/* pam.c - pam processing routines Copyright (C) 2009 Howard Chu Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Arthur de Jong This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include #endif /* HAVE_STDINT_H */ #include #include #include "common.h" #include "log.h" #include "myldap.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "attmap.h" #include "common/dict.h" #include "common/expr.h" /* set up a connection and try to bind with the specified DN and password, returns an LDAP result code */ static int try_bind(const char *userdn,const char *password) { MYLDAP_SESSION *session; MYLDAP_SEARCH *search; MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry; static const char *attrs[2]; int rc; /* set up a new connection */ session=myldap_create_session(); if (session==NULL) return LDAP_UNAVAILABLE; /* set up credentials for the session */ myldap_set_credentials(session,userdn,password); /* perform search for own object (just to do any kind of search) */ attrs[0]="dn"; attrs[1]=NULL; search=myldap_search(session,userdn,LDAP_SCOPE_BASE,"(objectClass=*)",attrs,&rc); if ((search==NULL)||(rc!=LDAP_SUCCESS)) { if (rc==LDAP_SUCCESS) rc=LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR; log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: lookup failed: %s",userdn,ldap_err2string(rc)); } else { entry=myldap_get_entry(search,&rc); if ((entry==NULL)||(rc!=LDAP_SUCCESS)) { if (rc==LDAP_SUCCESS) rc=LDAP_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED; log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: lookup failed: %s",userdn,ldap_err2string(rc)); } } /* close the session */ myldap_session_close(session); /* return results */ return rc; } /* ensure that both userdn and username are filled in from the entry, returns an LDAP result code */ static MYLDAP_ENTRY *validate_user(MYLDAP_SESSION *session, char *username,int *rcp) { int rc; MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry=NULL; /* check username for validity */ if (!isvalidname(username)) { log_log(LOG_WARNING,"request denied by validnames option"); *rcp=LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; return NULL; } /* get the user entry based on the username */ entry=uid2entry(session,username,&rc); if (entry==NULL) { if (rc==LDAP_SUCCESS) rc=LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; log_log(LOG_DEBUG,"\"%s\": user not found: %s",username,ldap_err2string(rc)); *rcp=rc; } return entry; } /* update the username value from the entry if needed */ static void update_username(MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry,char *username,size_t username_len) { const char **values; const char *value; /* get the "real" username */ value=myldap_get_rdn_value(entry,attmap_passwd_uid); if (value==NULL) { /* get the username from the uid attribute */ values=myldap_get_values(entry,attmap_passwd_uid); if ((values==NULL)||(values[0]==NULL)) { log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: %s: missing", myldap_get_dn(entry),attmap_passwd_uid); return; } value=values[0]; } /* check the username */ if ((value==NULL)||!isvalidname(value)||strlen(value)>=username_len) { log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: %s: denied by validnames option", myldap_get_dn(entry),attmap_passwd_uid); return; } /* check if the username is different and update it if needed */ if (strcmp(username,value)!=0) { log_log(LOG_INFO,"username changed from \"%s\" to \"%s\"",username,value); strcpy(username,value); } } static int check_shadow(MYLDAP_SESSION *session,const char *username, char *authzmsg,size_t authzmsgsz, int check_maxdays,int check_mindays) { MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry=NULL; long today,lastchangedate,mindays,maxdays,warndays,inactdays,expiredate; unsigned long flag; long daysleft,inactleft; /* get the shadow entry */ entry=shadow_uid2entry(session,username,NULL); if (entry==NULL) return NSLCD_PAM_SUCCESS; /* no shadow entry found, nothing to check */ /* get today's date */ today=(long)(time(NULL)/(60*60*24)); /* get shadown information */ get_shadow_properties(entry,&lastchangedate,&mindays,&maxdays,&warndays, &inactdays,&expiredate,&flag); /* check account expiry date */ if ((expiredate!