# key.py - module for handling keys from pskc files # coding: utf-8 # # Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Arthur de Jong # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA """Module that handles keys stored in PSKC files.""" import array import binascii from pskc.policy import Policy class EncryptedValue(object): """A container for an encrypted value.""" def __init__(self, cipher_value, mac_value, algorithm): self.cipher_value = cipher_value self.mac_value = mac_value self.algorithm = algorithm @classmethod def create(cls, pskc, value): """Construct an encrypted value from a plaintext value.""" # force conversion to bytestring if not isinstance(value, (type(b''), bytearray)): value = value.encode() cipher_value = pskc.encryption.encrypt_value(value) mac_value = None if pskc.mac.algorithm: mac_value = pskc.mac.generate_mac(cipher_value) return cls(cipher_value, mac_value, pskc.encryption.algorithm) def get_value(self, pskc): """Provide the decrypted value.""" from pskc.exceptions import DecryptionError plaintext = pskc.encryption.decrypt_value( self.cipher_value, self.algorithm) # allow MAC over plaintext or ciphertext # (RFC 6030 implies MAC over ciphertext but older draft used # MAC over plaintext) if self.mac_value and self.mac_value not in ( pskc.mac.generate_mac(self.cipher_value), pskc.mac.generate_mac(plaintext)): raise DecryptionError('MAC value does not match') return plaintext class EncryptedIntegerValue(EncryptedValue): """Class representing an encrypted integer value.""" @classmethod def create(cls, pskc, value): """Construct an encrypted value from a plaintext value.""" value = '%x' % value n = len(value) value = binascii.unhexlify(value.zfill(n + (n & 1))) return super(EncryptedIntegerValue, cls).create(pskc, value) def get_value(self, pskc): """Provide the decrypted integer value.""" value = super(EncryptedIntegerValue, self).get_value(pskc) # try to handle value as ASCII representation if value.isdigit(): return int(value) # fall back to do big-endian decoding result = 0 for x in array.array('B', value): result = (result << 8) + x return result class DataTypeProperty(object): """A data descriptor that delegates actions to DataType instances.""" def __init__(self, name, doc): self.name = name self.__doc__ = doc def __get__(self, obj, objtype): value = getattr(obj, '_' + self.name, None) if hasattr(value, 'get_value'): return value.get_value(obj.device.pskc) else: return value def __set__(self, obj, val): setattr(obj, '_' + self.name, val) class DeviceProperty(object): """A data descriptor that delegates actions to the Device instance.""" def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def __get__(self, obj, objtype): return getattr(obj.device, self.name) def __set__(self, obj, val): setattr(obj.device, self.name, val) class Key(object): """Representation of a single key from a PSKC file. Instances of this class provide the following properties: id: unique key identifier (should be constant between interchanges) algorithm: identifier of the PSKC algorithm profile (URI) secret: the secret key itself (binary form, automatically decrypted) counter: event counter for event-based OTP time_offset: time offset for time-based OTP algorithms (in intervals) time_interval: time interval for time-based OTP in seconds time_drift: device clock drift (negative means device is slow) issuer: party that issued the key key_profile: reference to pre-shared key profile information key_reference: reference to an external key friendly_name: human-readable name for the secret key key_userid: user distinguished name associated with the key algorithm_suite: additional algorithm characteristics (e.g. used hash) challenge_encoding: format of the challenge for CR devices challenge_min_length: minimum accepted challenge length by device challenge_max_length: maximum size challenge accepted by the device challenge_check: whether the device will check an embedded check digit response_encoding: format of the response the device will generate response_length: the length of the response of the device response_check: whether the device appends a Luhn check digit policy: reference to policy information (see Policy class) This class also provides access to the manufacturer, serial, model, issue_no, device_binding, start_date, expiry_date, device_userid and crypto_module properties of the Device class. """ def __init__(self, device): self.device = device self.id = None self.algorithm = None self.issuer = None self.key_profile = None self.key_reference = None self.friendly_name = None self.key_userid = None self.algorithm_suite = None self.challenge_encoding = None self.challenge_min_length = None self.challenge_max_length = None self.challenge_check = None self.response_encoding = None self.response_length = None self.response_check = None self.policy = Policy(self) secret = DataTypeProperty( 'secret', 'The secret key itself.') counter = DataTypeProperty( 'counter', 'An event counter for event-based OTP.') time_offset = DataTypeProperty( 'time_offset', 'A time offset for time-based OTP (number of intervals).') time_interval = DataTypeProperty( 'time_interval', 'A time interval in seconds.') time_drift = DataTypeProperty( 'time_drift', 'Device clock drift value (number of time intervals).') manufacturer = DeviceProperty('manufacturer') serial = DeviceProperty('serial') model = DeviceProperty('model') issue_no = DeviceProperty('issue_no') device_binding = DeviceProperty('device_binding') start_date = DeviceProperty('start_date') expiry_date = DeviceProperty('expiry_date') device_userid = DeviceProperty('device_userid') crypto_module = DeviceProperty('crypto_module') def check(self): """Check if all MACs in the message are valid.""" if all(x is not False for x in ( self.secret, self.counter, self.time_offset, self.time_interval, self.time_drift)): return True @property def userid(self): """User identifier (either the key or device userid).""" return self.key_userid or self.device_userid