VATIN (International value added tax identification number)
The number VAT identification number (VATIN) is an identifier used in many countries. It starts with an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (2 letters) country code (except for Greece, which uses EL, instead of GR) and is followed by the country-specific the identifier.
This module supports all VAT numbers that are supported in python-stdnum.
More information:
>>> validate('FR 40 303 265 045')
>>> validate('DE136,695 976')
>>> validate('BR16.727.230/0001-97')
>>> validate('FR 40 303')
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidLength: ...
>>> validate('XX')
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidComponent: ...
- stdnum.vatin.compact(number)¶
Convert the number to the minimal representation.
- stdnum.vatin.is_valid(number)¶
Check if the number is a valid VAT number.
- stdnum.vatin.validate(number)¶
Check if the number is a valid VAT number.
This performs the country-specific check for the number.