# gs1_128.py - functions for handling GS1-128 codes # # Copyright (C) 2019 Sergi Almacellas Abellana # Copyright (C) 2020 Arthur de Jong # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA """GS1-128 (Standard to encode product information in Code 128 barcodes). The GS1-128 (also called EAN-128, UCC/EAN-128 or UCC-128) is an international standard for embedding data such as best before dates, weights, etc. with Application Identifiers (AI). The GS1-128 standard is used as a product identification code on bar codes. It embeds data with Application Identifiers (AI) that defines the kind of data, the type and length. The standard is also known as UCC/EAN-128, UCC-128 and EAN-128. GS1-128 is a subset of Code 128 symbology. More information: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GS1-128 * https://www.gs1.org/standards/barcodes/application-identifiers * https://www.gs1.org/docs/barcodes/GS1_General_Specifications.pdf >>> compact('(01)38425876095074(17)181119(37)1 ') '013842587609507417181119371' >>> encode({'01': '38425876095074'}) '0138425876095074' >>> info('0138425876095074') {'01': '38425876095074'} >>> validate('(17)181119(01)38425876095074(37)1') '013842587609507417181119371' """ import datetime import decimal import re from stdnum import numdb from stdnum.exceptions import * from stdnum.util import clean # our open copy of the application identifier database _gs1_aidb = numdb.get('gs1_ai') # Extra validation modules based on the application identifier _ai_validators = { '01': 'stdnum.ean', '02': 'stdnum.ean', '8007': 'stdnum.iban', } def compact(number): """Convert the GS1-128 to the minimal representation. This strips the number of any valid separators and removes surrounding whitespace. For a more consistent compact representation use :func:`validate()`. """ return clean(number, '()').strip() def _encode_value(fmt, _type, value): """Encode the specified value given the format and type.""" if _type == 'decimal': if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and fmt.startswith('N3+'): number = _encode_value(fmt[3:], _type, value[1]) return number[0] + value[0].rjust(3, '0') + number[1:] value = str(value) if fmt.startswith('N..'): length = int(fmt[3:]) value = value[:length + 1] number, digits = (value.split('.') + [''])[:2] digits = digits[:9] return str(len(digits)) + number + digits else: length = int(fmt[1:]) value = value[:length + 1] number, digits = (value.split('.') + [''])[:2] digits = digits[:9] return str(len(digits)) + (number + digits).rjust(length, '0') elif _type == 'date': if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and fmt == 'N6..12': return '%s%s' % ( _encode_value('N6', _type, value[0]), _encode_value('N6', _type, value[1])) elif isinstance(value, datetime.date): if fmt == 'N10': return value.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M') elif fmt == 'N8+N..4': value = datetime.datetime.strftime(value, '%y%m%d%H%M%S') if value.endswith('00'): value = value[:-2] if value.endswith('00'): value = value[:-2] return value return value.strftime('%y%m%d') return str(value) def _max_length(fmt, _type): """Determine the maximum length based on the format ad type.""" length = sum(int(re.match(r'^[NXY][0-9]*?[.]*([0-9]+)$', x).group(1)) for x in fmt.split('+')) if _type == 'decimal': length += 1 return length def _pad_value(fmt, _type, value): """Pad the value to the maximum length for the format.""" if _type in ('decimal', 'int'): return value.rjust(_max_length(fmt, _type), '0') return value.ljust(_max_length(fmt, _type)) def _decode_value(fmt, _type, value): """Decode the specified value given the fmt and type.""" if _type == 'decimal': if fmt.startswith('N3+'): return (value[1:4], _decode_value(fmt[3:], _type, value[0] + value[4:])) digits = int(value[0]) value = value[1:] if digits: value = value[:-digits] + '.' + value[-digits:] return decimal.Decimal(value) elif _type == 'date': if fmt == 'N8+N..4': return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%y%m%d%H%M%S'[:len(value)]) elif len(value) == 10: return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%y%m%d%H%M') elif len(value) == 12: return (_decode_value(fmt, _type, value[:6]), _decode_value(fmt, _type, value[6:])) return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%y%m%d').date() elif _type == 'int': return int(value) return value.strip() def info(number, separator=''): """Return a dictionary containing the information from the GS1-128 code. The returned dictionary maps application identifiers to values with the appropriate type (`str`, `int`, `Decimal`, `datetime.date` or `datetime.datetime`). If a `separator` is provided it will be used as FNC1 to determine the end of variable-sized values. """ number = compact(number) data = {} identifier = '' # skip separator if separator and number.startswith(separator): number = number[len(separator):] while number: # extract the application identifier ai, info = _gs1_aidb.info(number)[0] if not info or not number.startswith(ai): raise InvalidComponent() number = number[len(ai):] # figure out the value part value = number[:_max_length(info['format'], info['type'])] if separator and info.get('fnc1', False): idx = number.find(separator) if idx > 0: value = number[:idx] number = number[len(value):] # validate the value if we have a custom module for it if ai in _ai_validators: mod = __import__(_ai_validators[ai], globals(), locals(), ['validate']) mod.validate(value) # convert the number data[ai] = _decode_value(info['format'], info['type'], value) # skip separator if separator and number.startswith(separator): number = number[len(separator):] return data def encode(data, separator='', parentheses=False): """Generate a GS1-128 for the application identifiers supplied. The provided dictionary is expected to map application identifiers to values. The supported value types and formats depend on the application identifier. If a `separator` is provided it will be used as FNC1 representation, otherwise variable-sized values will be expanded to their maximum size with appropriate padding. If `parentheses` is set the application identifiers will be surrounded by parentheses for readability. """ ai_fmt = '(%s)' if parentheses else '%s' # we keep items sorted and keep fixed-sized values separate tot output # them first fixed_values = [] variable_values = [] for inputai, value in sorted(data.items()): ai, info = _gs1_aidb.info(inputai)[0] if not info: raise InvalidComponent() # validate the value if we have a custom module for it if ai in _ai_validators: mod = __import__(_ai_validators[ai], globals(), locals(), ['validate']) mod.validate(value) value = _encode_value(info['format'], info['type'], value) # store variable-sized values separate from fixed-size values if info.get('fnc1', False): variable_values.append((ai_fmt % ai, info['format'], info['type'], value)) else: fixed_values.append(ai_fmt % ai + value) # we need the separator for all but the last variable-sized value # (or pad values if we don't have a separator) return ''.join( fixed_values + [ ai + (value if separator else _pad_value(fmt, _type, value)) + separator for ai, fmt, _type, value in variable_values[:-1] ] + [ ai + value for ai, fmt, _type, value in variable_values[-1:] ]) def validate(number, separator=''): """Check if the number provided is a valid GS1-128. This checks formatting of the number and values and returns a stable representation. If a separator is provided it will be used as FNC1 for both parsing the provided number and for encoding the returned number. """ try: return encode(info(number, separator), separator) except ValidationError: raise except Exception: # We wrap all other exceptions to ensure that we only return # exceptions that are a subclass of ValidationError # (the info() and encode() functions expect some semblance of valid # input) raise InvalidFormat() def is_valid(number, separator=''): """Check if the number provided is a valid GS1-128.""" try: return bool(validate(number)) except ValidationError: return False