# isan.py - functions for handling International Standard Audiovisual Numbers # (ISANs) # # Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Arthur de Jong # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA """Module for handling ISANs (International Standard Audiovisual Numbers), used to identify audiovisual works. >>> is_valid('000000018947000000000000') True >>> compact('0000-0000-D07A-0090-Q-0000-0000-X') '00000000D07A009000000000' >>> is_valid('0000-0001-8CFA-0000-I-0000-0000-K') True >>> is_valid('0000-0001-8CFA-0000-A-0000-0000-K') # invalid check digit False >>> format('000000018947000000000000') '0000-0001-8947-0000-8-0000-0000-D' >>> to_urn('00000000D07A009000000000') 'URN:ISAN:0000-0000-D07A-0090-Q-0000-0000-X' >>> to_xml('1881-66C7-3420-6541-Y-9F3A-0245-O') '' """ from stdnum.iso7064 import mod_37_36 def split(number): """Splits the number into a root, an episode or part, a check digit a version and another check digit. If any of the parts are missing an empty string is returned.""" number = number.replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').strip().upper() if len(number) == 17 or len(number) == 26: return number[0:12], number[12:16], number[16], number[17:25], number[25:] elif len(number) > 16: return number[0:12], number[12:16], '', number[16:24], number[24:] else: return number[0:12], number[12:16], number[16:], '', '' def compact(number, strip_check_digits=True): """Convert the ISAN to the minimal representation. This strips the number of any valid separators and removes surrounding whitespace. The check digits are also removed by default.""" number = list(split(number)) number[2] = number[4] = '' return ''.join(number) def _check(number, length, required=True): if (number or required) and length != len(number): return False for x in number: if x not in '0123456789ABCDEF': return False return True def is_valid(number): """Checks to see if the number provided is a valid ISAN. If check digits are present in the number they are validated.""" try: (root, episode, check1, version, check2) = split(number) return _check(root, 12) and _check(episode, 4) and _check(version, 8, False) \ and (not check1 or mod_37_36.is_valid(root + episode + check1)) \ and (not check2 or mod_37_36.is_valid(root + episode + version + check2)) except: return False def format(number, separator='-', strip_check_digits=False, add_check_digits=True): """Reformat the passed number to the standard format. If add_check_digits is True the check digit will be added if they are not present yet. If both strip_check_digits and add_check_digits are True the check digits will be recalculated.""" (root, episode, check1, version, check2) = split(number) if strip_check_digits: check1 = check2 = '' if add_check_digits and not check1: check1 = mod_37_36.calc_check_digit(root + episode) if add_check_digits and not check2 and version: check2 = mod_37_36.calc_check_digit(root + episode + version) number = [root[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, 12, 4)] + [episode] if check1: number.append(check1) if version: number.extend((version[0:4], version[4:])) if check2: number.append(check2) return separator.join(number) def to_binary(number): """Convert the number to it's binary representation (without the check digits).""" return compact(number, strip_check_digits=True).decode('hex') def to_xml(number): """Returns the XML form of the ISAN as a string.""" number = format(number, strip_check_digits=True, add_check_digits=False) return '' % ( number[0:14], number[15:19], number[20:]) def to_urn(number): """Returns the URN representation of the ISAN.""" return 'URN:ISAN:' + format(number, add_check_digits=True)