2022-09-12 Arthur de Jong * [e95767e] .github/workflows/test.yml: Configure CodeQL code scanning 2022-09-12 Arthur de Jong * [8114316] .github/workflows/test.yml, setup.py, tox.ini: Add support for Python 3.10 2022-09-12 Arthur de Jong * [7c6dfd8] .github/workflows/test.yml: Upgrade GitHub Actions Update checkout to v3 (no relevant changes) and setup-python to v4 (changes the names for pypy versions). 2022-09-12 Arthur de Jong * [1d6e115] setup.cfg, tox.ini: Switch from nose to pytest Nose hasn't seen a release since 2015 and sadly doesn't work with Python 3.10. See https://github.com/nose-devs/nose/issues/1099 2022-09-11 Arthur de Jong * [bb594fb] tox.ini: Support running tests with Python 2.7 When using recent versions of virtualenv this ensures that older versions of pip and setuptools will be used inside the virtualenvs that are created by tox. 2022-09-11 Arthur de Jong * [630012d] csv2pskc.py, pskc2csv.py, pskc2pskc.py, setup.cfg, setup.py, tox.ini: Also run flake8 on toplevel scripts 2022-09-11 Arthur de Jong * [c0733a4] tox.ini: Avoid version of signxml that doesn't work on Python <= 3.5 2022-01-30 Arthur de Jong * [b9e17d3] pskc/key.py, tests/test_write.doctest: Support bytearray for key values Related to https://github.com/arthurdejong/python-pskc/issues/5 2022-01-30 Arthur de Jong * [b543f2a] setup.py, tox.ini: Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9 2021-08-10 Arthur de Jong * [5c02ecf] pskc/algorithms.py, pskc/key.py, tests/invalid/mac-algorithm.pskcxml, tests/misc/policy.pskcxml: Fix typos found by codespell 2021-07-09 Arthur de Jong * [dce78b0] .github/workflows/test.yml, .travis.yml: Replace Travis with GitHub actions 2021-01-13 Arthur de Jong * [39eaa71] setup.cfg: Ignore flake8 blind except Exception warning 2020-11-07 Arthur de Jong * [0c035f2] .travis.yml: Drop Travis testing for pypy2 Recent distributions no longer carry the older pypy2. This also updates to the config to use bionic instead of xenial. 2020-01-05 Arthur de Jong * [1790ed9] tests/test_signature.doctest: Remove test for PSKC file without certificate Remove this test for now because signxml cannor currently validate this certificate in a backwards compatible way. See https://github.com/XML-Security/signxml/issues/143 2020-01-05 Arthur de Jong * [54b3bb3] .travis.yml: Have Travis fail on missing Python interpreter 2020-01-05 Arthur de Jong * [288a5e6] pskc/xml.py: Support reading from stdin if input is - This is needed for some XML parsing implementations. 2020-01-05 Arthur de Jong * [96e2a8e] docs/pskc2pskc.rst, pskc/key.py: Be consistent in referencing RFC 6030 2019-08-27 Arthur de Jong * [95f65ff] docs/csv2pskc.rst, docs/pskc2pskc.rst, docs/signatures.rst: Fix typos 2019-08-16 Arthur de Jong * [543520a] tox.ini: Add pypy3 tests to tox 2019-08-16 Arthur de Jong * [09979e3] .travis.yml, setup.py, tox.ini: Drop explicit support for Python 3.4 Recent versions of lxml (since 4.4) no longer support Python 3.4 so we no longer run tests for that version of Python. 2019-08-12 Arthur de Jong * [fca4ee1] .travis.yml: Use default dist for Python 3.7 build Travis now defaults to using xenial. 2019-08-12 Arthur de Jong * [9acc216] pskc/xml.py: Force sorting of namespace definitions This ensures that namespace declarations in the generated XML files are ordered alphabetically when using lxml (mostly so our tests are reproducible). 2019-08-12 Arthur de Jong * [ddf3ab1] tox.ini: Drop pinning of pydocstyle now flake8-docstrings has been fixed Reverts e5ec0a1 2019-07-21 Arthur de Jong * [86dccc4] tox.ini: Do not require Python 2 for building Sphinx docs This results in tox using Python 3, mostly to work around https://sourceforge.net/p/docutils/bugs/365/ 2019-07-21 Arthur de Jong * [e5ec0a1] tox.ini: Avoid newer pydocstyle Do not install the latest pydocstyle because it currently breaks flake8-docstring. This pinning should be removed as soon as https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8-docstrings/issues/36 is resolved. 2019-02-10 Arthur de Jong * [619ad62] ChangeLog, NEWS, README, docs/conf.py, pskc/__init__.py: Get files ready for 1.1 release 2019-02-10 Arthur de Jong * [21323a0] .travis.yml, setup.py: Add Python 3.7 in Travis and reduce build matrix This runs the signxml flavour on all Python versions and only runs all other flavours on Python 2.6 and 3.6. 2019-02-10 Arthur de Jong * [c2abbec] setup.cfg: Make the multi-line operator place explicit Recent versions of flake8 changed the defaults of the errors to ignore. 2018-07-30 Arthur de Jong * [5e93d32] pskc/crypto/aeskw.py: Ignore more flake8 messages 2018-05-21 Arthur de Jong * [f4b2559] docs/index.rst, docs/scripts.rst: Add links to script documentation 2018-04-21 Arthur de Jong * [610f7cd] : Implement csv2pcks script 2018-04-19 Arthur de Jong * [7bbaac3] docs/csv2pskc.rst, pskc/scripts/csv2pskc.py, tests/test_csv2pskc.doctest: Add --skip-columns option This option can be used to skip a number of rows in the CSV file before the key data is read. If the number of rows to skip is 0, the column interpretation should be provided using the --columns option. 2018-04-05 Arthur de Jong * [88002fc] docs/csv2pskc.rst, pskc/scripts/csv2pskc.py, tests/test_csv2pskc.doctest: Add --set option This option can be used to set key properties for all keys in the PSKC file. 2018-04-05 Arthur de Jong * [e91e498] docs/csv2pskc.rst, pskc/scripts/csv2pskc.py, tests/test_csv2pskc.doctest: Add --columns option This option can be used to override the list of columns as found in the first line of the CSV file or provide a mapping for values found in the first line to PSKC properties. 2018-03-31 Arthur de Jong * [c652eee] csv2pskc.py, docs/conf.py, docs/csv2pskc.rst, pskc/scripts/csv2pskc.py, setup.py, tests/test_csv2pskc.doctest: Add a csv2pskc script for CSV to PSKC conversion This script reads a CSV file and writes out a PSKC file with the key information from the CSV file. The CSV file is expected to have one row for each key and key property values in columns. 2018-04-02 Arthur de Jong * [ce96e69] pskc/scripts/__init__.py, pskc/scripts/pskc2csv.py, pskc/scripts/pskc2pskc.py, pskc/scripts/util.py, pskc2csv.py, pskc2pskc.py, setup.cfg, setup.py, tests/test_pskc2csv.doctest, tests/test_pskc2pskc.doctest, tox.ini: Ship the script as part of the pskc package This also installs pskc2csv and pskc2pskc console script entry points as part of the package installation. 2018-03-03 Arthur de Jong * [7a56eac] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/device.py, tests/test_misc.doctest: Support setting key sub-properties via add_key() 2018-03-11 Arthur de Jong * [e6f2dd4] pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/test_pskc2pskc.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Increase default PBKDF2 iterations to 100000 2018-02-21 Arthur de Jong * [9026e1c] setup.cfg: Support building a universal wheel 2018-02-15 Arthur de Jong * [b3e7fe7] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/crypto/aeskw.py, pskc/device.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/parser.py, pskc/serialiser.py, pskc/signature.py, setup.cfg: Add and cleanup docstrings This adds docstrings to public methods and cleans up a few other docstrings to pass most flake8 docstring related tests. This also adds noqa statements in a few places so we can remove most entries from the global flake8 ignore list. 2018-02-10 Arthur de Jong * [03ee35d] docs/conf.py, docs/pskc2pskc.rst, pskc2pskc.py, setup.cfg, tests/test_pskc2pskc.doctest: Add a pskc2pskc script for converting PSKC files This script reads a PSKC file in any supported format and writes out a RFC 6030 compliant version of the file, optionally with the encryption removed or (re-)encrypting the file with a new key. 2018-02-08 Arthur de Jong * [924e1f3] pskc/serialiser.py, tests/test_write.doctest: Correctly write a PSKC file without a MAC key In some cases a PSKC file can be written with a MAC algorithm but without a MAC key. This is possible when the MAC key is not supplied (allowed in older PSKC versions) and a fallback to the encryption key is done. If we have not yet decrypted the file the MAC key is not yet available and so can't be included in the written file. 2018-02-04 Arthur de Jong * [be2b49f] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/serialiser.py, tests/test_write.doctest: Correctly write a PSKC file with a global IV This ensures that the encryption IV, which should be per encrypted value is written out per encrypted value instead of globally. This is mostly useful for when reading an old format PSKC file and writing out a RFC 6030 compliant one. 2018-02-07 Arthur de Jong * [e60d7f3] pskc/mac.py, pskc/parser.py, pskc/serialiser.py: Also use EncryptedValue for MAC key This ensures that an encrypted MAC key is hanled in the same way as normal encrypted data values. This also ensures consistent fallback to the globally configured encryption algorithm if no value has been set in the EncryptedValue. 