:orphan: pskc2csv ======== Synopsis -------- **pskc2csv** [*options*] <*FILE*> Description ----------- :program:`pskc2csv` reads a PSKC file, optionally decrypts any encrypted key material and outputs a CSV file with information from the PSKC file. Options ------- .. program:: pskc2csv .. option:: -h, --help Display usage summary. .. option:: -V, --version Display version information. .. option:: -o FILE, --output FILE By default :program:`pskc2csv` writes a CSV file to stdout. This option can be used to save the CSV to a file instead. .. option:: -c COL:LABEL,COL,.., --columns COL:LABEL,COL,.. Specify the columns that should be written to the CSV file. Any property of :class:`~pskc.key.Key` instances can be used as well as :class:`~pskc.policy.Policy` properties via ``policy``. For example: ``serial``, ``secret``, ``counter``, ``time_offset``, ``time_interval``, ``interval``, ``time_drift``, ``issuer``, ``manufacturer``, ``response_length``, ``policy.pin_min_length``. By default ``serial,secret,algorithm,response_length,time_interval`` is used. The column can be followed by an optional label to use in the CSV file in place of the column specification. .. option:: -p PASS/FILE, --password PASS/FILE, --passwd PASS/FILE The password to use for decryption. If the argument refers to a file the password is read from the file instead. .. option:: -s KEY/FILE, --secret KEY/FILE A hex encoded encryption key or a file containing the binary (raw data, not encoded) key. .. option:: -e ENCODING, --secret-encoding ENCODING Specify the encoding to use for writing key material to the CSV file. By default HEX encoding is used. Valid encodings are: ``base32``, ``base64`` or ``hex``.