Arthur de Jong

Open Source / Free Software developer

Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Made LiveServerTestCase example use ↵Tim Graham2015-10-281-14/+13
| | | | StaticLiveServerTestCase.
* Added versionadded directive for GDALRaster.sridClaude Paroz2015-10-281-0/+2
| | | | Complement to 48548d1a47.
* Refs #25588 -- Added the srid property to GDALRasterDaniel Wiesmann2015-10-283-0/+39
| | | | | Geometry objects have an srid property, so this addition makes the raster api more similar to the geometries api.
* Refs #25618 -- Forwardported 1.8.6 release note.Tim Graham2015-10-281-0/+3
| | | | Forwardport of 65bff161ffab1310719bdee495d1e9b35f838c31 from stable/1.8.x
* Added "Attributes set by application code" section to ↵Tim Graham2015-10-281-18/+22
| | | | HttpRequest.
* Refs #25618 -- Removed detection of south migrations in ↵Tim Graham2015-10-281-15/+1
| | | | | | | loader. It doesn't seem relevant for anyone upgrading to Django 1.10 and beyond.
* Moved around imports in PostGIS operationsClaude Paroz2015-10-271-5/+2
| | | | Thanks Daniel Wiesmann for inspiration.
* Fixed #25609 -- Fixed regression in related field nested ↵Ian Foote2015-10-272-1/+10
| | | | lookup error.
* Revert "Fixed #25417 -- Added a field check for invalid ↵Simon Charette2015-10-274-89/+0
| | | | | | default values." This reverts commit 71ebcb85b931f43865df5b322b2cf06d3da23f69.
* Renamed filesizeformat tag's bytes variable to avoid ↵Sambhav Satija2015-10-271-16/+16
| | | | clash with builtin.
* Fixed #25441 -- Added support for negative filesize to ↵Sambhav Satija2015-10-272-0/+10
| | | | | | filesizeformat template filter. Thanks Andrey Yakovlev for the initial patch.
* Refs #17133 -- Optimized script_url handling in ↵Claude Paroz2015-10-271-3/+4
| | | | | | | | get_script_name 10ace52a added some regex processing for each request with SCRIPT_URL set. In a speed critical section, conditionally apply of the regex will save some resources.
* Updated my email address in AUTHORS.Chris Lamb2015-10-271-1/+1
* Removed unnecessary app_label='auth' on auth_tests models.Tim Graham2015-10-277-30/+9
| | | | This is a relic of when the tests were stored in contrib.auth.tests.
* Fixed #25596 -- Fixed regression in password change view ↵Tim Graham2015-10-274-9/+7
| | | | | | | with custom user model. The reverse() added in 50aa1a790ca66c2a93e0a52e00c53375b269ff49 crashed on a custom user model.
* Fixed #25597 -- Fixed crash with SplitArrayField and ↵Tim Graham2015-10-273-1/+9
| | | | IntegerField on invalid value.
* Fixed #25550 -- Deprecated direct assignment to the ↵Tim Graham2015-10-2737-130/+194
| | | | reverse side of a related set.
* Fixed #25611 -- Standardized descriptor signatures.Tim Graham2015-10-2611-28/+28
* Fixed #25610 -- Reverted removal of request.current_app ↵Marten Kenbeek2015-10-262-2/+25
| | | | | | | in {% url %} tag. The deprecation removal in 5e450c52aafb62b9d83c8ac08892e0b92cbec4aa removed too much.
* Added Django 1.10 to Python version support table.Tim Graham2015-10-261-3/+2
* Documented Python 3.5 support for Django 1.8.Tim Graham2015-10-263-5/+6
| | | | Forwardport of d27085b02d58ecf8b72e7189b6a5feaf634ec977 from stable/1.8.x
* Fixed typo in docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txtTim Graham2015-10-261-2/+2
* Documented related model descriptor class renames.Tim Graham2015-10-261-0/+9
| | | | Renamed in e542e81b39e8610b70cf1d68f95ece0279028765.
