may have multiple)
  • 'personalid' for generic personal identifiers (some countries may have multiple, especially for tax purposes)
  • 'postcal_code' for address postal codes

Generic check digit algorithms

damm The Damm algorithm.
iso7064 Collection of the ISO 7064 algorithms.
luhn The Luhn and Luhn mod N algorithms.
verhoeff The Verhoeff algorithm.

Available formats

al.nipt NIPT (Numri i Identifikimit për Personin e Tatueshëm, Albanian VAT number).
ar.cbu CBU (Clave Bancaria Uniforme, Argentine bank account number).
ar.cuit CUIT (Código Único de Identificación Tributaria, Argentinian tax number).
at.businessid Austrian Company Register Numbers.
at.postleitzahl Postleitzahl (Austrian postal code).
at.tin Abgabenkontonummer (Austrian tax identification number).
at.uid UID (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer, Austrian VAT number).
au.abn ABN (Australian Business Number).
au.acn ACN (Australian Company Number).
au.tfn TFN (Australian Tax File Number).
be.iban Belgian IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
be.vat BTW, TVA, NWSt, ondernemingsnummer (Belgian enterprise number).
bg.egn EGN (ЕГН, Единен граждански номер, Bulgarian personal identity codes).
bg.pnf PNF (ЛНЧ, Личен номер на чужденец, Bulgarian number of a foreigner).
bg.vat VAT (Идентификационен номер по ДДС, Bulgarian VAT number).
bic BIC (ISO 9362 Business identifier codes).
br.cnpj CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica, Brazillian company identifier).
br.cpf CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas, Brazillian national identifier). BN (Canadian Business Number).
ca.sin SIN (Canadian Social Insurance Number).
casrn CAS RN (Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number).
ch.ssn Swiss social security number (“Sozialversicherungsnummer”).
ch.uid UID (Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer, Swiss business identifier).
ch.vat VAT, MWST, TVA, IVA, TPV (Mehrwertsteuernummer, the Swiss VAT number).
cl.rut RUT (Rol Único Tributario, Chilean national tax number).
cn.ric RIC No.
co.nit NIT (Número De Identificación Tributaria, Colombian identity code).
cusip CUSIP number (financial security identification number).
cy.vat Αριθμός Εγγραφής Φ.Π.Α. (Cypriot VAT number).
cz.dic DIČ (Daňové identifikační číslo, Czech VAT number).
cz.rc RČ (Rodné číslo, the Czech birth number).
de.handelsregisternummer Handelsregisternummer (German company register number).
de.idnr IdNr (Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer, German personal tax number).
de.stnr St.-Nr.
de.vat Ust ID Nr.
de.wkn Wertpapierkennnummer (German securities identification code).
dk.cpr CPR (personnummer, the Danish citizen number).
dk.cvr CVR (Momsregistreringsnummer, Danish VAT number).
do.cedula Cedula (Dominican Republic national identification number).
do.ncf NCF (Números de Comprobante Fiscal, Dominican Republic receipt number).
do.rnc RNC (Registro Nacional del Contribuyente, Dominican Republic tax number).
ean EAN (International Article Number). CI (Cédula de identidad, Ecuadorian personal identity code).
ec.ruc RUC (Registro Único de Contribuyentes, Ecuadorian company tax number).
ee.ik Isikukood (Estonian Personcal ID number).
ee.kmkr KMKR (Käibemaksukohuslase, Estonian VAT number).
ee.registrikood Registrikood (Estonian organisation registration code).
es.ccc CCC (Código Cuenta Corriente, Spanish Bank Account Code)
es.cif CIF (Certificado de Identificación Fiscal, Spanish company tax number).
es.cups CUPS (Código Unificado de Punto de Suministro, Supply Point Unified Code)
es.dni DNI (Documento nacional de identidad, Spanish personal identity codes).
es.iban Spanish IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
es.nie NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjeros, Spanish foreigner number).
es.nif NIF (Número de Identificación Fiscal, Spanish VAT number).
es.referenciacatastral Referencia Catastral (Spanish real estate property id)
eu.at_02 SEPA Identifier of the Creditor (AT-02).
eu.banknote Euro banknote serial numbers.
eu.eic EIC (European Energy Identification Code).
eu.nace NACE (classification for businesses in the European Union).
eu.vat VAT (European Union VAT number).
fi.alv ALV nro (Arvonlisäveronumero, Finnish VAT number).
fi.associationid Finnish Association Identifier.
fi.hetu HETU (Henkilötunnus, Finnish personal identity code).
