   test_myldap.c - simple test for the myldap module
   This file is part of the nss-pam-ldapd library.

   Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Arthur de Jong

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
   02110-1301 USA

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>

#include "common.h"

#include "nslcd/log.h"
#include "nslcd/cfg.h"
#include "nslcd/myldap.h"

struct worker_args {
  int id;

/* the maxium number of results to print (all results are retrieved) */
#define MAXRESULTS 10

/* This is a very basic search test, it performs a test to get certain
   entries from the database. It currently just prints out the DNs for
   the entries. */
static void test_search(void)
  MYLDAP_SESSION *session;
  MYLDAP_SEARCH *search;
  MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry;
  const char *attrs[] = { "uid", "cn", "gid", NULL };
  int i;
  int rc;
  /* initialize session */
  printf("test_myldap: test_search(): getting session...\n");
  session = myldap_create_session();
  assert(session != NULL);
  /* perform search */
  printf("test_myldap: test_search(): doing search...\n");
  search = myldap_search(session, nslcd_cfg->bases[0], LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                         "(objectclass=posixAccount)", attrs, NULL);
  assert(search != NULL);
  /* go over results */
  printf("test_myldap: test_search(): get results...\n");
  for (i = 0; (entry = myldap_get_entry(search, &rc)) != NULL; i++)
    if (i < MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_search(): [%d] DN %s\n",
             i, myldap_get_dn(entry));
    else if (i == MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_search(): ...\n");
  printf("test_myldap: test_search(): %d entries returned: %s\n",
         i, ldap_err2string(rc));
  assert(rc == LDAP_SUCCESS);
  /* perform another search */
  printf("test_myldap: test_search(): doing search...\n");
  search = myldap_search(session, nslcd_cfg->bases[0], LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                         "(objectclass=posixGroup)", attrs, NULL);
  assert(search != NULL);
  /* go over results */
  printf("test_myldap: test_search(): get results...\n");
  for (i = 0; (entry = myldap_get_entry(search, &rc)) != NULL; i++)
    if (i < MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_search(): [%d] DN %s\n",
             i, myldap_get_dn(entry));
    else if (i == MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_search(): ...\n");
  printf("test_myldap: test_search(): %d entries returned: %s\n",
         i, ldap_err2string(rc));
  assert(rc == LDAP_SUCCESS);
  /* clean up */

static void test_get(void)
  MYLDAP_SESSION *session;
  MYLDAP_SEARCH *search1, *search2;
  MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry;
  const char *attrs1[] = { "cn", "userPassword", "memberUid", "gidNumber", "member", NULL };
  const char *attrs2[] = { "uid", NULL };
  int rc;
  /* initialize session */
  printf("test_myldap: test_get(): getting session...\n");
  session = myldap_create_session();
  assert(session != NULL);
  /* perform search */
  printf("test_myldap: test_get(): doing search...\n");
  search1 = myldap_search(session, nslcd_cfg->bases[0], LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                          attrs1, NULL);
  assert(search1 != NULL);
  /* get one entry */
  entry = myldap_get_entry(search1, &rc);
  assert(entry != NULL);
  printf("test_myldap: test_get(): got DN %s\n", myldap_get_dn(entry));
  /* get some attribute values */
  assert(myldap_get_values(entry, "gidNumber") != NULL);
  assert(myldap_get_values(entry, "memberUid") == NULL);
  assert(myldap_get_values(entry, "member") != NULL);
  /* perform another search */
  printf("test_myldap: test_get(): doing get...\n");
  search2 = myldap_search(session, "cn=Test User2,ou=people,dc=test,dc=tld",
                          "(objectclass=posixAccount)", attrs2, NULL);
  assert(search2 != NULL);
  /* get one entry */
  entry = myldap_get_entry(search2, &rc);
  assert(entry != NULL);
  printf("test_myldap: test_get(): got DN %s\n", myldap_get_dn(entry));
  /* test if searches are ok */
  assert(myldap_get_entry(search1, &rc) == NULL);
  assert(myldap_get_entry(search2, &rc) == NULL);
  /* clean up */

