# Makefile.am - use automake to generate Makefile.in # # Copyright (C) 2006 West Consulting # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Arthur de Jong # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA TESTS = test_dict test_tio test_cfg test_myldap.sh test_nsscmds.sh check_PROGRAMS = test_dict test_tio test_cfg test_myldap noinst_PROGRAMS = test_aliases test_ethers test_group test_hosts \ test_netgroup test_networks test_passwd test_protocols \ test_rpc test_services test_shadow EXTRA_DIST = nss-ldapd-test.conf test_myldap.sh test_nsscmds.sh AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) AM_CFLAGS = -pthread -g # the following enables verbose protocol debugging information to be dumped #AM_CPPFLAGS += -DDEBUG_PROT -DDEBUG_PROT_DUMP # the following enabled verbose tio stats logging #AM_CPPFLAGS += -DDEBUG_TIO_STATS test_dict_SOURCES = test_dict.c ../common/dict.h test_dict_LDADD = ../common/dict.o test_tio_SOURCES = test_tio.c ../common/tio.h ../common/tio.c test_tio_LDFLAGS = -pthread test_cfg_SOURCES = test_cfg.c test_cfg_LDADD = ../nslcd/log.o ../nslcd/attmap.o ../common/dict.o \ ../nslcd/common.o ../nslcd/myldap.o ../nslcd/pagectrl.o \ ../nslcd/alias.o ../nslcd/ether.o ../nslcd/group.o \ ../nslcd/host.o ../nslcd/netgroup.o ../nslcd/network.o \ ../nslcd/passwd.o ../nslcd/protocol.o ../nslcd/rpc.o \ ../nslcd/service.o ../nslcd/shadow.o \ @nslcd_LIBS@ ../common/libtio.a ../common/libdict.a test_myldap_SOURCES = test_myldap.c test_myldap_CFLAGS = -pthread test_myldap_LDADD = ../nslcd/log.o ../common/dict.o ../common/tio.o \ ../nslcd/common.o ../nslcd/cfg.o \ ../nslcd/myldap.o ../nslcd/pagectrl.o @nslcd_LIBS@ common_SOURCES = ../nss/common.c ../nslcd.h ../nss/prototypes.h \ ../common/tio.c ../common/tio.h test_aliases_SOURCES = test_aliases.c ../nss/aliases.c $(common_SOURCES) test_ethers_SOURCES = test_ethers.c ../nss/ethers.c $(common_SOURCES) test_group_SOURCES = test_group.c ../nss/group.c $(common_SOURCES) test_hosts_SOURCES = test_hosts.c ../nss/hosts.c $(common_SOURCES) test_netgroup_SOURCES = test_netgroup.c ../nss/netgroup.c $(common_SOURCES) test_networks_SOURCES = test_networks.c ../nss/networks.c $(common_SOURCES) test_passwd_SOURCES = test_passwd.c ../nss/passwd.c $(common_SOURCES) test_protocols_SOURCES = test_protocols.c ../nss/protocols.c $(common_SOURCES) test_rpc_SOURCES = test_rpc.c ../nss/rpc.c $(common_SOURCES) test_services_SOURCES = test_services.c ../nss/services.c $(common_SOURCES) test_shadow_SOURCES = test_shadow.c ../nss/shadow.c $(common_SOURCES)