# configure.ac - process this file with autoconf to produce configure # # Copyright (C) 2006 Luke Howard # Copyright (C) 2006 West Consulting # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Arthur de Jong # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA AC_PREREQ(2.61) AC_COPYRIGHT( [Copyright (C) 2006 Luke Howard Copyright (C) 2006 West Consulting Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Arthur de Jong This configure script is derived from configure.ac which is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the configure.ac file for more details.]) # initialize and set version and bugreport address AC_INIT([nss-pam-ldapd], [0.8.14], [nss-pam-ldapd-users@lists.arthurdejong.org],, [http://arthurdejong.org/nss-pam-ldapd/]) RELEASE_MONTH="Mar 2014" AC_SUBST(RELEASE_MONTH) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([nslcd.h]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) # some initialisation AC_CANONICAL_TARGET AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT() AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR([compat]) # display notice and initialize automake AC_MSG_NOTICE([configuring AC_PACKAGE_TARNAME AC_PACKAGE_VERSION]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.11.2 check-news gnu std-options color-tests --warnings=all]) # create a config.h file (Automake will add -DHAVE_CONFIG_H) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) # check for programs AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CPP AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_RANLIB AM_PROG_CC_C_O AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS AC_PROG_LN_S AM_PROG_AR # checks for tool to convert docbook to man AC_PATH_PROGS(DOCBOOK2X_MAN, docbook2x-man) if test "x${DOCBOOK2X_MAN}" = x then AC_MSG_WARN([docbook2x-man not found: not generating man pages]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([GENMAN], [test "x${DOCBOOK2X_MAN}" != x]) # check for debugging options AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [enable extensive debugging and logging]), [if test "x$enableval" != "xno" ; then CFLAGS="-g -DDEBUG $CFLAGS" ; fi]) DESIRED_CFLAGS="" # check for extra compiler warnings AC_ARG_ENABLE(warnings, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-warnings], [enable extra compiler warnings (gcc)]), [if test "x$enableval" != "no" then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -pedantic -Wall -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Waggregate-return -Wmissing-declarations -Wunused -Wformat=2 -Wswitch-default -Wswitch-enum -Wfloat-equal -Wbad-function-cast -Wredundant-decls" DESIRED_CFLAGS="$DESIRED_CFLAGS -Wextra -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Werror-implicit-function-declaration" fi]) test_gcc_flag() { AC_LANG_CONFTEST([AC_LANG_PROGRAM()]) $CC -c conftest.c $CFLAGS $@ > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ret=$? rm -f conftest.o return $ret } for flag in $DESIRED_CFLAGS do AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $CC accepts $flag]) if test_gcc_flag $flag then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $flag" AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi done # add --disable-maintainer-mode option AM_MAINTAINER_MODE([enable]) # check whether the NSS module should be built AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the NSS module]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(nss, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-nss], [build the NSS module [[default=enabled]]]),, [enable_nss="yes"]) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_nss) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_NSS], [test "x$enable_nss" = "xyes"]) # check whether the PAM module should be built AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the PAM module]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pam, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-pam], [build the PAM module [[default=enabled]]]),, [enable_pam="yes"]) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_pam) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_PAM], [test "x$enable_pam" = "xyes"]) # check whether the nslcd daemon should be built AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the nslcd daemon]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(nslcd, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-nslcd], [build the nslcd daemon [[default=enabled]]]),, [enable_nslcd="yes"]) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_nslcd) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_NSLCD], [test "x$enable_nslcd" = "xyes"]) # check whether the Python version of the nslcd daemon should be built AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the pynslcd daemon]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pynslcd, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-pynslcd], [build the pynslcd daemon [[default=disabled]]]),, [enable_pynslcd="no"]) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_pynslcd) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_PYNSLCD], [test "x$enable_pynslcd" = "xyes"]) if test "x$enable_pynslcd" = "xyes" then AC_MSG_WARN([the pynslcd daemon is experimental]) fi # check whether SASL support should be enabled AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable SASL support]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(sasl, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-sasl], [disable SASL support [[default=enabled]]]), [enable_sasl=$enableval], [enable_sasl="yes"]) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_sasl) # check whether Kerberos support should be enabled AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable Kerberos support]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(kerberos, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-kerberos], [disable Kerberos support [[default=enabled]]]), [enable_kerberos=$enableval], [enable_kerberos="yes"]) AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_kerberos) # check whether configfile options should be checked AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to check configfile options]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(configfile_checking, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-configfile-checking], [check configfile options [[default=enabled]]]), [configfile_checking=$enableval], [configfile_checking="yes"]) AC_MSG_RESULT($configfile_checking) if test "x$configfile_checking" = "xyes" then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_CONFIGFILE_CHECKING,1,[Whether to check configfile options.]) fi # check the name of the configuration file AC_ARG_WITH(ldap-conf-file, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-ldap-conf-file=PATH], [path to nslcd configuration file @<:@/etc/nslcd.conf@:>@]), [ NSLCD_CONF_PATH="$with_ldap_conf_file" ], [ NSLCD_CONF_PATH="/etc/nslcd.conf" ]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NSLCD_CONF_PATH,"$NSLCD_CONF_PATH",[Path to nslcd configuration file.]) AC_SUBST(NSLCD_CONF_PATH) # check the name of the file with a bindpw value AC_ARG_WITH(bindpw-file, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-bindpw-file=PATH], [path to file with value for bindpw @<:@disabled@:>@]), [ NSLCD_BINDPW_PATH="$with_bindpw_file" AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NSLCD_BINDPW_PATH,"$NSLCD_BINDPW_PATH",[Path to bindpw value.]) AC_SUBST(NSLCD_BINDPW_PATH) ]) # where should the pidfile be written AC_ARG_WITH(nslcd-pidfile, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-nslcd-pidfile=PATH], [path to pidfile @<:@/var/run/nslcd/nslcd.pid@:>@]), [ NSLCD_PIDFILE="$with_nslcd_pidfile" ], [ NSLCD_PIDFILE="/var/run/nslcd/nslcd.pid" ]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NSLCD_PIDFILE,"$NSLCD_PIDFILE",[The location of the pidfile used for checking availability of the nslcd.]) AC_SUBST(NSLCD_PIDFILE) # where is the socket used for communication AC_ARG_WITH(nslcd-socket, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-nslcd-socket=PATH], [path