/* group.c - NSS lookup functions for group database Copyright (C) 2006 West Consulting Copyright (C) 2006 Arthur de Jong This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "prototypes.h" #include "common.h" /* macros for expanding the NSLCD_GROUP macro */ #define NSLCD_STRING(field) READ_STRING_BUF(fp,field) #define NSLCD_TYPE(field,type) READ_TYPE(fp,field,type) #define NSLCD_STRINGLIST(field) READ_STRINGLIST_NULLTERM(fp,field) #define GROUP_NAME result->gr_name #define GROUP_PASSWD result->gr_passwd #define GROUP_GID result->gr_gid #define GROUP_MEMBERS result->gr_mem static enum nss_status read_group( FILE *fp,struct group *result, char *buffer,size_t buflen,int *errnop) { int32_t tmpint32,tmp2int32,tmp3int32; size_t bufptr=0; /* auto-genereted read code */ NSLCD_GROUP; /* we're done */ return NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } enum nss_status _nss_ldap_getgrnam_r(const char *name,struct group *result,char *buffer,size_t buflen,int *errnop) { NSS_BYNAME(NSLCD_ACTION_GROUP_BYNAME,name,read_group); } enum nss_status _nss_ldap_getgrgid_r(gid_t gid,struct group *result,char *buffer,size_t buflen,int *errnop) { NSS_BYTYPE(NSLCD_ACTION_GROUP_BYGID,gid,gid_t,read_group); } #ifdef REENABLE_WHEN_WORKING /* this function returns a list of groups, documentation for the interface is scarce (any pointers are welcome) but this is what is assumed the parameters mean: user IN - the user name to find groups for group ingored - an extra gid to add to the list? *start IN/OUT - where to write in the array, is incremented *size IN - the size of the supplied array *groupsp IN/OUT - the array of groupids limit IN - the maximum number of groups to add *errnop OUT - for returning errno This function cannot grow the array if it becomes too large (and will return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN on buffer problem) because it has no way of free()ing the buffer. */ enum nss_status _nss_ldap_initgroups_dyn( const char *user,gid_t group,long int *start, long int *size,gid_t **groupsp,long int limit,int *errnop) { FILE *fp; int32_t cd; int32_t tmpint32,tmp2int32,tmp3int32; gid_t gid; int num=0; /* open socket and write the request */ OPEN_SOCK(fp); WRITE_REQUEST(fp,NSLCD_ACTION_GROUP_BYMEMBER); WRITE_STRING(fp,user); WRITE_FLUSH(fp); /* read response */ READ_RESPONSEHEADER(fp,NSLCD_ACTION_GROUP_BYMEMBER); /* read response code */ READ_TYPE(fp,cd,int32_t); /* loop over results */ while (cd==NSLCD_RESULT_SUCCESS) { /* skip group name */ SKIP_STRING(fp); /* skip passwd entry */ SKIP_STRING(fp); /* read gid */ READ_TYPE(fp,gid,gid_t); /* skip members */ SKIP_STRINGLIST(fp); /* check if entry would fit and we have not returned too many */ if ( ((*start)>=(*size)) || (num>=limit) ) { ERROR_OUT_BUFERROR(fp); } /* add gid to list */ (*groupsp)[*start++]=gid; num++; /* read next response code */ READ_TYPE(fp,cd,int32_t); } /* close socket and we're done */ fclose(fp); return NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif /* REENABLE_WHEN_WORKING */ /* thread-local file pointer to an ongoing request */ static __thread FILE *grentfp; enum nss_status _nss_ldap_setgrent(int stayopen) { NSS_SETENT(grentfp,NSLCD_ACTION_GROUP_ALL); } enum nss_status _nss_ldap_getgrent_r(struct group *result,char *buffer,size_t buflen,int *errnop) { NSS_GETENT(grentfp,read_group); } enum nss_status _nss_ldap_endgrent(void) { NSS_ENDENT(grentfp); }