/* networks.c - NSS lookup functions for networks database Copyright (C) 2006 West Consulting Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Arthur de Jong Copyright (C) 2010 Symas Corporation This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include "prototypes.h" #include "common.h" #include "compat/attrs.h" /* Redefine some ERROR_OUT macros as we also want to set h_errnop. */ #undef ERROR_OUT_OPENERROR #define ERROR_OUT_OPENERROR \ *errnop = ENOENT; \ *h_errnop = HOST_NOT_FOUND; \ return (errno == EAGAIN) ? NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN : NSS_STATUS_UNAVAIL; #undef ERROR_OUT_READERROR #define ERROR_OUT_READERROR(fp) \ (void)tio_close(fp); \ fp = NULL; \ *errnop = ENOENT; \ *h_errnop = NO_RECOVERY; \ return NSS_STATUS_UNAVAIL; #undef ERROR_OUT_BUFERROR #define ERROR_OUT_BUFERROR(fp) \ *errnop = ERANGE; \ *h_errnop = NETDB_INTERNAL; \ return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN; #undef ERROR_OUT_WRITEERROR #define ERROR_OUT_WRITEERROR(fp) \ ERROR_OUT_READERROR(fp) /* read a single network entry from the stream, ignoring entries that are not AF_INET (IPv4), result is stored in result */ static nss_status_t read_netent(TFILE *fp, struct netent *result, char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop, int *h_errnop) { int32_t tmpint32, tmp2int32, tmp3int32; int32_t numaddr; int readaf; size_t bufptr = 0; nss_status_t retv = NSS_STATUS_NOTFOUND; memset(result, 0, sizeof(struct netent)); /* read the network entry */ READ_BUF_STRING(fp, result->n_name); READ_BUF_STRINGLIST(fp, result->n_aliases); result->n_addrtype = AF_INET; /* read number of addresses to follow */ READ_INT32(fp, numaddr); /* go through the address list and filter on af */ while (--numaddr >= 0) { /* read address family and size */ READ_INT32(fp, readaf); READ_INT32(fp, tmp2int32); /* address length */ if ((readaf == AF_INET) && (tmp2int32 == 4)) { /* read address and translate to host byte order */ READ_INT32(fp, result->n_net); /* signal that we've read a proper entry */ retv = NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* don't return here to not upset the stream */ } else { /* skip unsupported address families */ SKIP(fp, tmpint32); } } return retv; } /* write an address value */ /* version 2.10 of glibc changed the address from network to host order (changelog entry 2009-07-01) */ #define WRITE_ADDRESS(fp, addr) \ WRITE_INT32(fp, AF_INET); \ WRITE_INT32(fp, 4); \ WRITE_INT32(fp, addr); #ifdef NSS_FLAVOUR_GLIBC /* get a network entry by name */ nss_status_t NSS_NAME(getnetbyname_r)(const char *name, struct netent *result, char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop, int *h_errnop) { NSS_GETONE(NSLCD_ACTION_NETWORK_BYNAME, WRITE_STRING(fp, name), read_netent(fp, result, buffer, buflen, errnop, h_errnop)); } /* Note: the af parameter is ignored and is assumed to be AF_INET */ /* TODO: implement handling of af parameter */ nss_status_t NSS_NAME(getnetbyaddr_r)(uint32_t addr, int UNUSED(af), struct netent *result, char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop, int *h_errnop) { NSS_GETONE(NSLCD_ACTION_NETWORK_BYADDR, WRITE_ADDRESS(fp, addr), read_netent(fp, result, buffer, buflen, errnop, h_errnop)); } /* thread-local file pointer to an ongoing request */ static TLS TFILE *netentfp; /* start a request to read all networks */ nss_status_t NSS_NAME(setnetent)(int UNUSED(stayopen)) { NSS_SETENT(netentfp); } /* get a single network entry from the stream */ nss_status_t NSS_NAME(getnetent_r)(struct netent *result, char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop, int *h_errnop) { NSS_GETENT(netentfp, NSLCD_ACTION_NETWORK_ALL, read_netent(netentfp, result, buffer, buflen, errnop, h_errnop)); } /* close the stream opened by setnetent() above */ nss_status_t NSS_NAME(endnetent)(void) { NSS_ENDENT(netentfp); } #endif /* NSS_FLAVOUR_GLIBC */ #ifdef NSS_FLAVOUR_SOLARIS #ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_NSS_XBYY_ARGS_RETURNLEN static char *netent2str(struct netent *result, char *buffer, size_t buflen) { int i, res; struct in_addr priv_in_addr; priv_in_addr.s_addr = htonl(result->n_net); res = snprintf(buffer, buflen, "%s %s", result->n_name, inet_ntoa(priv_in_addr)); if ((res < 0) || (res >= (int)buflen)) return NULL; if (result->n_aliases) for (i = 0; result->n_aliases[i]; i++) { strlcat(buffer, " ", buflen); strlcat(buffer, result->n_aliases[i], buflen); } if (strlen(buffer) >= buflen - 1) return NULL; return buffer; } #endif /* HAVE_STRUCT_NSS_XBYY_ARGS_RETURNLEN */ static nss_status_t read_result(TFILE *fp, nss_XbyY_args_t *args) { READ_RESULT(netent, &args->erange, &args->h_errno); } /* more of a dirty hack */ #define h_errnop (&(NSS_ARGS(args)->h_errno)) static nss_status_t networks_getnetbyname(nss_backend_t UNUSED(*be), void *args) { NSS_GETONE(NSLCD_ACTION_NETWORK_BYNAME, WRITE_STRING(fp, NSS_ARGS(args)->key.name), read_result(fp, args)); } static nss_status_t networks_getnetbyaddr(nss_backend_t UNUSED(*be), void *args) { NSS_GETONE(NSLCD_ACTION_NETWORK_BYADDR, WRITE_ADDRESS(fp, NSS_ARGS(args)->key.netaddr.net), read_result(fp, args)); } static nss_status_t networks_setnetent(nss_backend_t *be, void UNUSED(*args)) { NSS_SETENT(LDAP_BE(be)->fp); } static nss_status_t networks_getnetent(nss_backend_t *be, void *args) { NSS_GETENT(LDAP_BE(be)->fp, NSLCD_ACTION_NETWORK_ALL, read_result(LDAP_BE(be)->fp, args)); } static nss_status_t networks_endnetent(nss_backend_t *be, void UNUSED(*args)) { NSS_ENDENT(LDAP_BE(be)->fp); } static nss_backend_op_t networks_ops[] = { nss_ldap_destructor, networks_endnetent, networks_setnetent, networks_getnetent, networks_getnetbyname, networks_getnetbyaddr }; nss_backend_t *NSS_NAME(networks_constr)(const char UNUSED(*db_name), const char UNUSED(*src_name), const char UNUSED(*cfg_args)) { return nss_ldap_constructor(networks_ops, sizeof(networks_ops)); } #endif /* NSS_FLAVOUR_SOLARIS */