to socket @<:@/var/run/nslcd/socket@:>@]), [ NSLCD_SOCKET="$with_nslcd_socket" ], [ NSLCD_SOCKET="/var/run/nslcd/socket" ]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NSLCD_SOCKET,"$NSLCD_SOCKET",[The location of the socket used for communicating.]) AC_SUBST(NSLCD_SOCKET) # the directory PAM librabries are expected to be placed into AC_MSG_CHECKING([location for PAM module]) AC_ARG_WITH(pam-seclib-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-pam-seclib-dir=PAM_SECLIB_DIR], [path to PAM security library @<:@auto@:>@]), [ PAM_SECLIB_DIR="$with_pam_seclib_dir" ], [ PAM_SECLIB_DIR="auto" ]) if test "x$PAM_SECLIB_DIR" = "xauto" then case "$target_os" in solaris*) PAM_SECLIB_DIR="/usr/lib/security" ;; freebsd*) PAM_SECLIB_DIR="/usr/lib" ;; *) PAM_SECLIB_DIR="/lib/security" ;; esac fi AC_MSG_RESULT($PAM_SECLIB_DIR) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PAM_SECLIB_DIR,"$PAM_SECLIB_DIR",[path to PAM security library]) AC_SUBST(PAM_SECLIB_DIR) # the SONAME to use for the NSS module AC_MSG_CHECKING([name of NSS module]) AC_ARG_WITH(nss-ldap-soname, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-nss-ldap-soname=SONAME], [name of NSS module @<:@auto@:>@]), [ NSS_LDAP_SONAME="$with_nss_ldap_soname" ], [ NSS_LDAP_SONAME="auto" ]) if test "x$NSS_LDAP_SONAME" = "xauto" then case "$target_os" in solaris*) NSS_LDAP_SONAME="nss_ldap.so.1" ;; freebsd*) NSS_LDAP_SONAME="nss_ldap.so.1" ;; *) NSS_LDAP_SONAME="libnss_ldap.so.2" ;; esac fi AC_MSG_RESULT($NSS_LDAP_SONAME) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NSS_LDAP_SONAME,"$NSS_LDAP_SONAME",[The SONAME of the NSS library module.]) AC_SUBST(NSS_LDAP_SONAME) # the SONAME to use for the PAM module AC_MSG_CHECKING([name of PAM module]) AC_ARG_WITH(pam-ldap-soname, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-pam-ldap-soname=SONAME], [name of PAM module @<:@auto@:>@]), [ PAM_LDAP_SONAME="$with_pam_ldap_soname" ], [ PAM_LDAP_SONAME="auto" ]) if test "x$PAM_LDAP_SONAME" = "xauto" then case "$target_os" in solaris*) PAM_LDAP_SONAME="pam_ldap.so.1" ;; *) PAM_LDAP_SONAME="pam_ldap.so" ;; esac fi AC_MSG_RESULT($PAM_LDAP_SONAME) AC_SUBST(PAM_LDAP_SONAME) # check which modules should be build AC_ARG_WITH(nss-maps, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-nss-maps=MAP LIST], [comma separated list of NSS maps to build @<:@all@:>@]), ,[ with_nss_maps="all" ]) # checks for availability of header files AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ctype.h strings.h pthread.h pthread_np.h fcntl.h limits.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([nss.h nss_common.h grp.h shadow.h aliases.h netdb.h rpc/rpcent.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([netinet/ether.h arpa/inet.h netinet/in.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([nsswitch.h nss_dbdefs.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/socket.h sys/un.h sys/ucred.h ucred.h sys/param.h sys/time.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([getopt.h syslog.h stddef.h]) # other general checks AC_C_INLINE AC_C_CONST # checks for availability of common functions AC_CHECK_FUNCS([sigaction snprintf]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(socket,socket) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([strcasecmp strncasecmp strchr strcspn strspn strtol strtoul strtoull strndup]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([malloc realloc atexit]) AC_FUNC_FORK AC_CHECK_FUNCS(__assert_fail) # checks for types AC_TYPE_MODE_T AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_TYPE_UID_T AC_TYPE_PID_T AC_TYPE_INT32_T AC_TYPE_UINT8_T AC_TYPE_UINT16_T AC_TYPE_UINT32_T AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned int) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned long int) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned long long int) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(uid_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(gid_t) # check for support for the __thread