* Removed hardcoded utf-8 BOM, used value from codecs instead.Jon Dufresne2015-10-251-2/+1
* Optimized docs images and documented the process.Curtis Maloney2015-10-2421-0/+15
* Fixed #25604 -- Added makemigrations --check option.Jon Dufresne2015-10-245-8/+54
| | | | Command exits with non-zero status if changes without migrations exist.
* Fixed #25583 -- Allowed calling `transform` with ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-243-19/+32
| | | | `CoordTransform` even if SRID is invalid.
* Fixed #25434 -- Documented and created ↵Tim Graham2015-10-241-26/+36
| | | | | | a section for middleware attributes. Thanks Nick Pope for the initial patch.
* Renamed deprecated logger.warn to warningClaude Paroz2015-10-241-1/+1
* Fixed #25603 -- Made clear that geometry's SRID is meant ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-241-1/+1
| | | | in docs for GEOSGeometry.transform.
* Cached model field_names in Python Deserializer.Andrey Kuzmin2015-10-231-1/+5
* Fixed #17133 -- Properly handled successive slashes in ↵Claude Paroz2015-10-233-0/+33
| | | | | | incoming requests Thanks for the report and Tim Graham for the review.
* Fixed #25397 -- Documented class-based view context ↵Jacek Bzdak2015-10-233-6/+29
| | | | variable clash with context processors.
* Clarified that the test client response content ↵薛丞宏2015-10-233-6/+6
| | | | attribute is bytes.
* Refs #25589 -- Fixed admin_scripts test failure on Windows.Tim Graham2015-10-231-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | Traceback (most recent call last): File "tests\admin_scripts\", line 646, in test_startapp_unicode_name content = File "lib\encodings\", line 23, in decode return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0] UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position 46: character maps to <undefined>
* Added "subpath" to spelling wordlist.Tim Graham2015-10-221-0/+1
* Fixed "URLconf" spelling in code comments.Tim Graham2015-10-228-13/+13
* Fixed #25592 -- Fixed misnamed strictly_above PostGIS lookupClaude Paroz2015-10-224-5/+39
| | | | | Fixes a regression from 2bd1bbc42. Thanks Daniel Wiesmann for the report and Tim Graham for the review.
* Refs #24622 -- Documented alternatives to some test ↵Benjamin Wohlwend2015-10-221-0/+17
| | | | response attributes when using alternative template engines.
* Fixed #25519 -- Made the admin "View site" link point to ↵Dheerendra Rathor2015-10-224-2/+23
| | | | | | | sites running on a subpath. Used request.META['SCRIPT_NAME'] as the site_url if it hasn't been customized from the default value of '/'.
* Fixed #25589 -- Allowed startapp/project to create apps ↵Yoong Kang Lim2015-10-222-11/+42
| | | | with Unicode characters in the name.
* Fixed #25584 -- Documented a pip error when installing ↵Tim Graham2015-10-222-1/+25
| | | | Django 1.9.
* Fixed #25571 -- Fixed boolean evaluation of ungettext_lazyClaude Paroz2015-10-222-0/+10
* Revised Windows install instructions for Python 3.5.Tim Allen2015-10-221-38/+50
| | | | Added instructions for installing virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper.
* Fixed #25470 -- Avoided unnecessary, expensive DATETIME ↵Mariusz Felisiak2015-10-223-12/+42
| | | | typecast on MySQL.
* Fixed #25585 -- Allowed setting OGRGeometry srid/srs ↵Sergey Fedoseev2015-10-222-1/+8
| | | | attributes to `None`.
* Fixed #21894 -- Corrected a form.clean() example in case ↵Tim Graham2015-10-211-10/+18
| | | | a superclass doesn't return data.
* Fixed #24976 -- Fixed missing form label in tabular inline.matiasb2015-10-213-1/+19
| | | | | If the model form had a form field specified, the label rendered as "None".
* Fixed spelling of "unpicklable" in cache tests.Tim Graham2015-10-211-8/+7
* Fixed #25574 -- Documented {{ dict.items }} shadowing in ↵Jacek Bzdak2015-10-212-0/+10
| | | | for template tag docs.