2018-01-31 Arthur de Jong * [8054c6e] pskc/serialiser.py: Always output a PSKC 1.0 format file This ignores the value of the version attribute in the PSKC object and always writes a PSKC 1.0 (RFC 6030) format file. 2018-01-31 Arthur de Jong * [97faa13] docs/encryption.rst, pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Implement removing encryption This adds a function to decrypt all values and remove the encryption of an encrypted PSKC file. 2018-02-08 Arthur de Jong * [2698657] .travis.yml: Add a Travis configuration file 2018-02-04 Arthur de Jong * [82fa3bd] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/serialiser.py, pskc2csv.py: Fix code style issues Fixes 1ff3237f, 84bfb8a6 and 20bf9c5 2017-12-29 Arthur de Jong * [2693495] tests/test_misc.doctest, tests/test_pskc2csv.doctest, tox.ini: Fixes to test suite This ensures that the tests also work without a TTY and work regardless of the PYTHONWARNINGS and TZ environment variables Fixes cd33833 2017-12-29 Arthur de Jong * [fe63c42] ChangeLog, MANIFEST.in, NEWS, pskc/__init__.py, setup.py: Get files ready for 1.0 release 2017-12-29 Arthur de Jong * [2651e80] tests/test_write.doctest: Not all XML serialisers write namespaces in same order This ignores the namespace declarations in the generated XML files because not all implementations on all environments write these in the same order. 2017-12-29 Arthur de Jong * [44b1353] docs/conf.py, setup.cfg, tox.ini: Add Sphinx documentation checks This also slightly tunes the way Sphinx documentation is built. 2017-12-15 Arthur de Jong * [42be53b] pskc2csv.py, tox.ini: Add support for PyPy 2017-12-15 Arthur de Jong * [660ed65] setup.py, tox.ini: Add support for Python 3.7 2017-12-15 Arthur de Jong * [9cd97c9] README, setup.py: Use README as package long description 2017-12-15 Arthur de Jong * [20bf9c5] docs/encryption.rst, pskc/encryption.py, pskc2csv.py, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Add an is_encrypted property This property can be use to see whether the PSKC file needs an additional pre-shared key or passphrase to decrypt any stored information. 2017-12-27 Arthur de Jong * [c365a70] : Implement XML signature checking 2017-12-17 Arthur de Jong * [418f3dc] docs/encryption.rst, docs/index.rst, docs/mac.rst, docs/signatures.rst, docs/usage.rst: Add documentation for signed PSKC files 2017-12-23 Arthur de Jong * [a97ac46] pskc/parser.py, pskc/serialiser.py, pskc/signature.py, pskc/xml.py, setup.py, tests/certificate/README, tests/certificate/ca-certificate.pem, tests/certificate/ca-key.pem, tests/certificate/certificate.pem, tests/certificate/key.pem, tests/certificate/request.pem, tests/certificate/ss-certificate.pem, tests/rfc6030/figure9.pskcxml, tests/test_draft_ietf_keyprov_pskc_02.doctest, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest, tests/test_signature.doctest, tox.ini: Implement signature checking This adds support for creating and verifying embedded XML signatures in PSKC files. This uses the third-party signxml library for actual signing and verification. The signxml library has a dependency on lxml and defusedxml (and a few others) but all parts of python-pskc still work correctly with our without lxml and/or defusedxml and signxml is only required when working with embedded signatures. This modifies the tox configuration to skip the signature checks if singxml is not installed and to only require 100% code coverage if the signature tests are done. 2017-12-15 Arthur de Jong * [c0bd21f] pskc/xml.py: Move namespace moving to own function 2017-09-22 Arthur de Jong * [ea503d6] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/parser.py, pskc/signature.py, tests/test_draft_ietf_keyprov_pskc_02.doctest, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Implement basic parsing of signature properties 2017-12-23 Arthur de Jong * [fcc6cdb] pskc2csv.py: Explicitly close output file in pskc2csv This ensures that the file descriptor is closed if we opened the file. This is not a big problem for the script (because the script exists anyway) but causes problems for the tests. 2017-12-18 Arthur de Jong * [052f5bc] docs/policy.rst, pskc/parser.py, pskc/policy.py, pskc/serialiser.py, tests/test_misc.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Fix typo in pin_max_failed_attempts attribute This makes the old name (pin_max_failed_attemtps) available as a deprecated property. 2017-12-15 Arthur de Jong * [6f0ca70] pskc/parser.py, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-portable-symmetric-key-container-00/non-encrypted.pskcxml, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-portable-symmetric-key-container-00/password-encrypted.pskcxml, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-portable-symmetric-key-container-01/non-encrypted.pskcxml, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-portable-symmetric-key-container-01/password-encrypted.pskcxml, tests/test_draft_hoyer_keyprov_portable_symmetric_key_container.doctest: Add limited support for very old draft PSKC versions This adds basic support for parsing the PSKC files as specified in draft-hoyer-keyprov-portable-symmetric-key-container-00 and draft-hoyer-keyprov-portable-symmetric-key-container-01. It should be able to extract secrets, counters, etc. but not all properties from the PSKC file are supported. It is speculated that this format resembles the "Verisign PSKC format" that some applications produce. 2016-09-19 Arthur de Jong * [9b85634] tests/multiotp/pskc-hotp-aes.txt, tests/multiotp/pskc-hotp-pbe.txt, tests/multiotp/pskc-totp-aes.txt, tests/multiotp/pskc-totp-pbe.txt, tests/multiotp/tokens_hotp_aes.pskc, tests/multiotp/tokens_hotp_pbe.pskc, tests/multiotp/tokens_ocra_aes.pskc, tests/multiotp/tokens_ocra_pbe.pskc, tests/multiotp/tokens_totp_aes.pskc, tests/multiotp/tokens_totp_pbe.pskc, tests/test_multiotp.doctest: Add test files from multiOTP This adds tests for parsing the files that are shipped as part of the multiOTP test suite. https://www.multiotp.net/ 2017-12-15 Arthur de Jong * [01507af] pskc/key.py, pskc/parser.py, pskc/serialiser.py, tests/misc/partialxml.pskcxml, tests/test_misc.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Refactor internal storate of encrypted values This changes the way encrypted values are stored internally before being decrypted. For example, the internal _secret property can now be a decrypted plain value or an EncryptedValue instance instead of always being a DataType, simplifying some things (e.g. all XML encoding/decoding is now done in the corresponding module). This should not change the public API but does have consequences for those who use custom serialisers or parsers. 2017-12-13 Arthur de Jong * [dcf1919] pskc/crypto/aeskw.py, pskc/encryption.py, tests/encryption/kw-camellia128.pskcxml, tests/encryption/kw-camellia192.pskcxml, tests/encryption/kw-camellia256.pskcxml, tests/test_encryption.doctest: Add support for KW-Camellia suite of algorithms 2017-12-13 Arthur de Jong * [364e93d] pskc/encryption.py, tests/encryption/camellia128-cbc.pskcxml, tests/encryption/camellia192-cbc.pskcxml, tests/encryption/camellia256-cbc.pskcxml, tests/test_encryption.doctest: Add support for Camellia-CBC suite of algorithms 2017-10-11 Arthur de Jong * [4c5e046] docs/conf.py, docs/pskc2csv.rst, setup.cfg: Add a manual page for pskc2csv 2017-10-09 Arthur de Jong * [25cb2fc] setup.cfg: Ignore missing docstring in __init__ in flake 2017-09-30 Arthur de Jong * [225e569] pskc/crypto/__init__.py, pskc/crypto/aeskw.py, pskc/crypto/tripledeskw.