# __init__.py - functions for handling ISBNs # # Copyright (C) 2010 Arthur de Jong # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA """Module for handling ISBNs (International Standard Book Number). This module handles both numbers in ISBN10 (10-digit) and ISBN13 (13-digit) format. >>> is_valid('978-9024538270') True >>> is_valid('978-9024538271') # incorrect check digit False >>> compact('1-85798-218-5') '1857982185' >>> format('9780471117094') '978-0-471-11709-4' >>> format('1857982185') '1-85798-218-5' >>> isbn_type('1-85798-218-5') 'ISBN10' >>> isbn_type('978-0-471-11709-4') 'ISBN13' >>> to_isbn13('1-85798-218-5') '978-1-85798-218-3' """ def compact(number): """Convert the ISBN to the minimal representation. This strips the number of any valid ISBN separators and removes surrounding whitespace.""" number = number.replace(' ','').replace('-','').strip().upper() if len(number) == 9: number = '0' + number return number def _calc_isbn10_check_digit(number): """Calculate the ISBN check digit for 10-digit numbers. The number passed should not have the check bit included.""" check = sum( (i + 1) * int(n) for i, n in enumerate(number) ) % 11 return 'X' if check == 10 else str(check) def _calc_isbn13_check_digit(number): """Calculate the ISBN check digit for 13-digit numbers. The number passed should not have the check bit included.""" return str((10 - sum( (2 * (i % 2) + 1) * int(n) for i, n in enumerate(number))) % 10) def isbn_type(number): """Check the passed number and returns 'ISBN13', 'ISBN10' or None (for invalid) for checking the type of number passed.""" try: number = compact(number) except: return None if len(number) == 10: if not number[:-1].isdigit(): return None if _calc_isbn10_check_digit(number[:-1]) != number[-1]: return None return 'ISBN10' elif len(number) == 13: if not number.isdigit(): return None if _calc_isbn13_check_digit(number[:-1]) != number[-1]: return None return 'ISBN13' else: return None def is_valid(number): """Checks to see if the number provided is a valid ISBN (either a legacy 10-digit one or a 13-digit one). This checks the length and the check bit but does not check if the group and publisher are valid (use split() for that).""" return isbn_type(number) is not None def to_isbn13(number): """Convert the number to ISBN13 format.""" number = number.strip() min_number = compact(number) if len(min_number) == 13: return number # nothing to do, already ISBN13 # put new check digit in place number = number[:-1] + _calc_isbn13_check_digit('978' + min_number[:-1]) # add prefix if ' ' in number: return '978 ' + number elif '-' in number: return '978-' + number else: return '978' + number def split(number): """Split the specified ISBN into an EAN.UCC prefix, a group prefix, a registrant, an item number and a check-digit. If the number is in ISBN10 format the returned EAN.UCC prefix is '978'.""" import ranges # clean up number number = compact(number) # get Bookland prefix if any if len(number) == 10: oprefix = '' prefix = '978' else: oprefix = prefix = number[:3] number = number[3:] # get group group, number = ranges.lookup(prefix, number) publisher, number = ranges.lookup('%s-%s' % (prefix, group), number) itemnr = number[:-1] check = number[-1] return ( oprefix, group, publisher, itemnr, check ) def format(number, separator='-'): """Reformat the passed number to the standard format with the EAN.UCC prefix (if any), the group prefix, the registrant, the item number and the check-digit separated (if possible) by the specified separator. Passing an empty separator should equal compact() though this is less efficient.""" return separator.join(x for x in split(number) if x)