Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update test to only click one delete linkticket_15910Arthur de Jong2015-11-211-1/+1
| | | | | | This updates the QUnit test to only click one specific delete link. This change is required because now there are more than one delete link in the form.
* Fix issue with addButton variable scopeArthur de Jong2015-11-212-55/+55
| | | | | | | | | This moves the delete-link handling after adding the add link and moves the scope of the addButton upwards to ensure that it is available in the delete link handler. This fixes the "addButton was used before it was defined" error from npm test.
* Fix issue with row variable scopeArthur de Jong2015-11-212-16/+15
| | | | | | This uses $(this) in the outer scope and saves the row variable for use in the click handler. This fixes the "row is already declared in the upper scope" error from npm test.
* Make test more readableArthur de Jong2015-11-211-26/+24
| | | | Fixes "Refs #15910 -- Add test for gone delete links"
* PEP8 fixArthur de Jong2015-11-211-4/+2
| | | | Fixes "Update inline test to explicitly click two delete links"
* Fixed #15910 -- Show delete links for all admin inline ↵Arthur de Jong2015-11-072-47/+56
| | | | | | | | | formset rows Move the addition of delete links to the initialisation code instead of to the add event handler to ensure that all rows that should have a delete link end up with one (not just the rows that are dynamically added).
* Update inline test to explicitly click two delete linksArthur de Jong2015-11-071-3/+4
| | | | | | | | | Clicking the delete link in a for loop confuses Selenium because it could end up removing elements that were still referenced in the find_elements_by_css_selector() list. Selenium would raise StaleElementReferenceException: Message: Element is no longer attached to the DOM
* Refs #15910 -- Add test for gone delete linksArthur de Jong2015-11-071-0/+43
| | | | | | This test checks whether the delete links that have been added by Javascript are still present even after the form is re-rendered due to a form validation error.
* Fixed GIS test failures when GDAL is not installedHEADmasterClaude Paroz2015-11-072-3/+4
| | | | Thanks Iacopo Spalletti for the report and testing.
* Fixed #25681 -- Added 'default' to DATABASES example.Attila Tovt2015-11-071-0/+1
* Fixed #25673 -- Made `GeometryField.from_db_value` set SRIDSergey Fedoseev2015-11-062-2/+10
* Fixed #25660 -- Documented GEOSGeometry.dimsSergey Fedoseev2015-11-051-0/+11
* Fixed #24244 -- Documented contrib.admin.models.LogEntryAlex Morozov2015-11-052-1/+60
* Added stub release notes for 1.8.7.Tim Graham2015-11-052-0/+13
* Added release date for 1.8.6.Tim Graham2015-11-041-1/+1
* Updated admindocs instructions for the deprecation of ↵Tim Graham2015-11-031-1/+1
| | | | patterns().
* Fixed #25132 -- Documented how to retrieve a single ↵Alex Morozov2015-11-031-0/+6
| | | | value using values_list() and get().
* Removed an extra heading in the 1.10 release notes.Tim Graham2015-11-031-2/+0
* Fixed #25668 -- Misc spelling errorsVille Skyttä2015-11-0312-18/+18
* Fixed typo in docs/topics/auth/default.txt.japrogramer2015-11-031-1/+1
* Fixed #25629 -- Added checks of the number of arguments ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-032-9/+18
| | | | for GeoDjango DB functions.
* Fixed #25661 -- Fixed checking number of points during ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-022-1/+33
| | | | list assignment for `LinearRing`.
* Refs #25629 -- Added `arity` class attribute to `Func` ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-026-10/+27
| | | | expressions
* Fixed #25664 -- Fixed `dims` for `Point`Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-022-1/+21
* Fixed #25659 -- Added missing support for MySQL 5.6.1 ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-023-21/+19
| | | | | | GIS functions Added support for ST_Difference/ST_Intersection/ST_SymDifference.
* Fixed #25655 -- Dropped support for GEOS < 3.3Sergey Fedoseev2015-11-0110-83/+18
* Fixed #25635 -- Made URLValidator allow '+' in scheme.Dheerendra Rathor2015-10-312-2/+3
* Refs #25632 -- Corrected database support docs for ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-312-30/+30
| | | | GeoDjango DB functions.
* Refs #25636 -- Updated instructions for libspatialite ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-311-34/+7
| | | | source installation
* Fixed #25636 -- Dropped support for SpatiaLite < 3.0Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-3110-68/+25
* Fixed typo in docs/topics/db/models.txt.Tomasz Anielak2015-10-311-1/+1
* Refs #25550 -- Removed reverse related set assignment in ↵Tim Graham2015-10-311-6/+4
| | | | selenium tests.
* Fixed #24212 -- Added example pylibmc CACHES configuration.Bryan Marty2015-10-301-0/+9
* Added class-based view example to RequestFactory example.bee_keeper2015-10-301-1/+3
* Refs #24499 -- Removed an obsolete test check for ↵Tim Graham2015-10-301-4/+3
| | | | PostGIS 1.5.
* Fixed #24019 -- Fixed inaccurate docs about ↵Tim Graham2015-10-301-10/+4
| | | | | | | GenericRelation not supporting aggregation. This works at least as far back as Django 1.6 according to the test added in refs #10870.
* Fixed #25100 -- Documented an upgrade caveat for ↵Tim Graham2015-10-301-0/+6
| | | | contenttypes migration.
* Fixed #21422 -- Documented that prefetch_related() ↵Tim Graham2015-10-301-1/+4
| | | | results must be homogeneous.
* Fixed #25641 -- Removed section about adding Google ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-302-28/+1
| | | | projection to spatial_ref_sys table
* Fixed #23985 -- Documented a backwards incompatible ↵Tim Graham2015-10-291-0/+5
| | | | change in URLValidator.
* Fixed #25489 -- Documented that ↵Tim Graham2015-10-294-4/+8
| | | | SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST doesn't create empty sessions.
* Fixed #16734 -- Set script prefix even outside of requestsClaude Paroz2015-10-298-5/+64
| | | | Thanks Tim Graham for the review.
* Fixed #25622 -- Accounted for generic relations in the ↵Simon Charette2015-10-295-13/+40
| | | | | | admin to field validation Thanks to Jonathan Liuti for the report and Tim Graham for the review.
* Fixed #25620 -- Made URLValidator prohibit URLs with ↵Dheerendra Rathor2015-10-293-1/+6
| | | | consecutive dots in the domain section.
* Fixed #20846 -- Increased User.username max_length to ↵Tim Graham2015-10-294-3/+69
| | | | | | 254 characters. Thanks Collin Anderson and Nick Sandford for work on the patch.
* Fixed #25632 -- Documented missing version requirements ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-291-4/+4
| | | | for GeoDjango DB functions.
* Fixed #25630 -- Replaced `AsGeoHash` with `GeoHash` in ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-292-5/+5
| | | | unsupported GIS functions
* Fixed required SpatiaLite version in docs.Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-291-1/+1
| | | | | Refs bc0aba7786978ec312809eae5ecb3d751608b5b7 which dropped support for SpatiaLite < 2.4.
* Fixed #21516 -- Updated imports paths for some formset ↵Bryan Marty2015-10-283-29/+29
| | | | | | | functions/classes. Since refs #21489, FormSet classes and factories are exposed on the django.forms package.
* Ignored docutils deprecation warnings in Graham2015-10-281-0/+3