keyword AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $CC supports '__thread'], [mn_cv_c___thread_supported], [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[static __thread i;]], [])], [mn_cv_c___thread_supported=yes], [mn_cv_c___thread_supported=no])]) if test $mn_cv_c___thread_supported != yes then AC_MSG_WARN([$CC does not support '__thread' keyword]) AC_DEFINE(__thread,,[Define to empty if compiler does not support `__thread' keyword.]) fi # check for support for the struct ether_addr structure AC_CHECK_TYPES(struct ether_addr,,,[ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_ETHER_H #include #endif]) # check for ether_aton and ether_ntoa functions AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ether_aton ether_ntoa ether_aton_r ether_ntoa_r) AC_CHECK_DECLS([ether_aton,ether_ntoa],,,[ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_ETHER_H #include #endif]) # check to see if socklen_t is defined AC_CHECK_TYPE(socklen_t,, AC_DEFINE(socklen_t,size_t,[Define to `size_t' if not defined elswhere.]),[ #include #include ]) # NSS module-specific tests if test "x$enable_nss" = "xyes" then # save CFLAGS and LIBS to restore later nss_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" nss_save_LIBS="$LIBS" # check for a definition of struct aliasent AC_CHECK_TYPES(struct aliasent,,,[ #ifdef HAVE_ALIASES_H #include #endif]) # check for a definition of struct etherent AC_CHECK_TYPES(struct etherent,,,[ #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_ETHER_H #include #endif]) # check if struct passwd has a pw_class member AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct passwd.pw_class],,,[ #include ]) # check for a definition of struct rpcent AC_CHECK_TYPES(struct rpcent,,,[ #include #ifdef HAVE_RPC_RPCENT_H #include #endif]) # check for a definition of struct spwd AC_CHECK_TYPES(struct spwd,,,[ #ifdef HAVE_NSS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSS_COMMON_H #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_SHADOW_H #include #endif]) # check for a definition of enum nss_status and nss_backend_t AC_CHECK_TYPES([enum nss_status,nss_backend_t],,,[ #ifdef HAVE_NSS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSS_COMMON_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSS_DBDEFS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSSWITCH_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_IRS_NSS_H #include "irs-nss.h" #endif]) # check if struct nss_XbyY_args has a returnlen attribute AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct nss_XbyY_args.returnlen],,,[[ #ifdef HAVE_NSS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSS_COMMON_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSS_DBDEFS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NSSWITCH_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_IRS_NSS_H #include "irs-nss.h" #endif]]) # check which NSS flavour to build AC_MSG_CHECKING([which NSS flavour to build]) AC_ARG_WITH(nss-flavour, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-nss-flavour=auto|glibc|solaris|freebsd], [the libc flavour to build our NSS module for @<:@auto@:>@]),, with_nss_flavour=auto) if test "x$with_nss_flavour" = "xauto" then # do the guessing game case "$target_os" in solaris*) with_nss_flavour=solaris ;; freebsd*) with_nss_flavour=freebsd ;; *) with_nss_flavour=glibc ;; esac fi AC_MSG_RESULT($with_nss_flavour) case "$with_nss_flavour" in glibc) AC_DEFINE(NSS_FLAVOUR_GLIBC,1,[Whether to use the Glibc NSS interface flavour.]) ;; solaris) AC_DEFINE(NSS_FLAVOUR_SOLARIS,1,[Whether to use the Solaris NSS interface flavour.]) ;; freebsd) AC_DEFINE(NSS_FLAVOUR_FREEBSD,1,[Whether to use the FreeBSD NSS interface flavour.]) ;; esac # check which module source files to use AC_MSG_CHECKING([which NSS maps to build]) if test "x$with_nss_maps" = "xall" then case "$with_nss_flavour" in glibc) with_nss_maps="aliases,ethers,group,hosts,netgroup,networks,passwd,protocols,rpc,services,shadow" ;; solaris) with_nss_maps="ethers,group,hosts,netgroup,networks,passwd,protocols,rpc,services,shadow" ;; freebsd) with_nss_maps="group,hosts,passwd" ;; esac fi AC_MSG_RESULT($with_nss_maps) NSS_MODULE_OBJS="$(echo "$with_nss_maps " | sed 's/,/ /g;s/ */.