=-1)&&(today>=expiredate)) { daysleft=today-expiredate; mysnprintf(authzmsg,authzmsgsz-1,"account expired %ld days ago",daysleft); log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: %s: %s", myldap_get_dn(entry),attmap_shadow_shadowExpire,authzmsg); return NSLCD_PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED; } /* password expiration isn't interesting at this point because the user may not have authenticated with a password and if he did that would be checked in the authc phase */ if (check_maxdays) { /* check lastchanged */ if (lastchangedate==0) { mysnprintf(authzmsg,authzmsgsz-1,"need a new password"); log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: %s: %s", myldap_get_dn(entry),attmap_shadow_shadowLastChange,authzmsg); return NSLCD_PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD; } else if (today0) mysnprintf(authzmsg+strlen(authzmsg),authzmsgsz-strlen(authzmsg)-1, ", account will be locked in %ld days",inactleft); else { mysnprintf(authzmsg+strlen(authzmsg),authzmsgsz-strlen(authzmsg)-1, ", account locked %ld days ago",-inactleft); log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: %s: %s", myldap_get_dn(entry),attmap_shadow_shadowInactive,authzmsg); return NSLCD_PAM_AUTHTOK_EXPIRED; } } if (daysleft<=0) { /* log previously built message */ log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: %s: %s", myldap_get_dn(entry),attmap_shadow_shadowMax,authzmsg); return NSLCD_PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD; } /* check warndays */ if ((warndays>0)&&(daysleft<=warndays)) { mysnprintf(authzmsg,authzmsgsz-1,"password will expire in %ld days",daysleft); log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: %s: %s", myldap_get_dn(entry),attmap_shadow_shadowWarning,authzmsg); } } } if (check_mindays) { daysleft=lastchangedate+mindays-today; if ((mindays!=-1)&&(daysleft>0)) { mysnprintf(authzmsg,authzmsgsz-1,"password cannot be changed for another %ld days",daysleft); log_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: %s: %s", myldap_get_dn(entry),attmap_shadow_shadowMin,authzmsg); return NSLCD_PAM_AUTHTOK_ERR; } } return NSLCD_PAM_SUCCESS; } /* check authentication credentials of the user */ int nslcd_pam_authc(TFILE *fp,MYLDAP_SESSION *session,uid_t calleruid) { int32_t tmpint32; int rc; char username[256]; char servicename[64]; char password[64]; const char *userdn; MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry; int authzrc=NSLCD_PAM_SUCCESS; char authzmsg[1024]; authzmsg[0]='\0'; /* read request parameters */ READ_STRING(fp,username); SKIP_STRING(fp); /* DN */ READ_STRING(fp,servicename); READ_STRING(fp,password); /* log call */ log_setrequest("authc=\"%s\"",username); log_log(LOG_DEBUG,"nslcd_pam_authc(\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")", username,servicename,*password?"***":""); /* write the response header */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_VERSION); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_ACTION_PAM_AUTHC); /* if the username is blank and rootpwmoddn is configured, try to authenticate as administrator, otherwise validate request as usual */ if ((*username=='\0')&&(nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmoddn!=NULL)) { userdn=nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmoddn; /* if the caller is root we will allow the use of the rootpwmodpw option */ if ((*password=='\0')&&(calleruid==0)&&(nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmodpw!=NULL)) { if (strlen(nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmodpw)>=sizeof(password)) { log_log(LOG_ERR,"nslcd_pam_authc(): rootpwmodpw will not fit in password"); return -1; } strcpy(password,nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmodpw); } } else { /* try normal authentication, lookup the user entry */ entry=validate_user(session,username,&rc); if (entry==NULL) { /* for user not found we just say no result */ if (rc==LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); } return -1; } userdn=myldap_get_dn(entry); update_username(entry,username,sizeof(username)); } /* try authentication */ rc=try_bind(userdn,password); if (rc==LDAP_SUCCESS) log_log(LOG_DEBUG,"bind successful"); /* map result code */ switch (rc) { case LDAP_SUCCESS: rc=NSLCD_PAM_SUCCESS; break; case LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS: rc=NSLCD_PAM_AUTH_ERR; break; default: rc=NSLCD_PAM_AUTH_ERR; } /* perform shadow attribute checks */ if (*username!