Template: libnss-ldapd/ldap-uris Type: string Default: ldap:// _Description: LDAP server Uniform Resource Identifier Please enter the URI of the LDAP server used. This is a string in the form ldap://:/ . ldaps:// or ldapi:// can also be used. The port number is optional. . Note: It is usually a good idea to use an IP address; this reduces risks of failure in the event name service is unavailable. . Multiple URIs can be be specified by separating them with spaces. Template: libnss-ldapd/ldap-base Type: string Default: dc=example,dc=net _Description: LDAP server search base Please enter the distinguished name of the LDAP search base. Many sites use the components of their domain names for this purpose. For example, the domain "example.net" would use "dc=example,dc=net" as the distinguished name of the search base. Template: libnss-ldapd/ldap-version Type: select Choices: 3, 2 Default: 3 _Description: LDAP version to use Please enter which version of the LDAP protocol is to use. It is usually a good idea to set this to highest available version number. Template: libnss-ldapd/ldap-binddn Type: string Default: _Description: LDAP database user If the LDAP database requires a login for normal lookups, enter the name of the account that will be used here. Leave empty otherwise. . This value should be specified as a DN (distinguished name). Template: libnss-ldapd/ldap-bindpw Type: password _Description: LDAP user password Enter the password that will be used to log in to the LDAP database. Template: libnss-ldapd/ldap-rootbinddn Type: string Default: cn=manager,dc=example,dc=net _Description: LDAP account for root This account will be used for nss requests with root privileges. This can be used to give root processes more information (e.g. users' shadow entries or group passwords). . Leave this empty to not do anything special for root lookups. . This value should be specified as a DN (distinguished name). Template: libnss-ldapd/ldap-rootbindpw Type: password _Description: LDAP root account password Enter the password that will be used to log in to the LDAP database when the root process does lookups. Template: libnss-ldapd/nsswitch Type: multiselect Choices: aliases, ethers, group, hosts, netgroup, networks, passwd, protocols, rpc, services, shadow _Description: Name services to configure: For this package to work, you need to modify your /etc/nsswitch.conf to use the ldap datasource. There is an example file at /usr/share/doc/libnss-ldap/examples/nsswitch.ldap which can be used as an example for your nsswitch setup. . You can also select the services that should be enabled or disabled for LDAP lookups. New LDAP lookups will be added as last option. Be sure to review these changes.