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/mac.py, setup.cfg, setup.py, tests/test_crypto.doctest, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tox.ini: Replace pycrypto with cryptography The cryptography library is better supported. This uses the functions from cryptography for AES and Triple DES encryption, replaces the (un)padding functions that were previously implemented in python-pskc with cryptography and uses PBKDF2 implementation from hashlib. 2017-09-30 Arthur de Jong * [5dff7d4] pskc/encryption.py: Use PBKDF2 from hashlib This uses pbkdf2_hmac() from hashlib for the PBKDF2 calculation. The downside of this is that this function is only available since Python 2.7.8. 2017-09-30 Arthur de Jong * [2c8a9b7] pskc/crypto/aeskw.py, pskc/crypto/tripledeskw.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/mac.py, tests/test_aeskw.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Replace use of pycrypto utility functions This uses os.urandom() as a source for random data and replaces other utility functions. This also removes one import for getting the lengths of Tripple DES keys. 2017-09-24 Arthur de Jong * [d0eddf8] pskc/serialiser.py, pskc/xml.py, tests/test_write.doctest: Implement our own XML formatting This avoids a using xml.dom.minidom to indent the XML tree and keep the attributes ordered alphabetically. This also allows for customisations to the XML formatting. 2017-09-24 Arthur de Jong * [4ed4e11] tests/test_mac.doctest: Support hashlib from Python 2.7.3 Some Python versions don't have the algorithms_available property but do have the algorithms property in hashlib. 2017-09-24 Arthur de Jong * [b90faeb] pskc/xml.py, setup.py, tox.ini: Use defusedxml if available This uses the defusedxml library if available to defend agains a number of XML-based attacks. 2017-09-23 Arthur de Jong * [7272e54] pskc/serialiser.py, tests/test_write.doctest: Fix bug in saving PBKDF2 salt on Python3 The PBKDF2 salt was saved in the wrong way (b'base64encodeddata' instead of base64encodeddata) when using Python 3. This fixes that problem and tests that saving and loading of a file that uses PBKDF2 key derivation works. 2017-09-23 Arthur de Jong * [cd33833] pskc2csv.py, setup.cfg, tests/test_pskc2csv.doctest: Add tests for the pskc2csv script This makes minor changes to the pskc2csv script to make it more easily testable. 2017-09-22 Arthur de Jong * [6028b8e] pskc2csv.py: Support adding custom CSV file headers This allows adding an optional label to the --columns option that can be used to output a label different from the key property name in the CSV file header. 2017-09-20 Arthur de Jong * [eef681b] pskc2csv.py: Add --secret-encoding option to pskc2csv This option can be used to configure the encoding of the secret in the CSV file (still hex by default). 2017-09-20 Arthur de Jong * [6f78dd6] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/crypto/aeskw.py, pskc/crypto/tripledeskw.py, pskc/exceptions.py, pskc/mac.py, pskc/parser.py, pskc/policy.py, pskc/serialiser.py, setup.cfg, tox.ini: Run flake8 from tox This also makes a few small code formatting changes to ensure that the flake8 tests pass. 2017-09-11 Arthur de Jong * [cc3acc2] tox.ini: Simplify Tox configuration 2017-06-10 Arthur de Jong * [0c00c80] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/parser.py, pskc/serialiser.py, pskc/xml.py, pskc2csv.py: Various minor code style improvements 2017-06-10 Arthur de Jong * [510e6a5] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/parser.py: Normalise key derivation algorithms This makes KeyDerivation.algorithm and KeyDerivation.pbkdf2_prf properties automatically normalise assigned values. 2017-06-10 Arthur de Jong * [d72e6cc] pskc/xml.py: Switch to using non-deprecated method This uses ElementTree.iter() instead of ElementTree.getiterator() for going over all the child elements in the tree because the latter is deprecated. 2017-06-10 Arthur de Jong * [7b106ff] docs/usage.rst, pskc/key.py, tests/test_yubico.doctest: Provide Key.userid convenience property This provides a read-only userid property on Key objects that uses the key_userid or device_userid value, whichever one is defined. 2017-06-09 Arthur de Jong * [f0d2991] docs/conf.py, docs/encryption.rst, docs/exceptions.rst, docs/mac.rst: Document supported encryption and MAC algorithms This also includes a few other small documentation improvements. 2017-06-09 Arthur de Jong * [8b8848d] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/mac.py, tests/test_invalid.doctest, tests/test_mac.doctest: Refactor MAC lookups This switches to using the hashlib.new() function to be able to use all hashes that are available in Python (specifically RIPEMD160). This also adds a number of tests for HMACs using test vectors from RFC 2202, RFC 4231 and RFC 2857. 2017-06-09 Arthur de Jong * [e10f9c6] pskc/algorithms.py: Handle more algortihm URIs This adds a number of algorithm URIs defined in RFC 6931 and also simplifies the definition of the list of URIs. It also adds more aliases for algorithms. 2017-01-25 Arthur de Jong * [1fc1a03] README, docs/usage.rst, setup.py: Switch URLs to HTTPS 2017-01-21 Arthur de Jong * [8de25c2] tests/actividentity/test.pskcxml, tests/test_actividentity.doctest: Correct name of ActivIdentity test file 2017-01-21 Arthur de Jong * [5889df7] ChangeLog, NEWS, README, docs/conf.py, pskc/__init__.py, pskc2csv.py, setup.py: Get files ready for 0.5 release 2017-01-15 Arthur de Jong * [29a183d] tests/test_feitian.doctest, tests/test_nagraid.doctest: Split vendor tests Have one doctest file per vendor to make tests a little more manageable. 2017-01-14 Arthur de Jong * [02eb520] tests/test_yubico.doctest, tests/yubico/example1.pskcxml, tests/yubico/example2.pskcxml, tests/yubico/example3.pskcxml: Add tests for Yubikey files This adds tests from draft-josefsson-keyprov-pskc-yubikey-00. 2017-01-13 Arthur de Jong * [12dfa64] pskc/parser.py, tests/actividentity/test.pskc, tests/test_actividentity.doctest: Support legacy ActivIdentity files This adds support for parsing ActivIdentity files that conform to a very old version of an Internet Draft. The implementation and test were based on a file provided by Jaap Ruijgrok. 2017-01-11 Arthur de Jong * [a5e2343] pskc/parser.py, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/actividentity-3des.pskcxml, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/ocra.pskcxml, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/securid-aes-counter.pskcxml, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/totp.pskcxml: Use original examples from old profiles Internet Draft This updates the tests to use the original examples from draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01 instead of modifying them to fit the RFC 6030 schema (but does include some minor changes to make them valid XML). This adds a few additions to the parser to handle legacy challenge and resposne encoding and a few key policy properties. This also includes a fix for 0b757ec in the handling of the element under a element. 2016-12-21 Arthur de Jong * [2f7cb1a] tests/rfc6030/figure8.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030/figure9.pskcxml, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Add all figures from RFC 6030 to test suite Note that asymmetric encryption and digital signature checking has not yet been implemented so the tests are pretty minimal. 