Please contact PADL Software Development Support if you wish to contribute. Please see for more information! BUGZILLA BUGS: ============== BUGS 18, 19, 20, 34 would be good to fix soon. [BUG#12] - we should probably put the session, under Solaris, in the backend. We need to do so in a way that remains compatible with the GNU NSS, where I expect we need to open a connection for every lookup. In nscd, where the backends are cached, it doesn't make sense to keep opening and closing sockets to the LDAP server, particularly as the rebinding logic was put there to *allow* the connection to be long lived (marked RESOLVED LATER; a single connection is now used per process) [BUG#12] - ditto for IRS: the private data should contain the session and be long lived. [BUG#13] - we could clean up the text segment a bit by generating filters on the fly from object classes and attributes, instead of storing them. This seems to be important under Solaris as the linker doesn't intern strings (?) All that filter-constructing stuff in the ldap-*.h headers is UGLY. (marked RESOLVED LATER) [BUG#14] - infinite recursion is host lookup -- libldap uses gethostbyname(). Perhaps we should link with a custom gethostbyname() which uses DNS only??? (This is nominally the LDAP client library's problem but we could short-circuit by resolving the IP addresses ourselves). (marked RESOLVED INVALID) [BUG#16] - finish implementing dl-*.c (LOW priority). In fact I'm tempted to remove this from the line up: SGI have their own LDAP C library support, and so do DEC (with SIA). (removed dl-*.c; marked RESOLVED WONTFIX) [BUG#17] - implement gethostbyname2() and debug IPv6 support in ldap-hosts.c (and ldap-network.c?) (Uli?) [BUG#19] - add support for DHCP and coldstart configuration. Coldstart should update /etc/ldap.conf (/var/ldap/LDAP_CLIENT_CACHE?). Should probably add support for the HP/Sun server profile schema (marked RESOLVED LATER) [BUG#21] - write testsuite (marked RESOLVED LATER) [BUG#22] - support for bootparams map (marked RESOLVED LATER) [BUG#34] - shells hang on Solaris for LDAP users (marked RESOLVED LATER; Solaris 7 users get patch cluster 106541-12) [BUG#49] - race condition in ldap-nss.c (FIXED in nss_ldap-121) [BUG#50] - check return value of ldap_simple_bind() (FIXED in nss_ldap-122) [BUG#63] - integrate support for runtime schema mapping (FIXED in nss_ldap-168) To: Cc: Subject: Re: Netgroups [in nss_ldap] Fcc: +outgoing Reply-To: [ ldap-nis readers may find this interesting. ] Matt, >Ok, i am going to see if I can do something with netgroups. Which of >the services would be best to model ldap-netgrp.c after? > >I am not familiar with adding a new service to nss_ldap. What is >involved? Do you think you could give a general overview of what has >to happen to get the netgroup service doing SOMETHING? First, you need to familiarize yourself with the netgroup resolution APIs. It's important that you implement something that works for both Solaris and the GNU C Library (and, possibly, the BIND IRS, although no one seems to be particularly interested in that switch). I haven't looked into them in great detail. You'll need to create ldap-netgrp.c (rip off ldap-pwd.c for starters). and implement the following: Linux ===== NSS_STATUS _nss_ldap_setnetgrent(const char *group, struct __netgrent *result); NSS_STATUS _nss_ldap_endnetgrent(struct __netgrent *result); NSS_STATUS _nss_ldap_getnetgrent_r(struct __netgrent *result, char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop); Because netgroups are just triples in LDAP, you should be able to avail yourself of the _nss_netgroup_parseline() helper function. (Having the glibc source handy would be helpful.) Call this from the parser (see below) for values of the "nisNetgroupTriple" attribute. Solaris ======= Check out /usr/include/nss_dbdefs.h. It looks pretty hairy: FYI, let's look at how a user is resolved: NSS_STATUS _nss_ldap_getpwnam_r ( const char *name, struct passwd * result, char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop) { LOOKUP_NAME (name, result, buffer, buflen, errnop, filt_getpwnam, pw_attributes, _nss_ldap_parse_pw); } The LOOKUP_NAME macro marshalls arguments to pass to _nss_ldap_getbyname(), which is responsible for searching in the directory. If the search is successful, this function will call the parser (_nss_ldap_parse_pw()) with the LDAP result, and the buffers supplied by the user. The parser is responsible for mapping the LDAP entry into a struct pwent or whatever. There are helper functions provided for doing such, for example _nss_ldap_assign_attrval(): stat = _nss_ldap_assign_attrval (ld, e, LDAP_ATTR_USERNAME, &pw->pw_name, &buffer, &buflen); if (stat != NSS_SUCCESS) This model works well when there is a 1:1 mapping between LDAP entries and entities that the host API is responsible for. Things get a bit trickier for things like getgroupsbymember(). Hope this helps. Note that for Solaris, each backend has a dispatch table, a "constructor" (_nss_ldap_passwd_constr, for example).