2010-09-11 18:56 arthur
* [r409] README, webcheck.1: direct bugreports to mailing list
instead of personal address
2010-09-11 18:39 arthur
* [r408] debian/control: upgrade to standards-version 3.9.1
2010-09-11 18:32 arthur
* [r407] debian/postinst: drop removing legacy configuration
(/etc/webcheck) as this directory was already removed in etch
2010-09-11 18:14 arthur
* [r406] debian/source, debian/source/format: switch to source
format 3.0 (native)
2010-09-11 12:43 arthur
* [r405] schemes/http.py: add a Referer header if possible (thanks
Devin Bayer)
2010-09-11 12:31 arthur
* [r404] config.py: pass char_encoding option to tidy
2010-01-03 19:29 arthur
* [r403] debian/compat, debian/control, debian/rules: upgrade to
debhelper compatibility level 7
2010-01-03 15:15 arthur
* [r402] schemes/http.py: remove debugging code
2010-01-03 15:13 arthur
* [r401] webcheck.py: remove debugging statement
2009-06-14 14:47 arthur
* [r400] AUTHORS, README, config.py, debian/control,
debian/copyright, webcheck.1: switch from ch.tudelft.nl to
2009-05-26 20:25 arthur
* [r399] config.py, plugins/__init__.py: limit list of "referenced
from" items to 10
2009-05-26 20:24 arthur
* [r398] plugins/external.py: add FIXME note
2009-01-14 22:10 arthur
* [r397] parsers/css.py, parsers/html/beautifulsoup.py,
parsers/html/htmlparser.py: handle case where inline CSS is used
on a page with
2008-11-27 12:42 arthur
* [r396] schemes/http.py: remove socket.sslerror in exception
handling because socket.sslerror is a subclass of socket.error
since Python 2.4 and this causes problems for systems without SSL
2008-11-19 19:03 arthur
* [r395] myurllib.py: remove print statement that was used for
debugging and ensure that the dots are slash-terminated
2008-11-19 18:55 arthur
* [r394] myurllib.py: remove leading .. from URL path elements
2008-07-19 11:47 arthur
* [r393] NEWS, debian/changelog: merge changes in 1.10.3 release
2008-07-19 11:38 arthur
* [r390] ChangeLog, NEWS, TODO, config.py, debian/changelog,
webcheck.1: get files ready for 1.10.3 release
2008-07-19 11:34 arthur
* [r389] debian/control: build-depend on newer version of
python-support and support any python version>=2.3
2008-07-19 11:28 arthur
* [r388] debian/control: upgrade to standards-version 3.8.0 (no
changes needed)
2008-07-19 11:07 arthur
* [r387] crawler.py: add docstring
2008-07-13 09:39 arthur
* [r386] parsers/html/beautifulsoup.py: copy-paste fix (thanks
Robert M. Jansen )
2008-07-08 19:43 arthur
* [r385] schemes/http.py: set correct Host header without port
number in it
2008-07-08 19:42 arthur
* [r384] myurllib.py: remove default port from URLs
2008-07-04 13:00 arthur
* [r383] AUTHORS, config.py, debian/control,
parsers/html/__init__.py, parsers/html/calltidy.py: call tidy (if
available) on HTML content (based on a patch by Henning Sielaff
2008-07-04 12:58 arthur
* [r382] parsers/html/beautifulsoup.py: fix name of file
2008-06-21 08:36 arthur
* [r381] parsers/html/beautifulsoup.py, parsers/html/htmlparser.py:
also pick up any style attributes and parse as css, based on a
patch by Robert M. Jansen
2008-06-15 21:17 arthur
* [r380] AUTHORS, parsers/html/beautifulsoup.py,
parsers/html/htmlparser.py: add parsing of script tag and
background attributes, based on a patch by Robert M. Jansen
2008-06-15 21:00 arthur
* [r379] parsers/html/beautifulsoup.py: do not require src
attribute for parsing inline style tags
2008-06-15 20:56 arthur
* [r378] crawler.py, debian/copyright,
parsers/html/beautifulsoup.py, webcheck.py: update copyright year
2008-06-15 20:54 arthur
* [r377] debian/changelog: include change log from release
2008-05-25 12:31 arthur
* [r376] parsers/html/beautifulsoup.py: fix parsing of tag
2008-05-25 12:30 arthur
* [r375] crawler.py: also log exception information to the output
2008-05-24 21:38 arthur
* [r374] AUTHORS: add Chris Shenton since he provided a patch for
part of the -u functionality
2008-05-24 21:35 arthur
* [r373] parsers/html/beautifulsoup.py: support