='\0') authzrc=check_shadow(session,username,authzmsg,sizeof(authzmsg),1,0); /* write response */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN); WRITE_STRING(fp,username); WRITE_STRING(fp,userdn); WRITE_INT32(fp,rc); WRITE_INT32(fp,authzrc); WRITE_STRING(fp,authzmsg); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); return 0; } static void autzsearch_var_add(DICT *dict,const char *name,const char *value) { size_t sz; char *escaped_value; /* allocate memory for escaped string */ sz=((strlen(value)+8)*120)/100; escaped_value=(char *)malloc(sz); if (escaped_value==NULL) { log_log(LOG_CRIT,"autzsearch_var_add(): malloc() failed to allocate memory"); return; } /* perform escaping of the value */ if(myldap_escape(value,escaped_value,sz)) { log_log(LOG_CRIT,"autzsearch_var_add(): myldap_escape() failed to fit in buffer"); free(escaped_value); return; } /* add to dict */ dict_put(dict,name,escaped_value); } static void autzsearch_vars_free(DICT *dict) { int i; const char **keys; void *value; /* go over all keys and free all the values (they were allocated in autzsearch_var_add) */ /* loop over dictionary contents */ keys=dict_keys(dict); for (i=0;keys[i]!=NULL;i++) { value=dict_get(dict,keys[i]); if (value) free(value); } free(keys); /* after this values from the dict should obviously no longer be used */ } static const char *autzsearch_var_get(const char *name,void *expander_attr) { DICT *dict=(DICT *)expander_attr; return (const char *)dict_get(dict,name); /* TODO: if not set use entry to get attribute name (entry can be an element in the dict) */ } /* perform an authorisation search, returns an LDAP status code */ static int try_autzsearch(MYLDAP_SESSION *session,const char *dn, const char *username,const char *servicename, const char *ruser,const char *rhost,const char *tty) { char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX+1]; const char *fqdn; DICT *dict; char filter_buffer[1024]; MYLDAP_SEARCH *search; MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry; static const char *attrs[2]; int rc; const char *res; /* check whether the search filter is configured at all */ if (!nslcd_cfg->ldc_pam_authz_search) return LDAP_SUCCESS; /* build the dictionary with variables NOTE: any variables added here also need to be added to cfg.c:parse_pam_authz_search_statement() */ dict=dict_new(); autzsearch_var_add(dict,"username",username); autzsearch_var_add(dict,"service",servicename); autzsearch_var_add(dict,"ruser",ruser); autzsearch_var_add(dict,"rhost",rhost); autzsearch_var_add(dict,"tty",tty); if (gethostname(hostname,sizeof(hostname))==0) autzsearch_var_add(dict,"hostname",hostname); if ((fqdn=getfqdn())!=NULL) autzsearch_var_add(dict,"fqdn",fqdn); autzsearch_var_add(dict,"dn",dn); autzsearch_var_add(dict,"uid",username); /* build the search filter */ res=expr_parse(nslcd_cfg->ldc_pam_authz_search, filter_buffer,sizeof(filter_buffer), autzsearch_var_get,(void *)dict); autzsearch_vars_free(dict); dict_free(dict); if (res==NULL) { log_log(LOG_ERR,"invalid pam_authz_search \"%s\"",nslcd_cfg->ldc_pam_authz_search); return LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR; } log_log(LOG_DEBUG,"trying pam_authz_search \"%s\"",filter_buffer); /* perform the search */ attrs[0]="dn"; attrs[1]=NULL; /* FIXME: this only searches the first base */ search=myldap_search(session,nslcd_cfg->ldc_bases[0],LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter_buffer,attrs,&rc); if (search==NULL) { log_log(LOG_ERR,"pam_authz_search \"%s\" failed: %s", filter_buffer,ldap_err2string(rc)); return rc; } /* try to get an entry */ entry=myldap_get_entry(search,&rc); if (entry==NULL) { log_log(LOG_ERR,"pam_authz_search \"%s\" found no