/* This search prints a number of attributes from a search */
static void test_get_values(void)
  MYLDAP_SESSION *session;
  MYLDAP_SEARCH *search;
  MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry;
  const char *attrs[] = { "uidNumber", "cn", "gidNumber", "uid", "objectClass", NULL };
  const char **vals;
  const char *rdnval;
  int i;
  /* initialize session */
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_values(): getting session...\n");
  session = myldap_create_session();
  assert(session != NULL);
  /* perform search */
  search = myldap_search(session, nslcd_cfg->bases[0], LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                         "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=*))", attrs, NULL);
  assert(search != NULL);
  /* go over results */
  for (i = 0; (entry = myldap_get_entry(search, NULL)) != NULL; i++)
    if (i < MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_get_values(): [%d] DN %s\n",
             i, myldap_get_dn(entry));
    else if (i == MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_get_values(): ...\n");
    /* try to get uid from attribute */
    vals = myldap_get_values(entry, "uidNumber");
    assert((vals != NULL) && (vals[0] != NULL));
    if (i < MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_get_values(): [%d] uidNumber=%s\n",
             i, vals[0]);
    /* try to get gid from attribute */
    vals = myldap_get_values(entry, "gidNumber");
    assert((vals != NULL) && (vals[0] != NULL));
    if (i < MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_get_values(): [%d] gidNumber=%s\n",
             i, vals[0]);
    /* write LDF_STRING(PASSWD_NAME) */
    vals = myldap_get_values(entry, "uid");
    assert((vals != NULL) && (vals[0] != NULL));
    if (i < MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_get_values(): [%d] uid=%s\n", i, vals[0]);
    /* get rdn values */
    rdnval = myldap_get_rdn_value(entry, "cn");
    if (i < MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_get_values(): [%d] cdrdn=%s\n",
             i, rdnval == NULL ? "NULL" : rdnval);
    rdnval = myldap_get_rdn_value(entry, "uid");
    if (i < MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_get_values(): [%d] uidrdn=%s\n",
             i, rdnval == NULL ? "NULL" : rdnval);
    /* check objectclass */
    assert(myldap_has_objectclass(entry, "posixAccount"));
  /* clean up */

static void test_get_rdnvalues(void)
  MYLDAP_SESSION *session;
  MYLDAP_SEARCH *search;
  MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry;
  const char *attrs[] = { "cn", "uid", NULL };
  int rc;
  char buf[80];
  const char *rdnval;
  /* initialize session */
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_rdnvalues(): getting session...\n");
  session = myldap_create_session();
  assert(session != NULL);
  /* perform search */
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_rdnvalues(): doing search...\n");
  search = myldap_search(session, "cn=Aka Ashbach+uid=aashbach,ou=lotsofpeople,dc=test,dc=tld",
                    LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)", attrs, NULL);
  assert(search != NULL);
  /* get one entry */
  entry = myldap_get_entry(search, &rc);
  assert(entry != NULL);
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_rdnvalues(): got DN %s\n",
  /* get some values from DN */
  rdnval = myldap_get_rdn_value(entry, "uid");
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_rdnvalues(): DN.uid=%s\n",
           rdnval == NULL ? "NULL" : rdnval);
  rdnval = myldap_get_rdn_value(entry, "cn");
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_rdnvalues(): DN.cn=%s\n",
           rdnval == NULL ? "NULL" : rdnval);
  rdnval = myldap_get_rdn_value(entry, "uidNumber");
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_rdnvalues(): DN.uidNumber=%s\n",
           rdnval == NULL ? "NULL" : rdnval);
  /* clean up */
  /* some tests */
  rdnval = myldap_cpy_rdn_value("cn=Aka Ashbach+uid=aashbach,ou=lotsofpeople,dc=test,dc=tld",
                                "uid", buf, sizeof(buf));
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_rdnvalues(): DN.uid=%s\n",
           rdnval == NULL ? "NULL" : rdnval);
  rdnval = myldap_cpy_rdn_value("cn=Aka Ashbach+uid=aashbach,ou=lotsofpeople,dc=test,dc=tld",
                                "cn", buf, sizeof(buf));
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_rdnvalues(): DN.cn=%s\n",
           rdnval == NULL ? "NULL" : rdnval);
  rdnval = myldap_cpy_rdn_value("cn=Aka Ashbach+uid=aashbach,ou=lotsofpeople,dc=test,dc=tld",
                                "uidNumber", buf, sizeof(buf));
  printf("test_myldap: test_get_rdnvalues(): DN.uidNumber=%s\n",
           rdnval == NULL ? "NULL" : rdnval);

/* this method tests to see if we can perform two searches within
   one session */
static void test_two_searches(void)
  MYLDAP_SESSION *session;
  MYLDAP_SEARCH *search1, *search2;
  MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry;
  const char *attrs[] = { "uidNumber", "cn", "gidNumber", "uid", "objectClass", NULL };
  const char **vals;
  /* initialize session */
  printf("test_myldap: test_two_searches(): getting session...\n");
  session = myldap_create_session();
  assert(session != NULL);
  /* perform search1 */
  search1 = myldap_search(session, nslcd_cfg->bases[0], LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                          attrs, NULL);
  assert(search1 != NULL);
  /* get a result from search1 */
  entry = myldap_get_entry(search1, NULL);
  assert(entry != NULL);
  printf("test_myldap: test_two_searches(): [search1] DN %s\n",
  vals = myldap_get_values(entry, "cn");
  assert((vals != NULL) && (vals[0] != NULL));
  printf("test_myldap: test_two_searches(): [search1] cn=%s\n", vals[0]);
  /* start a second search */
  search2 = myldap_search(session, nslcd_cfg->bases[0], LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                          attrs, NULL);
  assert(search2 != NULL);
  /* get a result from search2 */
  entry = myldap_get_entry(search2, NULL);
  assert(entry != NULL);
  printf("test_myldap: test_two_searches(): [search2] DN %s\n",
  vals = myldap_get_values(entry, "cn");
  assert((vals != NULL) && (vals[0] != NULL));
  printf("test_myldap: test_two_searches(): [search2] cn=%s\n", vals[0]);
  /* get another result from search1 */
  entry = myldap_get_entry(search1, NULL);
  assert(entry != NULL);
  printf("test_myldap: test_two_searches(): [search1] DN %s\n",
  vals = myldap_get_values(entry, "cn");
  assert((vals != NULL) && (vals[0] != NULL));
  printf("test_myldap: test_two_searches(): [search1] cn=%s\n", vals[0]);
  /* stop search1 */
  /* get another result from search2 */
  entry = myldap_get_entry(search2, NULL);
  assert(entry != NULL);
  printf("test_myldap: test_two_searches(): [search2] DN %s\n",
  vals = myldap_get_values(entry, "cn");
  assert((vals != NULL) && (vals[0] != NULL));
  printf("test_myldap: test_two_searches(): [search2] cn=%s\n", vals[0]);
  /* clean up */