2016-12-21 Arthur de Jong * [0b757ec] pskc/parser.py, pskc/xml.py, tests/draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02/figure2.pskcxml, tests/draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02/figure3.pskcxml, tests/draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02/figure4.pskcxml, tests/draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02/figure5.pskcxml, tests/draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02/figure6.pskcxml, tests/draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02/figure7.pskcxml, tests/draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02/figure8.pskcxml, tests/draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02/figure9.pskcxml, tests/test_draft_ietf_keyprov_pskc_02.doctest: Add support for older Internet Draft version This adds support for parsing most examples from draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02. That file uses a few other names for elements and attributes of the PSKC file and a few other minor differences. The XML parsing has been changed to allow specifying multiple matches and the find*() functions now return the first found match. While all examples from draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-02 are tested support for verifying digital signatures and asymmetric keys have not yet been implemented. 2016-12-19 Arthur de Jong * [09076f8] tests/test_encryption.doctest: Fix typo in test 2016-12-20 Arthur de Jong * [46fa5f1] setup.cfg: Fail tests on missing coverage 2016-12-20 Arthur de Jong * [047a2a9] pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, tests/encryption/mac-over-plaintext.pskcxml, tests/invalid/mac-missing.pskcxml, tests/invalid/mac-value.pskcxml, tests/invalid/missing-encryption-method.pskcxml, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/test_invalid.doctest: Allow MAC over plaintext or ciphertext RFC 6030 implies that the MAC should be performed over the ciphertext but some earlier drafts implied that the MAC should be performed on the plaintext. This change accpets the MAC if either the plaintext or ciphertext match. Note that this change allows for a padding oracle attack when CBC encryption modes are used because decryption (and unpadding) needs to be done before MAC checking. However, this module is not expected to be available to users to process arbitrary PSKC files repeatedly. This removes the tests for a missing MAC key (and replaces it for tests of missing EncryptionMethod) because falling back to using the encryption key (implemented in a444f78) in combination with this change means that decryption is performed before MAC checking and is no longer possible to trigger a missing MAC key error. 2016-12-19 Arthur de Jong * [bae7084] pskc/crypto/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_crypto.doctest: Add sanity checks to unpadding 2016-12-19 Arthur de Jong * [d864bc8] pskc/serialiser.py: Ensure XML file ends with a newline 2016-12-19 Arthur de Jong * [c631628] pskc/xml.py: Adapt coverage pragma annotations This fixes the pragma directives to be be correct independently of whether lxml is installed or not. 2016-12-19 Arthur de Jong * [18d82dc] .gitignore, tox.ini: Add Tox configuration This sets up Tox with various versions of Python and for each version a run with and without lxml. 2016-12-19 Arthur de Jong * [71058e2] tests/test_write.doctest: Close read files in tests This ensures that the files that are read in the test suite are properly closed to avoid leaking open file descriptors. 2016-12-18 Arthur de Jong * [f0a0a3b] pskc/parser.py: Support missing or lowercase version attribute 2016-09-26 Arthur de Jong * [3bf4737] docs/usage.rst: Fix copy-pasto in documentation This accidentally slipped in as part of beafc6b. 2016-09-19 Arthur de Jong * [02b30a9] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/parser.py, pskc/serialiser.py: Also move outer writing and parsing to modules 2016-09-17 Arthur de Jong * [b1f8f87] .gitignore, README, pskc/__init__.py: Add writing example to toplevel documentation 2016-09-17 Arthur de Jong * [e23a467] pskc/key.py: Use custom data descriptors for key properties This uses a custom data descriptor (property) for secret, counter, time_offset, time_interval and time_drift. 2016-09-17 Arthur de Jong * [beafc6b] docs/usage.rst, pskc/__init__.py, pskc/device.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/parser.py, pskc/policy.py, pskc/serialiser.py, tests/test_misc.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Support separate device from key This allows having multiple keys per device while also maintaining the previous API. Note that having multiple keys per device is not allowed by the RFC 6030 schema but is allowed by some older internet drafts. 2016-09-16 Arthur de Jong * [84bfb8a] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, pskc/policy.py, pskc/serialiser.py: Move XML generation to own module Similar to the change for parsing, move the XML serialisation of PSKC data to a single class in a separate module. 2016-09-14 Arthur de Jong * [426e821] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, pskc/parser.py, pskc/policy.py: Move document parsing to own module This moves all the parse() functions to a single class in a dedicated module that can be used for parsing PSKC files. This should make it easier to subclass the parser. 2016-09-14 Arthur de Jong * [bf34209] tests/invalid/no-mac-method.pskcxml, tests/test_invalid.doctest, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Some minor improvements to the tests 2016-09-12 Arthur de Jong * [600ae68] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/xml.py, setup.cfg, tests/invalid/empty-mac-key.pskcxml, tests/invalid/incomplete-derivation.pskcxml, tests/invalid/missing-encryption.pskcxml, tests/misc/SampleFullyQualifiedNS.xml, tests/misc/policy.pskcxml, tests/test_aeskw.doctest, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/test_invalid.doctest, tests/test_misc.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Improve branch coverage This enables branch coverage testing and adds tests to improve coverage. 2016-09-11 Arthur de Jong * [713d106] pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_encryption.doctest: Support specifying PRF in setup_pbkdf2() This also ensures that the PRF URL is normalised. 2016-09-11 Arthur de Jong * [ff811c9] pskc/encryption.py: Fix bug in passing explicit key to setup_preshared_key() 2016-09-11 Arthur de Jong * [fa07aa5] docs/encryption.rst, pskc/encryption.py: Clarify encryption.setup_*() documentation This tries to make it clearer that the setup_preshared_key() and setup_pbkdf2() functions are meant to be used when writing out PSKC files. 2016-04-23 Arthur de Jong * [a444f78] pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, tests/encryption/no-mac-key.pskcxml, tests/invalid/mac-missing.pskcxml, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/test_invalid.doctest: Fall back to encryption key for MAC This uses the encryption key also as MAC key if no MAC key has been specified in the PSKC file. Earlier versions of the PSKC draft specified this behaviour. 2016-04-23 Arthur de Jong * [9b76135] pskc/encryption.py, tests/encryption/aes128-cbc-noiv.pskcxml, tests/test_encryption.doctest: Allow global specification of IV In older versions of the PSKC standard it was allowed to have a global initialization vector for CBC based encryption algorithms. It is probably not a good idea to re-use an IV in general. 2016-04-23 Arthur de Jong * [d53f05b] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/mac.py: Move crypto to functions This makes it much easier to test the encryption, decryption and HMAC processing separate from the PSKC parsing. 2016-04-05 Arthur de Jong * [5dbfefd] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/policy.py: Remove parse call from constructors This makes the creation if internal instances a litte more consistent. 2016-04-05 Arthur de Jong * [0d7caf1] pskc/algorithms.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/mac.py: Move algorithm uri handling to separate module 2016-03-29 Arthur de Jong * [22ba9f1] pskc/crypto/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py: Move padding functions to crypto package 2016-03-28 Arthur de Jong * [efbe94c] ChangeLog, NEWS, pskc/__init__.py, setup.py: Get files ready for 0.4 release 2016-03-26 Arthur de Jong * [0c57335] docs/policy.rst: Document may_use() policy function 2016-03-27 Arthur de Jong * [b4a6c72] : Implement writing encrypted files This adds support for setting up encryption keys and password-based key derivation when writing PSKC files. Also MAC keys are set up when needed. 