Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

path: root/stdnum/dk/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use an internal isdigits() function instead of str.isdigit()Arthur de Jong2019-04-291-2/+2
* Docstring improvementsArthur de Jong2017-09-111-4/+4
* Use zip() instead of enumerate()Arthur de Jong2015-10-051-2/+2
* Implement validate() for Danish numbersArthur de Jong2013-06-081-10/+22
* ensure that the module docstrings are in a somewhat more ...Arthur de Jong2012-02-261-3/+3
* add a CVR (Momsregistreringsnummer, Danish VAT number) mo...Arthur de Jong2012-02-111-0/+59