Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Configure testing with codespellHEADmasterArthur de Jong2023-11-123-2/+10
* Fix typos (thanks codespell)Arthur de Jong2023-11-122-3/+3
* Add support for Python 3.12Arthur de Jong2023-11-123-2/+3
* Ensure flake8 is run on all Python filesArthur de Jong2023-06-273-106/+11
| | | | This also fixes code style fixes in the Sphinx configuration file.
* Run Python 2.7 tests in a container for GitHub ActionsArthur de Jong2023-06-271-2/+17
| | | | See
* Add support for Python 3.11Arthur de Jong2023-03-193-21/+14
| | | | | This also simplifies the GitHub actions file a bit and updates the PyPy versions to test.
* Run most GitHub tests on older UbuntuArthur de Jong2022-12-121-2/+2
| | | | | | | | The ubuntu-latest image now points to ubuntu-22.04 instead of ubuntu-20.04 before and there are some issues regarding that new image that remain to be worked out. This also switches the default Python 3 implementation to Python 3.9.
* Support running tests with PyPy 2.7Arthur de Jong2022-12-031-2/+2
| | | | This also applies the fix from bb594fb from Python 2.7 to PyPy.
* Support newer versions of signxmlArthur de Jong2022-12-031-1/+2
| | | | | Version 3.0.0 of signxml dropped the default_c14n_algorithm property from XMLSignatureProcessor.
* Avoid newer flake8Arthur de Jong2022-12-031-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | The new 6.0.0 contains a number of backwards incompatible changes for which plugins need to be updated and configuration needs to be updated. Sadly the maintainer no longer accepts contributions or discussion See
* Get files ready for 1.2 release1.2Arthur de Jong2022-09-124-3/+176
* Configure CodeQL code scanningArthur de Jong2022-09-121-0/+17
* Add support for Python 3.10Arthur de Jong2022-09-123-3/+4
* Upgrade GitHub ActionsArthur de Jong2022-09-121-17/+17
| | | | | Update checkout to v3 (no relevant changes) and setup-python to v4 (changes the names for pypy versions).
* Switch from nose to pytestArthur de Jong2022-09-122-17/+17
| | | | | | | Nose hasn't seen a release since 2015 and sadly doesn't work with Python 3.10. See
* Support running tests with Python 2.7Arthur de Jong2022-09-121-0/+2
| | | | | | When using recent versions of virtualenv this ensures that older versions of pip and setuptools will be used inside the virtualenvs that are created by tox.
* Also run flake8 on toplevel scriptsArthur de Jong2022-09-126-4/+12
* Avoid version of signxml that doesn't work on Python <= 3.5Arthur de Jong2022-09-121-1/+3
* Support bytearray for key valuesArthur de Jong2022-01-302-3/+59
| | | | Related to
* Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9Arthur de Jong2022-01-302-2/+4
* Fix typos found by codespellArthur de Jong2021-08-104-5/+5
* Replace Travis with GitHub actionsArthur de Jong2021-07-092-36/+72
* Ignore flake8 blind except Exception warningArthur de Jong2021-01-131-0/+1
* Drop Travis testing for pypy2Arthur de Jong2020-11-071-3/+3
| | | | | Recent distributions no longer carry the older pypy2. This also updates to the config to use bionic instead of xenial.
* Remove test for PSKC file without certificateArthur de Jong2020-01-051-45/+0
| | | | | | | Remove this test for now because signxml cannor currently validate this certificate in a backwards compatible way. See
* Have Travis fail on missing Python interpreterArthur de Jong2020-01-051-1/+1
* Support reading from stdin if input is -Arthur de Jong2020-01-051-2/+3
| | | | This is needed for some XML parsing implementations.
* Be consistent in referencing RFC 6030Arthur de Jong2020-01-052-2/+2
* Fix typosArthur de Jong2019-08-273-3/+3
* Add pypy3 tests to toxArthur de Jong2019-08-161-1/+1
* Drop explicit support for Python 3.4Arthur de Jong2019-08-163-4/+2
| | | | | Recent versions of lxml (since 4.4) no longer support Python 3.4 so we no longer run tests for that version of Python.
* Use default dist for Python 3.7 buildArthur de Jong2019-08-161-3/+1
| | | | Travis now defaults to using xenial.
* Force sorting of namespace definitionsArthur de Jong2019-08-161-1/+2
| | | | | | This ensures that namespace declarations in the generated XML files are ordered alphabetically when using lxml (mostly so our tests are reproducible).
* Drop pinning of pydocstyle now flake8-docstrings has ↵Arthur de Jong2019-08-121-3/+0
| | | | | | been fixed Reverts e5ec0a1
* Do not require Python 2 for building Sphinx docsArthur de Jong2019-07-211-3/+2
| | | | | This results in tox using Python 3, mostly to work around
* Avoid newer pydocstyleArthur de Jong2019-07-211-0/+3
| | | | | | Do not install the latest pydocstyle because it currently breaks flake8-docstring. This pinning should be removed as soon as is resolved.
* Get files ready for 1.1 release1.1Arthur de Jong2019-02-105-5/+212
* Add Python 3.7 in Travis and reduce build matrixArthur de Jong2019-02-102-6/+23
| | | | | This runs the signxml flavour on all Python versions and only runs all other flavours on Python 2.6 and 3.6.
* Make the multi-line operator place explicitArthur de Jong2019-02-101-0/+1
| | | | Recent versions of flake8 changed the defaults of the errors to ignore.
* Ignore more flake8 messagesArthur de Jong2018-07-301-3/+3
* Add links to script documentationArthur de Jong2018-05-212-0/+16
* Implement csv2pcks scriptArthur de Jong2018-04-216-0/+867
| * Add --skip-columns optionArthur de Jong2018-04-213-1/+65
| | | | | | | | | | | | This option can be used to skip a number of rows in the CSV file before the key data is read. If the number of rows to skip is 0, the column interpretation should be provided using the --columns option.
| * Add --set optionArthur de Jong2018-04-213-1/+60
| | | | | | | | | | This option can be used to set key properties for all keys in the PSKC file.
| * Add --columns optionArthur de Jong2018-04-213-5/+127
| | | | | | | | | | | | This option can be used to override the list of columns as found in the first line of the CSV file or provide a mapping for values found in the first line to PSKC properties.
| * Add a csv2pskc script for CSV to PSKC conversionArthur de Jong2018-04-216-0/+622
|/ | | | | | This script reads a CSV file and writes out a PSKC file with the key information from the CSV file. The CSV file is expected to have one row for each key and key property values in columns.
* Ship the script as part of the pskc packageArthur de Jong2018-04-0211-252/+325
| | | | | This also installs pskc2csv and pskc2pskc console script entry points as part of the package installation.
* Support setting key sub-properties via add_key()Arthur de Jong2018-04-023-17/+31
* Increase default PBKDF2 iterations to 100000Arthur de Jong2018-03-114-5/+5
* Support building a universal wheelArthur de Jong2018-02-211-0/+6