GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax identification number, Indian VAT number).
The Goods and Services Tax identification number (GSTIN) is a 15 digit unique identifier assigned to all business entities in India registered under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act, 2017.
Each GSTIN begins with a 2 digit state code, the next 10 characters are the holder’s PAN, the 13th character is an alphanumeric digit that represents the number of GSTIN registrations made in a state or union territory for same the PAN, the 14th character is ‘Z’ and the last character is an alphanumeric check digit calculated using Luhn mod 36 algorithm.
More information:
>>> validate('27AAPFU0939F1ZV')
>>> validate('27AAPFU0939F1Z')
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidLength: ...
>>> validate('369296450896540')
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidFormat: ...
>>> validate('27AAPFU0939F1AA')
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidComponent: ...
>>> validate('27AAPFU0939F1ZO')
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidChecksum: ...
>>> to_pan('27AAPFU0939F1ZV')
>>> info('27AAPFU0939F1ZV')['state']
- stdnum.in_.gstin.compact(number)¶
Convert the number to the minimal representation. This strips the number of any valid separators and removes surrounding whitespace.
Provide information that can be decoded locally from GSTIN (without API).
- stdnum.in_.gstin.is_valid(number)¶
Check if the number provided is a valid GSTIN. This checks the length, formatting and check digit.
- stdnum.in_.gstin.to_pan(number)¶
Convert the number to a PAN.
- stdnum.in_.gstin.validate(number)¶
Check if the number provided is a valid GSTIN. This checks the length, formatting and check digit.