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File Last Change
debian/ 432 (12 years ago) by arthur: fix Vcs-Browser URL
fancytooltips/ 428 (12 years ago) by arthur: fix a problem with the tooltip coming up in the wrong location
webcheck/ 471 (11 years ago) by arthur: pass a string to RobotFileParser because of problems with unicode
AUTHORS 459 (12 years ago) by arthur: implement a MAX_DEPTH configuration option to limit crawling based on a patch by Devin Bayer
COPYING 51 (18 years ago) by arthur: change to most recent version of the GPL (FSF address change) and update notices
ChangeLog 411 (13 years ago) by arthur: get files ready for 1.10.4 release
ChangeLog-1999 6 (19 years ago) by arthur: rename files to more standard names
ChangeLog-2002 6 (19 years ago) by arthur: rename files to more standard names
HACKING 469 (12 years ago) by devin: update NEWS, README and HACKING
NEWS 469 (12 years ago) by devin: update NEWS, README and HACKING
README 469 (12 years ago) by devin: update NEWS, README and HACKING
TODO 390 (15 years ago) by arthur: get files ready for 1.10.3 release
favicon.ico 261 (17 years ago) by arthur: include favicon.ico file in generated report 470 (12 years ago) by devin: now gets homepage and version from webcheck/ 470 (12 years ago) by devin: now gets homepage and version from webcheck/
webcheck.1 411 (13 years ago) by arthur: get files ready for 1.10.4 release
webcheck.css 294 (17 years ago) by arthur: always keep navigation on top
3 directories and 14 files shown


Name Value
svn:ignore build dist webcheck.egg-info