fi.veronumero Veronumero (Finnish individual tax number).
fi.ytunnus Y-tunnus (Finnish business identifier).
figi FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier).
fr.nif NIF (Numéro d’Immatriculation Fiscale, French tax identification number).
fr.nir NIR (French personal identification number).
fr.siren SIREN (a French company identification number).
fr.siret SIRET (a French company establishment identification number).
fr.tva n° TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, French VAT number).
gb.nhs NHS (United Kingdom National Health Service patient identifier).
gb.sedol SEDOL number (Stock Exchange Daily Official List number).
gb.upn UPN (English Unique Pupil Number).
gb.vat VAT (United Kingdom (and Isle of Man) VAT registration number).
gr.vat FPA, ΦΠΑ, ΑΦΜ (Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου, the Greek VAT number).
grid GRid (Global Release Identifier).
hr.oib OIB (Osobni identifikacijski broj, Croatian identification number).
hu.anum ANUM (Közösségi adószám, Hungarian VAT number).
iban IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
ie.pps PPS No (Personal Public Service Number, Irish personal number).
ie.vat VAT (Irish tax reference number).
imei IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
imo IMO number (International Maritime Organization number).
imsi IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity).
in_.aadhaar Aadhaar (Indian digital resident personal identity number)
in_.pan PAN (Permanent Account Number, Indian income tax identifier).
is_.kennitala Kennitala (Icelandic personal and organisation identity code).
is_.vsk VSK number (Virðisaukaskattsnúmer, Icelandic VAT number).
isan ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number).
isbn ISBN (International Standard Book Number).
isil ISIL (International Standard Identifier for Libraries).
isin ISIN (International Securities Identification Number).
ismn ISMN (International Standard Music Number).
iso6346 ISO 6346 (International standard for container identification)
issn ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).
it.codicefiscale Codice Fiscale (Italian tax code for individuals).
it.iva Partita IVA (Italian VAT number).
lei LEI (Legal Entity Identifier).
lt.pvm PVM (Pridėtinės vertės mokestis mokėtojo kodas, Lithuanian VAT number).
lu.tva TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, Luxembourgian VAT number).
lv.pvn PVN (Pievienotās vērtības nodokļa, Latvian VAT number).
mc.tva n° TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, Monacan VAT number).
me.iban Montenegro IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
meid MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier).
mt.vat VAT (Maltese VAT number).
mx.rfc RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes, Mexican tax number).
my.nric NRIC No.
nl.brin Brin number (Dutch number for schools).
nl.bsn BSN (Burgerservicenummer, Dutch national identification number).
nl.btw BTW-nummer (Omzetbelastingnummer, the Dutch VAT number).
nl.onderwijsnummer Onderwijsnummer (Dutch student school number).
nl.postcode Postcode (Dutch postal code).
no.mva MVA (Merverdiavgift, Norwegian VAT number).
no.orgnr Orgnr (Organisasjonsnummer, Norwegian organisation number).
pl.nip NIP (Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej, Polish VAT number).
pl.pesel PESEL (Polish national identification number).
pl.regon REGON (Rejestr Gospodarki Narodowej, Polish register of economic units).
pt.nif NIF (Número de identificação fiscal, Portuguese VAT number). CF (Cod de înregistrare în scopuri de TVA, Romanian VAT number).
ro.cnp CNP (Cod Numeric Personal, Romanian Numerical Personal Code).
rs.pib PIB (Poreski Identifikacioni Broj, Serbian tax identification number).
ru.inn ИНН (Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика, Russian tax identifier).
se.orgnr Orgnr (Organisationsnummer, Swedish company number).
se.vat VAT (Moms, Mervärdesskatt, Swedish VAT number).
si.ddv ID za DDV (Davčna številka, Slovenian VAT number).
sk.dph IČ DPH (IČ pre daň z pridanej hodnoty, Slovak VAT number).
sk.rc RČ (Rodné číslo, the Slovak birth number).
sm.coe COE (Codice operatore economico, San Marino national tax number).
tr.tckimlik T.C.
us.atin ATIN (U.S.
us.ein EIN (U.S.
us.itin ITIN (U.S.
us.ptin PTIN (U.S.
us.rtn RTN (Routing transport number).
us.ssn SSN (U.S.
us.tin TIN (U.S.