/* expr.c - limited shell-like expression parsing functions This file is part of the nss-pam-ldapd library. Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Arthur de Jong This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "expr.h" #include "compat/attrs.h" /* the maximum length of a variable name */ #define MAXVARLENGTH 30 static inline int my_isalpha(const char c) { return ((c>='a')&&(c<='z'))||((c>='A')&&(c<='Z')); } static inline int my_isalphanum(const char c) { return my_isalpha(c)||((c>='0')&&(c<='9')); } /* return the part of the string that is a valid name */ MUST_USE static const char *parse_name(const char *str,int *ptr,char *buffer,size_t buflen) { int i=0; /* clear the buffer */ buffer[i]='\0'; /* look for an alpha+alphanumeric* string */ if (!my_isalpha(str[*ptr])) return NULL; while (my_isalphanum(str[*ptr])) { if ((size_t)i>=buflen) return NULL; buffer[i++]=str[(*ptr)++]; } /* NULL-terminate the string */ if ((size_t)i>=buflen) return NULL; buffer[i++]='\0'; return buffer; } /* dummy expander function to always return an empty string */ static const char *empty_expander(const char UNUSED(*name),void UNUSED(*expander_arg)) { return ""; } /* definition of the parse functions (they call eachother) */ MUST_USE static const char *parse_dollar_expression( const char *str,int *ptr,char *buffer,size_t buflen, expander_t expander,void *expander_arg); MUST_USE static const char *parse_expression( const char *str,int *ptr,int endat,char *buffer,size_t buflen, expander_t expander,void *expander_arg); MUST_USE static const char *parse_dollar_expression( const char *str,int *ptr,char *buffer,size_t buflen, expander_t expander,void *expander_arg) { char varname[MAXVARLENGTH]; const char *varvalue; if ((buflen<=0)||(buffer==NULL)||(str==NULL)||(ptr==NULL)) return NULL; if (str[*ptr]=='{') { (*ptr)++; /* the first part is always a variable name */ if (parse_name(str,ptr,varname,sizeof(varname))==NULL) return NULL; varvalue=expander(varname,expander_arg); if (str[*ptr]=='}') { /* simple substitute */ if (strlen(varvalue)>=buflen) return NULL; strcpy(buffer,varvalue); } else if (strncmp(str+*ptr,":-",2)==0) { /* if variable is not set or empty, substitute remainder */ (*ptr)+=2; if ((varvalue!=NULL)&&(*varvalue!='\0')) { /* value is set, skip rest of expression and use value */ if (parse_expression(str,ptr,'}',buffer,buflen,empty_expander,NULL)==NULL) return NULL; if (strlen(varvalue)>=buflen) return NULL; strcpy(buffer,varvalue); } else { /* value is not set, evaluate rest of expression */ if (parse_expression(str,ptr,'}',buffer,buflen,expander,expander_arg)==NULL) return NULL; } } else if (strncmp(str+*ptr,":+",2)==0) { /* if variable is set, substitute remainer */ (*ptr)+=2; if ((varvalue!=NULL)&&(*varvalue!='\0')) { /* value is set, evaluate rest of expression */ if (parse_expression(str,ptr,'}',buffer,buflen,expander,expander_arg)==NULL) return NULL; } else { /* value is not set, skip rest of expression and blank */ if (parse_expression(str,ptr,'}',buffer,buflen,empty_expander,NULL)==NULL) return NULL; buffer[0]='\0'; } } else return NULL; (*ptr)++; /* skip closing } */ } else { /* it is a simple reference to a variable, like $uidNumber */ if (parse_name(str,ptr,varname,sizeof(varname))==NULL) return NULL; varvalue=expander(varname,expander_arg); if (strlen(varvalue)>=buflen) return NULL; strcpy(buffer,varvalue); } return buffer; } MUST_USE static const char *parse_expression( const char *str,int *ptr,int endat,char *buffer,size_t buflen, expander_t expander,void *expander_arg) { int j=0; /* go over string */ while ((str[*ptr]!=endat)&&(str[*ptr]!='\0')) { switch (str[*ptr]) { case '$': /* beginning of an expression */ (*ptr)++; if ((size_t)j>=buflen) return NULL; if (parse_dollar_expression(str,ptr,buffer+j,buflen-j,expander,expander_arg)==NULL) return NULL; j=strlen(buffer); break; case '\\': /* escaped character, unescape */ (*ptr)++; default: /* just copy the text */ if ((size_t)j>=buflen) return NULL; buffer[j++]=str[*ptr]; (*ptr)++; } } /* NULL-terminate buffer */ if ((size_t)j>=buflen) return NULL; buffer[j++]='\0'; return buffer; } MUST_USE const char *expr_parse(const char *str,char *buffer,size_t buflen, expander_t expander,void *expander_arg) { int i=0; return parse_expression(str,&i,'\0',buffer,buflen,expander,expander_arg); } SET *expr_vars(const char *str,SET *set) { char varname[MAXVARLENGTH]; int i=0; /* allocate set if needed */ if (set==NULL) set=set_new(); if (set==NULL) return NULL; /* go over string */ while (str[i]!='\0') { switch (str[i]) { case '$': /* beginning of a $-expression */ i++; if (str[i]=='{') i++; /* the rest should start with a variable name */ if (parse_name(str,&i,varname,sizeof(varname))!=NULL) set_add(set,varname); break; case '\\': /* escaped character, unescape */ i++; /* no break needed here */ default: /* just skip */ i++; } } return set; }