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File Last Change
docs/ 162 (12 years ago) by arthur: generate documentation using Sphinx
stdnum/ 176 (11 years ago) by arthur: generate part of the stdnum docstring based on introspection of the modules
tests/ 174 (12 years ago) by arthur: re-add Python3 support
COPYING 10 (13 years ago) by arthur: include some more files in the source distribution
ChangeLog 172 (12 years ago) by arthur: get files ready for 0.7 release 10 (13 years ago) by arthur: include some more files in the source distribution
NEWS 172 (12 years ago) by arthur: get files ready for 0.7 release
README 169 (12 years ago) by arthur: use a script to generate the list of number formats in stdnum 81 (12 years ago) by arthur: remove unneeded import 83 (12 years ago) by arthur: add an IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) module 76 (12 years ago) by arthur: make source code layout follow PEP8 more 76 (12 years ago) by arthur: make source code layout follow PEP8 more 170 (12 years ago) by arthur: also generate a list of modules for use in the Spinx documentation
numdb-test.dat 158 (12 years ago) by arthur: rename numdb test file
setup.cfg 162 (12 years ago) by arthur: generate documentation using Sphinx 167 (12 years ago) by arthur: make script executable
3 directories and 13 files shown


Name Value
svn:ignore build dist python_stdnum.egg-info *.pyc .coverage coverage __pycache__