2016-03-26 Arthur de Jong * [59aa65b] README, docs/conf.py, docs/encryption.rst, docs/mac.rst, docs/usage.rst, pskc/__init__.py: Document writing encrypted files 2016-03-21 Arthur de Jong * [5f32528] tests/test_write.doctest: Add encryption error tests 2016-03-21 Arthur de Jong * [7ede4a1] tests/test_write.doctest: Add tests for writing encrypted PSKC files 2016-03-20 Arthur de Jong * [1ff3237] pskc/encryption.py: Allow configuring a pre-shared key This method allows configuring a pre-shared encryption key and will chose reasonable defaults for needed encryption values (e.g. it will choose an algorithm, generate a new key of the appropriate length if needed, etc.). 2016-03-19 Arthur de Jong * [50414a3] pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_encryption.doctest: Allow configuring PBKDF2 key derivation This factors out the PBKDF2 key derivation to a separate function and introduces a function to configure KeyDerivation instances with PBKDF2. 2016-03-21 Arthur de Jong * [5ac9d43] pskc/mac.py, tests/test_encryption.doctest: Allow configuring a MAC key This method will set up a MAC key and algorithm as specified or use reasonable defauts. 2016-03-20 Arthur de Jong * [16da531] pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py: Generate MAC values 2016-03-20 Arthur de Jong * [ca0fa36] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/mac.py: Write MACMethod This also makes the MAC.algorithm a property similarly as what is done for Encryption (normalise algorithm names) and adds a setter for the MAC.key property. 2016-03-21 Arthur de Jong * [8fd35ba] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py: Write out encrypted values The Encryption class now has a fields property that lists the fields that should be encrypted when writing the PSKC file. This adds an encrypt_value() function that performs the encryption and various functions to convert the plain value to binary before writing the encrypted XML elements. 2016-03-20 Arthur de Jong * [eba541e] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/mac.py: Make Encryption and MAC constructors consistent This removes calling parse() from the Encryption and MAC constructors and stores a reference to the PSKC object in both objects so it can be used later on. 2016-03-20 Arthur de Jong * [fe21231] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_write.doctest: Write encryption key information This writes information about a pre-shared key or PBKDF2 key derivation in the PSKC file. This also means that writing a decrypted version of a previously encrypted file requires actively removing the encryption. 2016-03-19 Arthur de Jong * [0893640] pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_misc.doctest: Add algorithm_key_lengths property This property on the Encryption object provides a list of key sizes (in bytes) that the configured encryption algorithm supports. 2016-03-22 Arthur de Jong * [8b5f6c2] pskc/policy.py, tests/test_misc.doctest, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Also check key expiry in may_use() 2016-03-20 Arthur de Jong * [dfa57ae] pskc2csv.py: Support reading password or key in pskc2csv This supports reading the encryption password or key from the command line or from a file. 2014-06-28 Arthur de Jong * [0744222] pskc/xml.py: Copy namespaces to toplevel element Ensure that when writing an XML file all namespace definitions are on the toplevel KeyContainer element instead of scattered throughout the XML document. 2016-03-19 Arthur de Jong * [e8ef157] pskc/__init__.py, tests/test_write.doctest: Support writing to text streams in Python 3 This supports writing the XML output to binary streams as well as text streams in Python 3. 2016-03-19 Arthur de Jong * [cadc6d9] pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, tests/invalid/missing-encryption.pskcxml, tests/invalid/not-boolean.pskcxml, tests/invalid/not-integer.pskcxml, tests/invalid/not-integer2.pskcxml, tests/invalid/unknown-encryption.pskcxml, tests/test_aeskw.doctest, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/test_invalid.doctest, tests/test_misc.doctest, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest, tests/test_tripledeskw.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Improve tests and test coverage This adds tests to ensure that incorrect attribute and value types in the PSKC file raise a ValueError exception and extends the tests for invalid encryption options. This removes some code or adds no cover directives to a few places that have unreachable code or are Python version specific and places doctest directives inside the doctests where needed. 2016-03-19 Arthur de Jong * [b8905e0] pskc/key.py, pskc/xml.py, tests/misc/checkdigits.pskcxml, tests/test_misc.doctest: Support both CheckDigit and CheckDigits RFC 6030 is not clear about whether the attribute of ChallengeFormat and ResponseFormat should be the singular CheckDigit or the plural CheckDigits. This ensures that both forms are accepted. 2016-03-19 Arthur de Jong * [7915c55] pskc/policy.py, tests/misc/policy.pskcxml, tests/test_misc.doctest: Implement policy checking This checks for unknown policy elements in the PSKC file and will cause the key usage policy check to fail. 2016-03-18 Arthur de Jong * [1687fd6] tests/feitian/20120919-test001-4282.xml, tests/feitian/file1.pskcxml, tests/nagraid/file1.pskcxml, tests/test_vendors.doctest: Add a few tests for vendor files Some vendor-specific files were lifted from the LinOTP test suite and another Feitian file was found in the oath-toolkit repository. 2016-01-31 Arthur de Jong * [aae8a18] pskc/key.py, tests/misc/integers.pskcxml, tests/test_misc.doctest: Support various integer representations This extends support for handling various encoding methods for integer values in PSKC files. For encrypted files the decrypted value is first tried to be evaluated as an ASCII representation of the number and after that big-endian decoded. For plaintext values first ASCII decoding is tried after which base64 decoding is tried which tries the same encodings as for decrypted values. There should be no possibility for any base64 encoded value (either of an ASCII value or a big-endian value) to be interpreted as an ASCII value for any 32-bit integer. There is a possibility that a big-endian encoded integer could be incorrectly interpreted as an ASCII value but this is only the case for 110 numbers when only considering 6-digit numbers. 2016-01-24 Arthur de Jong * [c86aaea] README, pskc/__init__.py, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/actividentity-3des.pskcxml, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/ocra.pskcxml, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/securid-aes-counter.pskcxml, tests/draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01/totp.pskcxml, tests/encryption/aes128-cbc.pskcxml, tests/encryption/aes192-cbc.pskcxml, tests/encryption/aes256-cbc.pskcxml, tests/encryption/kw-aes128.pskcxml, tests/encryption/kw-aes192.pskcxml, tests/encryption/kw-aes256.pskcxml, tests/encryption/kw-tripledes.pskcxml, tests/encryption/tripledes-cbc.pskcxml, tests/invalid/encryption.pskcxml, tests/invalid/mac-algorithm.pskcxml, tests/invalid/mac-value.pskcxml, tests/invalid/no-mac-method.pskcxml, tests/invalid/notxml.pskcxml, tests/invalid/wrongelement.pskcxml, tests/invalid/wrongversion.pskcxml, tests/misc/SampleFullyQualifiedNS.xml, tests/misc/odd-namespace.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030/figure10.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030/figure2.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030/figure3.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030/figure4.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030/figure5.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030/figure6.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030/figure7.pskcxml, tests/test_draft_keyprov.doctest, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/test_invalid.doctest, tests/test_misc.doctest, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Re-organise test files This puts the test PSKC files in subdirectories so they can be organised more cleanly. 2016-01-23 Arthur de Jong * [1904dc2] tests/test_misc.doctest: Add test for incorrect key derivation If no key derivation algorithm has been specified in the PSKC file an exception should be raised when attempting to perform key derivation. 