$(OBJEXT) /g')" AC_SUBST(NSS_MODULE_OBJS) # find out how to link the library nss_ldap_so_LINK="\$(CCLD) \$(AM_CFLAGS) \$(CFLAGS) \$(nss_ldap_so_LDFLAGS) \$(LDFLAGS) -o \$@" case "$target_os" in solaris*) if test "x$GCC" = xyes then nss_ldap_so_LINK="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -Bdirect -z nodelete -Bdynamic -M \$(srcdir)/exports.solaris -G -o \$@" else nss_ldap_so_LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bdirect -Wl,-z,nodelete -Wl,-Bdynamic -Wl,-M,\$(srcdir)/exports.solaris -Wl,-G" fi ;; *) nss_ldap_so_LDFLAGS="-shared -Wl,-h,\$(NSS_LDAP_SONAME) -Wl,--version-script,\$(srcdir)/exports.$with_nss_flavour" ;; esac AC_SUBST(nss_ldap_so_LDFLAGS) AC_SUBST(nss_ldap_so_LINK) # restore CFLAGS and LIBS CFLAGS="$nss_save_CFLAGS" LIBS="$nss_save_LIBS" fi # PAM module-specific tests if test "x$enable_pam" = "xyes" then # save CFLAGS and LIBS to restore later pam_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" pam_save_LIBS="$LIBS" # check for headers AC_CHECK_HEADERS(security/pam_appl.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(security/pam_modules.h,,,[ #ifdef HAVE_SECURITY_PAM_APPL_H #include #endif ]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(pam/pam_modules.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(security/pam_ext.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(security/pam_modutil.h) # at least one of security/pam_modules.h or pam/pam_modules.h is required if test "x$ac_cv_header_security_pam_modules_h" != "xyes" && \ test "x$ac_cv_header_pam_pam_modules_h" != "xyes" then AC_MSG_ERROR(PAM header files are missing) fi # find pam library AC_SEARCH_LIBS(pam_get_data,pam,,AC_MSG_ERROR(no PAM library available)) # replace some PAM functions if they are unavailable AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(pam_get_authtok pam_prompt) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(pam_modutil_getpwnam pam_syslog) # find out how to link the library pam_ldap_so_LINK="\$(CCLD) \$(AM_CFLAGS) \$(CFLAGS) \$(pam_ldap_so_LDFLAGS) \$(LDFLAGS) -o \$@" case "$target_os" in solaris*) if test "x$GCC" = xyes then pam_ldap_so_LINK="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -Bdirect -z nodelete -Bdynamic -M \$(srcdir)/pam_ldap.map -G -o \$@" else pam_ldap_so_LDFLAGS="-shared -Wl,-Bdirect -Wl,-z,nodelete -Wl,-Bdynamic -Wl,-M,\$(srcdir)/pam_ldap.map -Wl,-G" fi ;; *) pam_ldap_so_LDFLAGS="-shared -Wl,--version-script,\$(srcdir)/pam_ldap.map" ;; esac AC_SUBST(pam_ldap_so_LDFLAGS) AC_SUBST(pam_ldap_so_LINK) # restore CFLAGS and LIBS CFLAGS="$pam_save_CFLAGS" LIBS="$pam_save_LIBS" fi # nslcd daemon-specific tests if test "x$enable_nslcd" = "xyes" then # save CFLAGS and LIBS to restore later nslcd_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" nslcd_save_LIBS="$LIBS" # check header files AC_CHECK_HEADERS(lber.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(ldap.h,, test "x$enable_nslcd" = "xyes" && AC_MSG_ERROR([could not locate ]),[ #if HAVE_LBER_H #include #endif ]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(ldap_ssl.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(gssldap.h) if test "x$enable_sasl" = "xyes" then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sasl.h sasl/sasl.