matches",filter_buffer); if (rc==LDAP_SUCCESS) rc=LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; return rc; } log_log(LOG_DEBUG,"pam_authz_search found \"%s\"",myldap_get_dn(entry)); /* we've found an entry so it's OK */ return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* check authorisation of the user */ int nslcd_pam_authz(TFILE *fp,MYLDAP_SESSION *session) { int32_t tmpint32; int rc; char username[256]; char servicename[64]; char ruser[256],rhost[HOST_NAME_MAX+1],tty[64]; MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry; char authzmsg[1024]; authzmsg[0]='\0'; /* read request parameters */ READ_STRING(fp,username); SKIP_STRING(fp); /* DN */ READ_STRING(fp,servicename); READ_STRING(fp,ruser); READ_STRING(fp,rhost); READ_STRING(fp,tty); /* log call */ log_setrequest("authz=\"%s\"",username); log_log(LOG_DEBUG,"nslcd_pam_authz(\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")", username,servicename,ruser,rhost,tty); /* write the response header */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_VERSION); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_ACTION_PAM_AUTHZ); /* validate request */ entry=validate_user(session,username,&rc); if (entry==NULL) { /* for user not found we just say no result */ if (rc==LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); } return -1; } /* check authorisation search */ rc=try_autzsearch(session,myldap_get_dn(entry),username,servicename,ruser,rhost,tty); if (rc!=LDAP_SUCCESS) { WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN); WRITE_STRING(fp,username); WRITE_STRING(fp,""); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_PAM_PERM_DENIED); WRITE_STRING(fp,"LDAP authorisation check failed"); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); return 0; } /* perform shadow attribute checks */ rc=check_shadow(session,username,authzmsg,sizeof(authzmsg),0,0); /* write response */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN); WRITE_STRING(fp,username); WRITE_STRING(fp,myldap_get_dn(entry)); WRITE_INT32(fp,rc); WRITE_STRING(fp,authzmsg); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); return 0; } int nslcd_pam_sess_o(TFILE *fp,MYLDAP_SESSION *session) { int32_t tmpint32; char username[256]; char servicename[64]; char tty[64],rhost[HOST_NAME_MAX+1],ruser[256]; int32_t sessionid; /* read request parameters */ READ_STRING(fp,username); SKIP_STRING(fp); /* DN */ READ_STRING(fp,servicename); READ_STRING(fp,tty); READ_STRING(fp,rhost); READ_STRING(fp,ruser); READ_INT32(fp,sessionid); /* log call */ log_setrequest("sess_o=\"%s\"",username); log_log(LOG_DEBUG,"nslcd_pam_sess_o(\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")", username,servicename,tty,rhost,ruser); /* write the response header */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_VERSION); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_ACTION_PAM_SESS_O); /* write response */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN); WRITE_INT32(fp,12345); /* session id */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); return 0; } int nslcd_pam_sess_c(TFILE *fp,MYLDAP_SESSION *session) { int32_t tmpint32; char username[256]; char servicename[64]; char tty[64],rhost[HOST_NAME_MAX+1],ruser[256]; int32_t sessionid; /* read request parameters */ READ_STRING(fp,username); SKIP_STRING(fp); /* DN */ READ_STRING(fp,servicename); READ_STRING(fp,tty); READ_STRING(fp,rhost); READ_STRING(fp,ruser); READ_INT32(fp,sessionid); /* log call */ log_setrequest("sess_c=\"%s\"",username); log_log(LOG_DEBUG,"nslcd_pam_sess_c(\"%s\",\"%s\",%d)", username,servicename,(int)sessionid); /* write the response header */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_VERSION); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_ACTION_PAM_SESS_C); /* write response */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN); WRITE_INT32(fp,0); /* session id */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); return 0; } /* perform an LDAP password modification, returns an LDAP status code */ static int try_pwmod(const char *binddn,const char *userdn, const char *oldpassword,const char *newpassword) { MYLDAP_SESSION *session; char buffer[256]; int rc; /* set up a new connection */ session=myldap_create_session(); if (session==NULL) return LDAP_UNAVAILABLE; /* set up credentials for the session */ myldap_set_credentials(session,binddn,oldpassword); /* perform search for own object (just to do any kind of search) */ if ((lookup_dn2uid(session,userdn,&rc,buffer,sizeof(buffer))!