2016-01-24 Arthur de Jong * [91f66f4] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py: Refactor out EncryptedValue and ValueMAC This removes the EncryptedValue and ValueMAC classes and instead moves the XML parsing of these values to the DataType class. This will make it easier to support different parsing schemes. This also includes a small consistency improvement in the subclasses of DataType. 2016-01-23 Arthur de Jong * [9b13d3b] pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_misc.doctest: Normalise algorithm names This transforms the algorithm URIs that are set to known values when parsing or setting the algorithm. 2016-01-22 Arthur de Jong * [b6eab47] docs/encryption.rst, pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/test_misc.doctest: Add encryption algorithm property Either determine the encryption algorithm from the PSKC file or from the explicitly set value. This also adds support for setting the encryption key name. 2016-01-22 Arthur de Jong * [b5f7de5] pskc/key.py, tests/test_write.doctest: Fix a problem when writing previously encrypted file This fixes a problem with writing a PSKC file that is based on a read file that was encrypted. 2016-01-22 Arthur de Jong * [107a836] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, pskc/policy.py, pskc/xml.py: Strip XML namespaces before parsing This simplifies calls to the find() family of functions and allows parsing PSKC files that have slightly different namespace URLs. This is especially common when parsing old draft versions of the specification. This also removes passing multiple patterns to the find() functions that was introduced in 68b20e2. 2015-12-28 Arthur de Jong * [a86ff8a] README, docs/encryption.rst: Update some documentation This adds a development notes section to the README and changes the wording on the encryption page. 2015-12-01 Mathias Laurin * [0ff4154] docs/encryption.rst: Fix typo in the documentation 2015-12-01 Mathias Laurin * [3473903] pskc2csv.py: Support Python 3 2015-11-30 Mathias Laurin * [a82a60b] pskc/key.py: Make value conversion methods static private - the conversions do not call self: they are static - the conversions are not to be used out of the class: make private 2015-11-30 Mathias Laurin * [e711a30] pskc/key.py: Provide abstract methods to clarify API 2015-11-30 Mathias Laurin * [1577687] pskc/encryption.py: Fix typo in variable name 2015-11-30 Mathias Laurin * [3aa2a6f] tests/test_invalid.doctest: Fix doctest: IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAL 2015-10-07 Arthur de Jong * [c155d15] ChangeLog, MANIFEST.in, NEWS, pskc/__init__.py, setup.py: Get files ready for 0.3 release 2015-10-07 Arthur de Jong * [cf0c9e6] README, docs/conf.py, docs/encryption.rst, docs/exceptions.rst, docs/mac.rst, docs/policy.rst, docs/usage.rst, pskc/__init__.py: Update documentation This updates the documentation with the new features (writing PSKC files) as well as many editorial improvements, some rewording and a few typo fixes. Some things were moved around a little in order to be more easily readable and easier to find. 2015-10-06 Arthur de Jong * [671b6e2] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/crypto/aeskw.py, pskc/crypto/tripledeskw.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/policy.py, pskc/xml.py, setup.py, tests/test_aeskw.doctest, tests/test_draft_keyprov.doctest, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/test_invalid.doctest, tests/test_misc.doctest, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest, tests/test_tripledeskw.doctest, tests/test_write.doctest: Support Python 3 This enables support for Python 3 together with Python 2 support with a single codebase. On Python 3 key data is passed around as bytestrings which makes the doctests a little harder to maintain across Python versions. 2015-10-06 Arthur de Jong * [68b20e2] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/xml.py, tests/SampleFullyQualifiedNS.xml, tests/test_misc.doctest: Fix issue with namespaced PBKDF2 parameters The find() utility functions now allow specifying multiple paths to be searched where the first match is returned. This allows handling PSKC files where the PBKDF2 salt, iteration count, key length and PRF elements are prefixed with the xenc11 namespace. A test including such a PSKC file has been included. Thanks to Eric Plet for reporting this. 2014-10-12 Arthur de Jong * [ebe46f2] pskc2csv.py: Provide a sample pskc2csv script This is a simple command-line utility that reads a PSKC file and outputs information on keys as CSV. 2014-06-30 Arthur de Jong * [1363564] pskc/crypto/__init__.py, pskc/crypto/aeskw.py, pskc/crypto/tripledeskw.py, pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_aeskw.doctest, tests/test_tripledeskw.doctest: Move encryption functions in pskc.crypto package This moves the encryption functions under the pskc.crypto package to more clearly separate it from the other code. Ideally this should be replaced by third-party library code. 2014-06-30 Arthur de Jong * [e468ebe] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, pskc/policy.py, pskc/xml.py: Rename pskc.parse to pskc.xml This renames the parse module to xml to better reflect the purpose of the module and it's functions. This also introduces a parse() function that wraps etree.parse(). 2014-06-28 Arthur de Jong * [480e2d0] : Support writing unencrypted PSKC files 2014-06-27 Arthur de Jong * [37dc64a] tests/test_write.doctest: Add test for writing PSKC files This makes a simple doctest that checks the writing of the XML representation of the PSKC data. 2014-06-27 Arthur de Jong * [865a755] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/parse.py: Add function for writing XML This provides a function for pretty-printing the generated XML document. 2014-06-27 Arthur de Jong * [61a192f] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/policy.py: Construct XML document with basic PKSC information This introduces make_xml() functions to build an XML document that contains the basic PSKC information and keys. This currently only supports writing unencrypted PSKC files. 2014-06-27 Arthur de Jong * [69aec9f] pskc/parse.py: Introduce mk_elem() to create elements This introduces the mk_elem() function that can be used to create ElementTree elements for building XML documents. This function transparetly handles namespaces, translation of values into XML etc. 2014-06-27 Arthur de Jong * [7591271] pskc/key.py: Simplify DataType value handling Only store the native value of the property, not the text representation. This also results in the BinaryDataType and IntegerDataType subclasses only needing from_text() and from_bin() functions. 2014-06-19 Arthur de Jong * [09eb6b3] ChangeLog, NEWS, docs/changes.rst, docs/index.rst, docs/usage.rst, pskc/__init__.py, setup.py: Get files ready for 0.2 release 2014-06-19 Arthur de Jong * [62c9af4] pskc/__init__.py: Only catch normal exceptions 2014-06-18 Arthur de Jong * [deb57d7] pskc/__init__.py: Remove unused import 2014-06-17 Arthur de Jong * [178ef1c] pskc/encryption.py: PEP8 fix 2014-06-17 Arthur de Jong * [7435552] pskc/exceptions.py: Remove __str__ from exception The message property has been deprecated as of Python 2.6 and printing the first argument is the default. 2014-06-16 Arthur de Jong * [f084735] README, docs/encryption.rst, docs/exceptions.rst, docs/index.rst, docs/mac.rst, docs/policy.rst, docs/usage.rst: Update documentation This updates the documentation with the current API, adding information on exceptions raised, HMAC algorithms supported and changes to the MAC checking. This also includes some editorial changes to some of the text and making references shorter by not including the full package path. 2014-06-15 Arthur de Jong * [d84e761] pskc/parse.py: Simplify finding ElementTree implementation These are the only ElementTree implementations that have been tested to provide the needed functionality (mostly namespaces). 2014-06-15 Arthur de Jong * [50b429d] pskc/key.py, pskc/parse.py, pskc/policy.py: Refactor out some functions to parse This introduces the getint() and getbool() functions in parse to avoid some code duplication. 