[metadata] license_file = COPYING [sdist] owner=root group=root [bdist_wheel] universal=1 [nosetests] with-doctest=true doctest-extension=doctest doctest-options=+IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE with-coverage=true cover-branches=true cover-package=stdnum cover-inclusive=true cover-erase=true cover-html=true cover-html-dir=coverage cover-min-percentage=100 [build_sphinx] all_files = 1 [flake8] ignore = D205,D209,D400 # our docstrings are multi-line blobs D302 # We don't care about Unicode docstrings E501 # ignore long lines E731 # we occasionally use lambda F403,F405 # we use * imports Q001 # we use '''...''' multi-line strings T001 # we use print statements in the update scripts W504 # we put the binary operator on the preceding line max-complexity = 15 max-line-length = 120 [isort] lines_after_imports = 2 multi_line_output = 4