This document tries to describe the software layout and design of webcheck. It should provide some help for contributing code to this package. CONTRIBUTING TO WEBCHECK ======================== Contributions to webcheck are most welcome. Integrating contributions will be done on a best-effort basis and can be made easier if the following are considered: * for large changes it is a good idea to send an email first * send your patches in unified diff (diff -u) format, Git patches or Git pull requests * try to use the svn version of the software to develop the patch * clearly state which problem you're trying to solve and how this is accomplished * please follow the existing coding conventions * please test the patch and include information on testing with the patch * add a copyright statement with the patch if you feel the contribution is significant enough (e.g. more than a few lines) * when including third-party code, retain copyright information (copyright holder and license) and ensure that the license is GPL compatible Please email if you want to contribute. All contributions will be acknowledged in the AUTHORS file. WEBCHECK DESIGN OVERVIEW ======================== Webcheck has grown and has been refactored over time. While some different design concepts were used, recently there has been a push towards a modular plugin-based design. The graphs blowe should give an overview of the modules and order of calling the functions. webcheck - top-level namespace \- cmd - command-line front-end for webcheck \- config - configuration settings (imported from most other | modules, expected to be refactored out) \- crawler - home of the Crawler class that controls the | initialisation, crawling, post-processing and | report generation \- db - database definitions using SQLAlchemy | used to persist the crawled data in a SQLite db \- monkeypatch - hacks to fix third-party bugs \- myurllib - URL normalisation functions \- output - utility functions for report generation | \- parsers - entry point for content parsing | \- html - parser modules for HTML content | \- css - parser module for CSS | \- plugins - collection of report and post-processing plugins | \- templates - HTML templates for report generation