2014-06-15 Arthur de Jong * [9a16ce4] pskc/key.py, tests/test_misc.doctest: Add support for setting secret This supports setters for the secret, counter, time_offset, time_interval and time_drift properties. Setting these values stores the values unencrypted internally. 2014-06-14 Arthur de Jong * [1b9ee9f] pskc/encryption.py: Support PBKDF2 PRF argument Support specifying a pseudorandom function for PBKDF2 key derivation. It currently supports any HMAC that the MAC checking also supports. 2014-06-14 Arthur de Jong * [79b9a7d] pskc/mac.py: Provide a get_hmac() function Refactor the functionality to find an HMAC function into a separate function. 2014-06-14 Arthur de Jong * [1417d4a] tests/invalid-mac-algorithm.pskcxml, tests/invalid-mac-value.pskcxml, tests/invalid-no-mac-method.pskcxml, tests/test_invalid.doctest: Add tests for missing or invalid MAC This tests for incomplete, unknown or invalid MACs in PSKC files. 2014-06-14 Arthur de Jong * [9d8aae0] pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py: Raise exception when MAC validation fails This changes the way the check() function works to raise an exception when the MAC is not correct. The MAC is also now always checked before attempting decryption. This also renames the internal DataType.value property to a get_value() method for clarity. 2014-06-14 Arthur de Jong * [699ecf8] pskc/encryption.py: Handle missing MAC algorithm properly 2014-06-14 Arthur de Jong * [01e102b] tests/aes128-cbc.pskcxml, tests/aes192-cbc.pskcxml, tests/aes256-cbc.pskcxml, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/tripledes-cbc.pskcxml: Add MAC tests to all CBC encrypted keys This adds hmac-sha224, hmac-sha256, hmac-sha384 and hmac-sha512 tests for values that are encrypted using CBC block cypher modes. 2014-06-14 Arthur de Jong * [59e790e] pskc/mac.py: Automatically support all MACs in hashlib This uses the name of the hash to automatically get the correct hash object from Python's hashlib. 2014-06-14 Arthur de Jong * [566e447] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/parse.py, setup.py: Support various ElementTree implementations When using a recent enough lxml, even Python 2.6 should work now. The most important requirement is that the findall() function supports the namespaces argument. This also now catches all exceptions when parsing the PSKC file fails and wraps it in ParseError because various implementations raise different exceptions, even between versions (Python 2.6's ElementTree raises ExpatError, lxml raises XMLSyntaxError). 2014-06-13 Arthur de Jong * [5d60ee2] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, pskc/parse.py, pskc/policy.py: Have parse module provide find() functions This changes the parse module functions to better match the ElementTree API and extends it with findint(), findtime() and findbin(). It also passes the namespaces to all calls that require it without duplicating this throughout the normal code. 2014-06-11 Arthur de Jong * [6a34c01] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/encryption.py, pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, pskc/policy.py: Use get() instead of attrib.get() (shorter) 2014-05-31 Arthur de Jong * [4d92b93] pskc/encryption.py, tests/kw-tripledes.pskcxml, tests/test_encryption.doctest: Support kw-tripledes decryption This adds support for key unwrapping using the RFC 3217 Triple DES key wrap algorithm if the PSKC file uses this. 2014-05-31 Arthur de Jong * [fd71f01] pskc/tripledeskw.py, tests/test_tripledeskw.doctest: Implement RFC 3217 Triple DES key wrapping 2014-05-31 Arthur de Jong * [f639318] tests/test_minimal.doctest, tests/test_misc.doctest: Merge test_minimal into test_misc 2014-05-31 Arthur de Jong * [1e7f861] tests/draft-keyprov-actividentity-3des.pskcxml, tests/test_draft_keyprov.doctest: Add an ActivIdentity-3DES test The test is taken from draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01 modified to fit the schema as described in RFC 6030. 2014-05-31 Arthur de Jong * [b7cb928] tests/draft-keyprov-securid-aes-counter.pskcxml, tests/test_draft_keyprov.doctest: Add an SecurID-AES-Counter test The test is taken from draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01 modified to be valid XML and to fit the schema as described in RFC 6030. 2014-05-31 Arthur de Jong * [427319f] tests/draft-keyprov-totp.pskcxml, tests/test_draft_keyprov.doctest: Add an TOTP test The test is taken from draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01 modified to fit the schema as described in RFC 6030. 2014-05-31 Arthur de Jong * [ba49d09] tests/draft-keyprov-ocra.pskcxml, tests/test_draft_keyprov.doctest: Add an OCRA test The test is taken from draft-hoyer-keyprov-pskc-algorithm-profiles-01 modified to fit the schema as described in RFC 6030. 2014-05-31 Arthur de Jong * [0a66ede] tests/odd-namespace.pskcxml, tests/test_misc.doctest: Add a test for an odd namespace 2014-05-30 Arthur de Jong * [287afa7] pskc/encryption.py, tests/kw-aes128.pskcxml, tests/kw-aes192.pskcxml, tests/kw-aes256.pskcxml, tests/test_encryption.doctest: Support kw-aes128, kw-aes192 and kw-aes256 This adds support for key unwrapping using the RFC 3394 or RFC 5649 algorithm if the PSKC file uses this. 2014-05-30 Arthur de Jong * [99ba287] pskc/aeskw.py, tests/test_aeskw.doctest: Implement padding as specified in RFC 5649 This adds a pad argument with which padding can be forced or disabled. 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [ebf8945] pskc/aeskw.py, tests/test_aeskw.doctest: Allow speciying an initial value for key wrapping 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [5720fe5] pskc/aeskw.py, pskc/exceptions.py, tests/test_aeskw.doctest: Provide an RFC 3394 AES key wrapping algorithm This also introduces an EncryptionError exception. 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [7164d89] README, docs/usage.rst, pskc/__init__.py, tests/rfc6030-figure10.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure2.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure3.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure4.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure5.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure6.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure7.pskcxml, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Always put a space between RFC and number 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [ccebb69] pskc/encryption.py, tests/test_encryption.doctest, tests/tripledes-cbc.pskcxml: Support Tripple DES decryption 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [a11f31f] tests/test_invalid.doctest: Add tests for key derivation problems This tests for unknown or missing algorithms and unknown derivation parameters. 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [0738c94] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/exceptions.py: Raise exception when key derivation fails This also renames the internal function that implements the derivation. 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [76ef42b] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/exceptions.py, tests/invalid-encryption.pskcxml, tests/test_invalid.doctest: Add test for missing key encryption algorithm This also introduces a toplevel PSKCError exception that all exceptions have as parent. 