=NULL)&&(rc==LDAP_SUCCESS)) { /* if doing password modification as admin, don't pass old password along */ if ((nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmoddn!=NULL)&&(strcmp(binddn,nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmoddn)==0)) oldpassword=NULL; /* perform password modification */ rc=myldap_passwd(session,userdn,oldpassword,newpassword); if (rc==LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* try to update the shadowLastChange attribute */ (void)update_lastchange(session,userdn); } } /* close the session */ myldap_session_close(session); /* return */ return rc; } int nslcd_pam_pwmod(TFILE *fp,MYLDAP_SESSION *session,uid_t calleruid) { int32_t tmpint32; int rc; char username[256]; char userdn[256]; int asroot; char servicename[64]; char oldpassword[64]; char newpassword[64]; const char *binddn=NULL; /* the user performing the modification */ MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry; char authzmsg[1024]; authzmsg[0]='\0'; /* read request parameters */ READ_STRING(fp,username); READ_STRING(fp,userdn); /* we can't ignore userdn for now here because we need it to determine the modify-as-root case */ asroot=(nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmoddn!=NULL)&&(strcmp(userdn,nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmoddn)==0); READ_STRING(fp,servicename); READ_STRING(fp,oldpassword); READ_STRING(fp,newpassword); /* log call */ log_setrequest("pwmod=\"%s\"",username); log_log(LOG_DEBUG,"nslcd_pam_pwmod(\"%s\",%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")", username,asroot?"asroot":"asuser",servicename,*oldpassword?"***":"", *newpassword?"***":""); /* write the response header */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_VERSION); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_ACTION_PAM_PWMOD); /* validate request */ entry=validate_user(session,username,&rc); if (entry==NULL) { /* for user not found we just say no result */ if (rc==LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); } return -1; } /* check if the the user passed the rootpwmoddn */ if (asroot) { binddn=nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmoddn; /* check if rootpwmodpw should be used */ if ((*oldpassword=='\0')&&(calleruid==0)&&(nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmodpw!=NULL)) { if (strlen(nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmodpw)>=sizeof(oldpassword)) { log_log(LOG_ERR,"nslcd_pam_pwmod(): rootpwmodpw will not fit in oldpassword"); return -1; } strcpy(oldpassword,nslcd_cfg->ldc_rootpwmodpw); } } else { binddn=myldap_get_dn(entry); /* check whether shadow properties allow password change */ rc=check_shadow(session,username,authzmsg,sizeof(authzmsg),0,1); if (rc!=NSLCD_PAM_SUCCESS) { WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN); WRITE_STRING(fp,username); WRITE_STRING(fp,""); WRITE_INT32(fp,rc); WRITE_STRING(fp,authzmsg); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); return 0; } } /* perform password modification */ rc=try_pwmod(binddn,myldap_get_dn(entry),oldpassword,newpassword); if (rc!=LDAP_SUCCESS) { mysnprintf(authzmsg,sizeof(authzmsg)-1,"password change failed: %s",ldap_err2string(rc)); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN); WRITE_STRING(fp,username); WRITE_STRING(fp,""); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_PAM_PERM_DENIED); WRITE_STRING(fp,authzmsg); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); } /* write response */ WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN); WRITE_STRING(fp,username); WRITE_STRING(fp,myldap_get_dn(entry)); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_PAM_SUCCESS); WRITE_STRING(fp,""); WRITE_INT32(fp,NSLCD_RESULT_END); return 0; }