.. module:: stdnum .. include:: ../README :end-before: Available formats Common Interface ---------------- Most of the number format modules implement the following functions: .. function:: module.validate(number) Validate the number and return a compact, consistent representation of the number or code. If the validation fails, :mod:`an exception <.exceptions>` is raised that indicates the type of error. .. function:: module.is_valid(number) Return either ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether the passed number is in any supported and valid form and passes all embedded checks of the number. This function should never raise an exception. .. function:: module.compact(number) Return a compact representation of the number or code. This function generally does not do validation but may raise exceptions for wildly invalid numbers. .. function:: module.format(number) Return a formatted version of the number in the preferred format. This function generally expects to be passed a valid number or code and may raise exceptions for invalid numbers. The check digit modules generally also provide the following functions: .. function:: module.checksum(number) Calculate the checksum over the provided number. This is generally a number that can be used to determine whether the provided number is valid. It depends on the algorithm which checksum is considered valid. .. function:: module.calc_check_digit(number) Calculate the check digit that should be added to the number to make it valid. Apart from the above, the modules may add extra parsing, validation or conversion functions. Helper functions and modules ---------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: exceptions .. autofunction:: get_cc_module Searches the stdnum collection of modules for a number format for a particular country. `name` may be an aliased name. For example: >>> from stdnum import get_cc_module >>> mod = get_cc_module('nl', 'vat') >>> mod >>> mod.validate('004495445B01') '004495445B01' Will return ``None`` if no module could be found. The generic names that are currently in use: * ``'vat'`` for value added tax numbers * ``'businessid'`` for generic business identifiers (although some countries may have multiple) * ``'personalid'`` for generic personal identifiers (some countries may have multiple, especially for tax purposes) * ``'postcal_code'`` for address postal codes Generic check digit algorithms ------------------------------ .. autosummary:: :toctree: damm iso7064 luhn verhoeff Available formats ----------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: al.nipt ar.cbu ar.cuit at.businessid at.postleitzahl at.tin at.uid au.abn au.acn au.tfn be.iban be.vat bg.egn bg.pnf bg.vat bic bitcoin br.cnpj br.cpf ca.bn ca.sin casrn ch.ssn ch.uid ch.vat cl.rut cn.ric co.nit cusip cy.vat cz.dic cz.rc de.handelsregisternummer de.idnr de.stnr de.vat de.wkn dk.cpr dk.cvr do.cedula do.ncf do.rnc ean ec.ci ec.ruc ee.ik ee.kmkr ee.registrikood es.ccc es.cif es.cups es.dni es.iban es.nie es.nif es.referenciacatastral eu.at_02 eu.banknote eu.eic eu.nace eu.vat fi.alv fi.associationid fi.hetu fi.veronumero fi.ytunnus figi fr.nif fr.nir fr.siren fr.siret fr.tva gb.nhs gb.sedol gb.upn gb.vat gr.vat grid hr.oib hu.anum iban ie.pps ie.vat imei imo imsi in_.aadhaar in_.pan is_.kennitala is_.vsk isan isbn isil isin ismn iso11649 iso6346 issn it.codicefiscale it.iva lei lt.pvm lu.tva lv.pvn mc.tva me.iban meid mt.vat mu.nid mx.rfc my.nric nl.brin nl.bsn nl.btw nl.onderwijsnummer nl.postcode no.iban no.kontonr no.mva no.orgnr pl.nip pl.pesel pl.regon pt.nif ro.cf ro.cnp rs.pib ru.inn se.orgnr se.vat si.ddv sk.dph sk.rc sm.coe tr.tckimlik us.atin us.ein us.itin us.ptin us.rtn us.ssn us.tin