/* perform a simple search */
static void *worker(void *arg)
  MYLDAP_SESSION *session;
  MYLDAP_SEARCH *search;
  MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry;
  const char *attrs[] = { "uid", "cn", "gid", NULL };
  struct worker_args *args = (struct worker_args *)arg;
  int i;
  int rc;
  /* initialize session */
  session = myldap_create_session();
  assert(session != NULL);
  /* perform search */
  search = myldap_search(session, nslcd_cfg->bases[0], LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                         "(objectclass=posixAccount)", attrs, NULL);
  assert(search != NULL);
  /* go over results */
  for (i = 0; (entry = myldap_get_entry(search, &rc)) != NULL; i++)
    if (i < MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_threads(): [worker %d] [%d] DN %s\n",
             args->id, i, myldap_get_dn(entry));
    else if (i == MAXRESULTS)
      printf("test_myldap: test_threads(): [worker %d] ...\n", args->id);
  printf("test_myldap: test_threads(): [worker %d] DONE: %s\n",
         args->id, ldap_err2string(rc));
  assert(rc == LDAP_SUCCESS);
  /* clean up */
  return 0;

/* thread ids of all running threads */
#define NUM_THREADS 5
pthread_t my_threads[NUM_THREADS];

static void test_threads(void)
  int i;
  struct worker_args args[NUM_THREADS];
  /* start worker threads */
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
    args[i].id = i;
    assert(pthread_create(&my_threads[i], NULL, worker, &(args[i])) == 0);
  /* wait for all threads to die */
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
    assert(pthread_join(my_threads[i], NULL) == 0);

static void test_connections(void)
  MYLDAP_SESSION *session;
  MYLDAP_SEARCH *search;
  const char *attrs[] = { "uid", "cn", "gid", NULL };
  char *old_uris[NSS_LDAP_CONFIG_MAX_URIS + 1];
  int i;
  /* save the old URIs */
  for (i = 0; i < (NSS_LDAP_CONFIG_MAX_URIS + 1); i++)
    old_uris[i] = nslcd_cfg->uris[i].uri;
    nslcd_cfg->uris[i].uri = NULL;
  /* set new URIs */
  i = 0;
  nslcd_cfg->uris[i++].uri = "ldapi://%2fdev%2fnull/";
  nslcd_cfg->uris[i++].uri = "ldap://";
  nslcd_cfg->uris[i++].uri = "ldapi://%2fdev%2fnonexistent/";
  nslcd_cfg->uris[i++].uri = "ldap://nosuchhost/";
  nslcd_cfg->uris[i++].uri = NULL;
  /* initialize session */
  printf("test_myldap: test_connections(): getting session...\n");
  session = myldap_create_session();
  assert(session != NULL);
  /* perform search */
  printf("test_myldap: test_connections(): doing search...\n");
  search = myldap_search(session, nslcd_cfg->bases[0], LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                         "(objectclass=posixAccount)", attrs, NULL);
  assert(search == NULL);
  /* clean up */
  /* restore the old URIs */
  for (i = 0; i < (NSS_LDAP_CONFIG_MAX_URIS + 1); i++)
    nslcd_cfg->uris[i].uri = old_uris[i];

/* test whether myldap_escape() handles buffer overlows correctly */
static void test_escape(void)
  char buffer[1024];
  assert(myldap_escape("test", buffer, 4) != 0);
  assert(myldap_escape("t*st", buffer, 5) != 0);
  assert(myldap_escape("t*st", buffer, 20) == 0);
  assertstreq(buffer, "t\\2ast");

/* the main program... */
int main(int UNUSED(argc), char UNUSED(*argv[]))
  char *srcdir;
  char fname[100];
  struct sigaction act;
  /* build the name of the file */
  srcdir = getenv("srcdir");
  if (srcdir == NULL)
    srcdir = ".";
  snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/nslcd-test.conf", srcdir);
  fname[sizeof(fname) - 1] = '\0';
  /* initialize configuration */
  /* partially initialize logging */
  /* ignore SIGPIPE */
  memset(&act, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
  act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
  act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_NOCLDSTOP;
  assert(sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL) == 0);
  /* do tests */
  return 0;