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [7f26dc6] tests/aes128-cbc.pskcxml, tests/aes192-cbc.pskcxml, tests/aes256-cbc.pskcxml, tests/test_encryption.doctest: Add test for all AES-CBC encryption schemes 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [28f2c1c] pskc/encryption.py: Support more AES-CBC encryption schemes This also moves the crypto imports to the places where they are used to avoid a depenency on pycrypto if no encryption is used. 2014-05-29 Arthur de Jong * [678b127] tests/test_minimal.doctest: Add test for missing secret value 2014-05-25 Arthur de Jong * [bef2f7d] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/key.py, tests/test_minimal.doctest: Add a function for adding a new key 2014-05-25 Arthur de Jong * [46f5749] pskc/__init__.py: Consistency improvement 2014-05-25 Arthur de Jong * [83f5a4b] pskc/__init__.py, tests/test_minimal.doctest: Support creating an empty PSKC instance 2014-05-25 Arthur de Jong * [820c83c] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/mac.py: Be more lenient in accepting algorithms 2014-05-25 Arthur de Jong * [02bde47] pskc/key.py: Code simplification 2014-05-25 Arthur de Jong * [b62fec8] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/exceptions.py, tests/invalid-encryption.pskcxml, tests/test_invalid.doctest, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Raise an exception if decryption fails 2014-05-25 Arthur de Jong * [7bc2e6b] pskc/encryption.py: Make decryption code better readable 2014-05-23 Arthur de Jong * [714f387] setup.cfg, tests/invalid-notxml.pskcxml, tests/invalid-wrongelement.pskcxml, tests/invalid-wrongversion.pskcxml, tests/test_invalid.doctest: Add tests for invalid PSKC files 2014-05-23 Arthur de Jong * [803d24c] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/exceptions.py: Raise exceptions on some parsing problems 2014-05-23 Arthur de Jong * [8c37e26] setup.py: Fix install_requires 2014-05-23 Arthur de Jong * [8e1729e] ChangeLog, MANIFEST.in, NEWS: Get files ready for 0.1 release 2014-05-23 Arthur de Jong * [15ca643] README, pskc/__init__.py, tests/rfc6030-figure10.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure2.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure3.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure4.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure5.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure6.pskcxml, tests/rfc6030-figure7.pskcxml, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Use pskcxml as file name extension This is the extension that is suggested in RFC6030. 2014-05-23 Arthur de Jong * [44c7d2e] docs/policy.rst, docs/usage.rst: Improve IANA links 2014-05-20 Arthur de Jong * [cda1c5f] tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Improve test This tests that, before the PSKC ecnryption is key available, the secret from the key cannot be extracted. 2014-05-19 Arthur de Jong * [e96c746] docs/_templates/autosummary/module.rst, docs/conf.py, docs/encryption.rst, docs/index.rst, docs/mac.rst, docs/policy.rst, docs/usage.rst: Provide Sphinx documentation 2014-05-18 Arthur de Jong * [edf4d24] pskc/policy.py: Add missing policy constant 2014-05-18 Arthur de Jong * [92a994d] pskc/key.py: Fix attribute name in docstring 2014-04-20 Arthur de Jong * [cc9bbb5] README: Update README 2014-05-17 Arthur de Jong * [d0a7814] .gitignore, setup.py: Fix dateutil dependency This also ignores downloaded .egg files. 2014-04-19 Arthur de Jong * [e0159ba] pskc/parse.py: Fix module description 2014-04-19 Arthur de Jong * [ba17976] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/parse.py: Move PSKC class to toplevel module This also splits the parsing to a parse() function for consistency. 2014-04-19 Arthur de Jong * [64e207d] pskc/key.py, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Provide pskc.key docstrings This documents most of the information that is available per key and adds a few other minor cosmetic changes. This also re-organises the key properties to be in a slightly more logical order and renames the userid key property to key_userid to more clearly distinguish it from device_userid. 2014-04-19 Arthur de Jong * [6becc61] pskc/parse.py: Provide pskc.parse docstrings This documents most of the API of the parsing functions and the PSKC class. 2014-04-19 Arthur de Jong * [1d42fbc] pskc/policy.py: Complete pskc.policy docstrings Also contains small consistency improvement. 2014-04-19 Arthur de Jong * [b07d709] pskc/mac.py: Provide pskc.mac docstrings This also hides two properties that are not part of the public API. 2014-04-19 Arthur de Jong * [285860e] pskc/encryption.py: Provide pskc.encryption docstrings This documents classes in the pskc.encryption module. 2014-04-19 Arthur de Jong * [8c9e03d] pskc/key.py, pskc/mac.py, pskc/parse.py, pskc/policy.py: Move Key class to separate module This also allows re-organising the imports a bit. 2014-04-16 Arthur de Jong * [c883d48] MANIFEST.in, pskc/__init__.py, setup.cfg, setup.py: Add initial setup script 2014-04-14 Arthur de Jong * [3df6849] COPYING: Include a license file (LGPL) 2014-04-13 Arthur de Jong * [f08cdb5] tests/rfc6030-figure10.pskc, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Add bulk provisioning test from Figure 10 2014-04-13 Arthur de Jong * [41828cd] pskc/parse.py: Use slightly clearer names 2014-04-12 Arthur de Jong * [5ab731c] tests/rfc6030-figure7.pskc, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Add test for Figure 7 from RFC6030 This tests encrypted key derivation using PBKDF2 and a pre-shared passphrase. 2014-04-12 Arthur de Jong * [a3fd598] pskc/encryption.py: Implement PBKDF2 key derivation This supports deriving the key from a passphrase and information present in the DerivedKey and PBKDF2-params XML elements. 2014-04-12 Arthur de Jong * [2ff470f] pskc/encryption.py: Add id attribute from EncryptionKey 2014-04-12 Arthur de Jong * [460f335] tests/rfc6030-figure6.pskc, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Add test for Figure 6 from RFC6030 This test key encryption with a pre-shared key and MAC checks. 2014-04-12 Arthur de Jong * [a926ddb] pskc/mac.py, pskc/parse.py: Implement MAC checking This implements message message authentication code checking for the encrypted values if MACMethod and ValueMAC are present. 2014-04-12 Arthur de Jong * [e53e865] pskc/encryption.py, pskc/parse.py: Support decrypting with a pre-shared key This adds an encryption module that provides wrappers for handling decryption. 2014-04-11 Arthur de Jong * [3fe0919] pskc/parse.py: Refactor DataType value handling This ensures that DataType values are retrieved dynamically instead of at the time the PSKC file was parsed in order to make decryption work. 2014-04-11 Arthur de Jong * [591bb5d] pskc/policy.py: Document key and pin usage values 2014-04-11 Arthur de Jong * [b952b93] tests/rfc6030-figure5.pskc, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Add test for Figure 5 from RFC6030 This test extraction of key policy information and cross-key references. 2014-04-11 Arthur de Jong * [e939a96] pskc/parse.py, pskc/policy.py: Implement key policy parsing This parses key policy from PSKC files and provides a few utility methods to help with policy validation. 2014-04-11 Arthur de Jong * [8c9ac8c] pskc/parse.py: Support parsing date and integer values 2014-04-11 Arthur de Jong * [6446f7d] tests/rfc6030-figure4.pskc, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Add test for Figure 4 from RFC6030 This tests for key profile and key reference properties that can be used to reference external keys. 2014-04-07 Arthur de Jong * [e72369f] tests/rfc6030-figure3.pskc, tests/test_rfc6030.doctest: Add test for Figure 3 from RFC6030 This tests Figure 3 from RFC6030 with a very basic plain text secret key and some supplementary data. 2014-04-07 Arthur de Jong * [2c111a8] pskc/parse.py: Get more data from KeyPackage This gets most simple string values from the KeyPackage as well as some integer and boolean values. 2014-04-07 Arthur de Jong * [96b4b54] tests/rfc6030-figure2.pskc, tests/test-rfc6030.doctest: Add test for example from RFC6030 This tests Figure 2 from RFC6030 with a very basic plain text secret key. 2014-04-07 Arthur de Jong * [d662cf2] pskc/parse.py: Support getting plaintext key 2014-04-07 Arthur de Jong * [550630d] tests/test_minimal.doctest: Minimal test This adds a doctest for the absolute minimum PSKC file that does not contain any useful information. 2014-04-07 Arthur de Jong * [bf8e7f6] pskc/__init__.py, pskc/parse.py: Basic implementation of PSKC class This class is used for handling PSKC files. It will parse the file and store relevant properties for easy access. The Key class corresponds to a single key defined in the PSKC file. This is a very minimal implementation that only provides some meta-data from the file and keys (work in progress). 2014-04-04 Arthur de Jong * [9803dfc] README: Provide an initial README 2014-04-02 Arthur de Jong * [c912bb4] .gitignore, pskc/__init__.py: Initial project layout