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(gsssasl.h) fi if test "x$enable_kerberos" = "xyes" then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(gssapi/gssapi.h gssapi/gssapi_generic.h gssapi/gssapi_krb5.h gssapi.h) fi AC_CHECK_HEADERS(regex.h) # checks for availability of system libraries for nslcd AC_SEARCH_LIBS(gethostbyname,nsl socket) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(hstrerror,resolv) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(dlopen,dl) # check for availability of functions AC_CHECK_FUNCS(initgroups setgroups) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getpeereid) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getpeerucred) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(__nss_configure_lookup) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getenv putenv clearenv) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(dlopen dlsym dlerror) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(regcomp regexec regerror) # replace some functions if they are not on the system AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(getopt_long) AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(strndup) # replace daemon() function if it is not on the system AC_SEARCH_LIBS(daemon,bsd) AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(daemon) AC_CHECK_DECLS([daemon],,,[ #include #include ]) # replace ether_aton_r() and ether_ntoa_r() if they are not found AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ether_aton_r ether_ntoa_r,,[AC_LIBOBJ(ether)]) # check to see if struct sockaddr_storage is defined AC_CHECK_TYPE(struct sockaddr_storage,, AC_DEFINE(sockaddr_storage,sockaddr_in,[Define to `sockaddr_in' if not defined elsewhere.]),[ #include #include ]) # check for support for the struct ucred structure AC_CHECK_TYPE(struct ucred, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_STRUCT_UCRED,1,[Define to 1 if you have a `struct ucred' definition.]),,[ #include #include #include ]) # check threading stuff AX_PTHREAD(,AC_MSG_ERROR([no support for pthreads])) pthread_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" pthread_save_LIBS="$LIBS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $PTHREAD_CFLAGS" LIBS="$LIBS $PTHREAD_LIBS" AC_CHECK_FUNCS([pthread_mutex_lock pthread_join pthread_timedjoin_np]) CFLAGS="$pthread_save_CFLAGS" LIBS="$pthread_save_LIBS" # also use deprecated LDAP functions AC_DEFINE(LDAP_DEPRECATED, 1, Define to activate deprecated features in OpenLDAP) # for compatibility on Solaris AC_DEFINE(LDAP_REFERRALS, 1, Define to get some functions on Solaris) # search for an LDAP library (only OpenLDAP is tested) AC_ARG_WITH(ldap-lib, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-ldap-lib=TYPE], [select ldap library (auto|netscape5|netscape4|netscape3|umich|openldap) @<:@auto@:>@])) if test -z "$with_ldap_lib" then with_ldap_lib=auto fi if test -z "$found_ldap_lib" -a \( $with_ldap_lib = auto -o $with_ldap_lib = umich -o $with_ldap_lib = openldap \) then AC_SEARCH_LIBS(ldap_search_ext,[ldap_r ldap],found_ldap_lib=yes,,) fi if test -z "$found_ldap_lib" -a \( $with_ldap_lib = auto -o $with_ldap_lib = netscape5 \) then AC_CHECK_LIB(ldap50, main, LIBS="-lldap50 -lssldap50 -lssl3 -lnss3 -lnspr4 -lprldap50 -lplc4 -lplds4 $LIBS" found_ldap_lib=yes,, -lpthread) fi if test -z "$found_ldap_lib" -a \( $with_ldap_lib = auto -o $with_ldap_lib = netscape4 \) then AC_CHECK_LIB(ldapssl41, main, LIBS="-lldapssl41 -lplc3 -lplds3 -lnspr3 $LIBS" found_ldap_lib=yes,, -lpthread) if test -z "$found_ldap_lib" then AC_CHECK_LIB(ldapssl40, main, LIBS="-lldapssl40 $LIBS" found_ldap_lib=yes,, -lpthread) fi if test -z "$found_ldap_lib" then AC_CHECK_LIB(ldap41, main, LIBS="-lldap41 $LIBS" found_ldap_lib=yes,,) fi if test -z "$found_ldap_lib" then AC_CHECK_LIB(ldap40, main, LIBS="-lldap40 $LIBS" found_ldap_lib=yes,,) fi fi if test -z "$found_ldap_lib" -a \( $with_ldap_lib = auto -o $with_ldap_lib = netscape3 \) then AC_CHECK_LIB(ldapssl30, main, LIBS="-lldapssl30 $LIBS" found_ldap_lib=yes,, -lpthread) fi AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_search_ext,,AC_MSG_ERROR([could not locate a valid LDAP library])) # see if we need a BER library AC_SEARCH_LIBS(ber_bvfree,lber) # check for extra SASL libraries if test "$enable_sasl" = "yes" then AC_CHECK_TYPE(sasl_interact_t, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SASL_INTERACT_T,1,[Define to 1 if you have a `sasl_interact_t' definition.]),,[ #ifdef HAVE_SASL_SASL_H #include #elif defined(HAVE_SASL_H) #include #endif]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s,sasl2) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s) fi # check for extra Kerberos libraries if test "$enable_kerberos" = "yes" then AC_SEARCH_LIBS(gss_krb5_ccache_name,gssapi gssapi_krb5) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gss_krb5_ccache_name) fi # check for ldap function availability AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_parse_result ldap_memfree ldap_controls_free ldap_control_free) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_explode_dn ldap_explode_rdn ldap_set_option ldap_get_option) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_abandon ldap_simple_bind_s ldap_unbind ldap_set_rebind_proc) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_initialize ldap_search_ext ldap_start_tls_s) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_create_control ldap_extended_operation_s) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_domain2hostlist ldap_domain2dn) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_get_values ldap_get_values_len ldap_value_free ldap_value_free_len) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_get_dn ldap_explode_dn ldap_count_values_len) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_err2string ldap_msgfree ldap_result) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ber_bvfree ber_free ber_set_option ldap_modify_ext_s) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_first_attribute ldap_next_attribute) # replace ldap_create_page_control() and ldap_parse_page_control() AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_create_page_control ldap_parse_page_control,,[AC_LIBOBJ(pagectrl)]) AC_CHECK_DECLS(ldap_extended_operation_s,,,[ #if HAVE_LBER_H #include #endif #include ]) # replace other ldap functions AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(ldap_passwd_s) AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(ldap_initialize) # check the number of arguments that ldap_set_rebind_proc() uses AC_CACHE_CHECK( [number of arguments to ldap_set_rebind_proc], nss_ldapd_cv_ldap_set_rebind_proc_args, [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE( [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ #include #include ]],[[ ldap_set_rebind_proc(0,0,0); ]])], [nss_ldapd_cv_ldap_set_rebind_proc_args=3], [nss_ldapd_cv_ldap_set_rebind_proc_args=2]) ]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LDAP_SET_REBIND_PROC_ARGS,$nss_ldapd_cv_ldap_set_rebind_proc_args, [Define to the number of arguments to ldap_set_rebindproc.]) # check the return type of ldap_set_rebind_proc() AC_CACHE_CHECK( [return type of ldap_set_rebind_proc], nss_ldapd_cv_ldap_set_rebind_proc_type, [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE( [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ #include #include ]],[[ #if LDAP_SET_REBIND_PROC_ARGS == 3 return ldap_set_rebind_proc(0,0,0); #else return ldap_set_rebind_proc(0,0); #endif ]])], [nss_ldapd_cv_ldap_set_rebind_proc_type=int], [nss_ldapd_cv_ldap_set_rebind_proc_type=void]) ]) if test "x$nss_ldapd_cv_ldap_set_rebind_proc_type" = "xvoid" then AC_DEFINE(LDAP_SET_REBIND_PROC_RETURNS_VOID,1, [Define to 1 if ldap_set_rebind_proc() returns void.]) fi # save nslcd LIBS and CFLAGS and restore originals nslcd_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" nslcd_LIBS="$LIBS" CFLAGS="$nslcd_save_CFLAGS" LIBS="$nslcd_save_LIBS" AC_SUBST(nslcd_LIBS) fi # pynslcd daemon-specific tests if test "x$enable_pynslcd" = "xyes" then # check Python interpreter AM_PATH_PYTHON(2.5) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([NSS_FLAVOUR_GLIBC], [test "x${with_nss_flavour}" = xglibc]) AM_CONDITIONAL([NSS_FLAVOUR_SOLARIS], [test "x${with_nss_flavour}" = xsolaris]) AM_CONDITIONAL([NSS_FLAVOUR_FREEBSD], [test "x${with_nss_flavour}" = xfreebsd]) # generate files AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile compat/Makefile common/Makefile nss/Makefile pam/Makefile nslcd/Makefile pynslcd/Makefile pynslcd/config.py man/Makefile tests/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT